

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


So was this written by AI or someone who can’t really write English?


Pretty amazing story


It’s certainly possible that it is happening constantly, and we’ve only started looking for it recently. I’ve had a tinker with writing a better headline and it’s not easy. What would your short, pithy, accurate and unambiguous headline be - suitable for a non-technical audience?


Spot on


I think I volunteered to help moderate it about 3 months ago 😕

I'm seeing more microblog posts (kbin.social)

Is anyone else? One of the reasons I was interested in /kbin over other options was this feature, but I don't remember seeing them on subscribed or all. Is this new? I'm kind of intimidated by it but ultimately know I want to interact. I'm seeing some cool stuff! It's all on magazines I have subscribed to.


Perhaps you switched your view from ‘Threads’ to ‘All content’ without realising?

CDC Warns of Cow-to-Human Transmission of H5N1 Bird Flu in Texas (scitechdaily.com)

A Texas farm worker contracted H5N1 from dairy cattle, indicating a new route of transmission for the virus, which has a high mortality rate and diverse symptoms in humans. The United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a health alert after the first case of H5N1 a


Posted because it’s one of the most informative -accessible, but rigorous articles I’ve read on H5N1


If you search for @potus he comes up and you can select Follow. Content should then show in the ‘Microblog’ stream. Might take a while to start flowing, though


I’m not going to pick through his last year’s posts and make a diagnosis, but if you’ve seen no evidence of that, I think you’re wilfully ignoring the signs.

HeartyBeast, (edited )

Irrespective this thread is not about who is or is not burnt out, it's about how posts like your are what enabled the xz backdoor to happen.

I thin you need to chill a bit. Open source has a long illustrious history of people cooperating to build software and submit patches and enhancements which are then scrutinized by project leads. Yes, occasionally bad actors use this model to try and slip through exploits, but you don't throw out one of the strengths of open source because of that. You make sure mechanisms are in palce to allow robust scrutiny.

And no, I'm absolutely not going go through someone's post history and quote bits that show someone is frazzled. I expect you to have enough empathy


Sounds like a good case for someone running their own instance?




Totally awesome answer. Saving for future study.


I’m pretty sure that’s a browser feature

Why do some animals have 'virgin births'? (worldnews.infoterkiniviral.com)

Some animals, particularly certain species of reptiles, fish, and insects, are capable of reproducing through a process known as parthenogenesis, commonly referred to as "virgin birth." In parthenogenesis, females can produce offspring without mating with a male. Instead, the female's egg develops into an embryo without...


More interesting to frame it the other way around really - why would some organisms reproduce using this dangerous, complex, uncertain process called sex


Thank you. That makes sense


I love how this article goes paid only, just as Eugen is about to start answering the interesting questions. And by like, I of course mean 'hate'.


I spend a lot of time downvoting and reporting and I've volunteered to co-mod the worst offending subs that I'm subnscribed to. It's not clear that any of this has any effect.

At this point, it feels like a bit of a lost cause.


Yes, I quite often browse by new


I’ve volunteered for several over the last month. Never heard a thing. -in particular science, fediverse, tech where large amounts of spam seem to occur and which seem abandoned

What's the quickest way to find a magazine/community you've subscribed to? (kbin.social)

I've been using kbin since the Reddit exodus and I still don't really know the path to finding my way into a specific community/magazine I've subscribed to. I usually search for the name using the search function, then hope I find a thread from there in the results where I can just click directly into it. Surely there must be a...


If you go to ‘Settings’ you will see a ‘Subscriptions’ tab - all your magazines are listed in there - sadly I haven’t worked out how they are ordered.


I think one of the points - and strengths - of the Fediverse is that a single person or instance can’t make that choice for others.


So - counter-example. I'm working with a UK organisation that currently still uses Twitter. I'm trying to persuade them to start their own Mastodon instance instead. Being able to reach Threads users, in addition to Masto uses would clearly be substantial selling point of setting up a Mastodon server - given the size of the Threads userbase - and much preferable to them starting a Threads account.


How so? It's a direct benefit of federation


It might, yes. But I think the risk can be managed, with defederation if need be. I don’t think existing Fediverse users are suddenly going to defect.


You know the generic ‘we are working on issues’ page that comes up on an error.

Any chance of adding a ‘Last updated’ date stamp on that, to let users know it’s not just an old generic piece of text?


Thanks for the new banner - super helpful.


Things seem to be starting to resolve for me. I can now get to Notifications and to Newest.

Still getting errors, but now works on a retry.

A case for preemptively defederating with Threads (kbin.social)

With Meta beginning to test federation, there's a lot of discussion as to whether we should preemptively defederate with Threads. I made a post about the question, and it seems that opinions differ a lot among people on Kbin. There were a lot of arguments for and against regarding ads, privacy, and content quality, but I don't...


You are taking this massive “if” and building a whole policy of preemptive panic around it:

if we become dependent on it for content, and our best bet at avoiding that is defederate.

And if we don’t and we defederate, we’ve just cut off potentially interesting conversations with interesting people based on ideology.


What's completely nonsensical is to act like there aren't any strings attached when there are obviously strings attached.

Let's look at the strings

Meta is trying to maximize profit. Anyone who thinks that Zuckerberg suddenly cares about an open fediverse even though its values (people being on multiple instances, everything being transparent, no one person or group having too much control, etc.) go directly against his goal is either delusional or very misinformed about what these for-profit tech companies do.

That's all true. But that's not really a string - it's just a fact of any for-profit organisation that sets up an instance

It strongly benefits him to take users from Mastodon, Firefish, Misskey, Kbin, etc., and allowing ourselves to depend on him for fediverse activity puts him in a prime position to do it.

But he can do that anyway. And in fact people who who want to interact with the 140million ish Threads users currently have one option - join Threads. With federation I can communicate with Threads users without joining Threads. That needs to be factored in.


You say: The people who are at currently at this point have already gone to Threads. Then you say that if traffic from Threads is subsequently withdrawn, all the people who haven't already gone to Threads will... go to Threads.

You are basing it on the idea that Threads federating is a temporary move designed to advertise Threads. It's a theory. But seems unlikely. If Threads goes away again, I suspect that the current Fediverse userbase will, by and large still be here.


You know that you can block any instance yourself on kbin?


That's embarrassing. Quite possibly. Sorry for bothering you. Handy option though :)



To those genuinely interested in moderating (kbin.social)

@Ernest has pushed an update which allows users to request ownership/moderation of abandoned magazines. Ghost/abandoned magazines were fairly prevalent after the initial wave of hype due to users either squatting magazine names or becoming inactive for other reasons. Now is your chance to get involved, if you were waiting to do...


Has anyone actually been accepted as a moderator? I requested to help moderate /science a while ago - just because it was full of spam - and I've heard nothing - not even a rejection. Still happy to kill spam.

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