
I'm seeing more microblog posts (

Is anyone else? One of the reasons I was interested in /kbin over other options was this feature, but I don't remember seeing them on subscribed or all. Is this new? I'm kind of intimidated by it but ultimately know I want to interact. I'm seeing some cool stuff! It's all on magazines I have subscribed to.

Since no upvotes are possible, the 'Hot' and 'New' pages of Kbin should show the same content. That's kinda awesome (

Browsing by new was great in the early days of the first Kbin expansion, right after the reddit migration. I got to see all sorts of posts from interesting communities. Things you wouldn't normally see browsing under 'Hot'. Eventually, as thread numbers increase, I found myself using 'Hot' almost exclusively because it delivered...

/kbin quick March update (

I'm slowly catching up with backlog tasks and cleaning up instances, but there's still quite a bit to do. Day by day, I'm managing to work longer hours, but I still need some time to ramp up the intensity of work. Just wanted to let you know that there might be brief downtimes in instance operation over the weekend. I aim to...

Is kbin social and kbin cafe run by the same person? (

I am new and signed up using kbin cafe but seem to be able to post in kbin social. I am guessing each website is like its own email service from what I can see. Though I am not sure if the owner of kbin social is the same as the owner of kbin cafe. I take it anyone can set up their own kbin site and connect it to the other kbin...

I cannot see some threads. Is there something wrong with my account or is is a bug? ( Czech

Some threads that are visible when logged out become invisible when logged in. This seems to apply to all magazines and all instances - I am not completely blocked from an instance or a magazine, they just don't show all the threads. This seemingly started relatively recently, because I now cannot open a thread that I commented...

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