
ewan, to random avatar

I've been wondering… people on Pixelfed, are you able to see text posts from Mastodon and other microblogging software?

Alice, avatar

@ewan I only see the posts with photos, but that may be a setting that can be switched. That being said, I prefer it to be photos only.

Mastodon is where I go for words and PixelFed is where I go for photos.

crepels, to random avatar

New blog post: Understanding ActivityPub - Part 4: Threads

A first detailed look into how Threads implements ActivityPub. Learn about the data that is shared (or not), an interesting implementation of HTTP signatures, and Threads' take on quote posts in ActivityPub.

#ActivityPub #Threads #Fediverse

FenTiger, avatar

@crepels Nice article! In particular, this is the best explanation I've seen yet of the "infinite signature recursion" problem, and the way around it.

I haven't tried to talk to Threads from my own toy implementation yet. I have a suspicion that the "instance actor" requirement is going to give me a headache.

frankie, to random avatar

How did you discover the Fediverse?

For me it was me looking up alternative social media platforms on Google, as I never had any liking towards the mainstream social media platforms in any way.

Then I chance upon this "Mastodon" and am intrigued by it.

I sign up for it....
I have been here 2 years and counting! :blobcatgiggle:​

Me likey.

kohelet, avatar

I actually didn't use any of Facebook/Instagram or Twitter at all before coming here.
I might have heard of fedi via Reddit, I have interest in FOSS, decentralization and privacy, so it might have been from there.

mrdk, to random avatar

Today is John Mastodon Day: On this day one year ago, a journalist misunderstood some facts and created the person of “John Mastodon” out of them ( That day, the Fediverse got a new meme, a patron saint and a running gag at the same time.
Let us all celebrate it!

#JohnMastodonDay #JohnMastodon #Fediverse

mrdk, avatar

And it looks as if this year, John Mastodon must fight Theodore Threads. ⚔️

vsg_DE, to random German avatar

Uff @linos kann es sein, dass ich noch etwas nicht verstehe? Offensichtlich haben Menschen an meinen letzten #activitypub Post kommentiert und die Kommentare sind auch am WordPress Beitrag gelandet. Leider finde / sehe ich diese aber nicht im Fediverse am Post; was mache ich falsch?

linos, avatar

@vsg_DE Was meinst du mit "Fediverse", auf deiner Mastodon-Instanz, während du eingeloggt bist? Es ist so wie immer: du siehst nur jene Kommentare, die auf deiner Instanz landen. Das tun sie nur, wenn jemand auf deiner Instanz den kommentierenden Account bereits folgt.

carnage4life, to random avatar

Mastodon founder, Eugen Rochko, praises Threads entry into the because it makes Mastodon “a far more attractive option.”

This is fairly obvious and basic network effects since both Threads & Mastodon become more valuable as their users can now share content across these services seamlessly.

This angers Mastodon admins for whom the fact that not a lot of people use Mastodon was a selling point. They do not want it to grow and be useful to more people.

LouisIngenthron, avatar

@carnage4life And because the network effect also applies to their server costs... There's a good chance they're about to see their bills skyrocket.

liaizon, to random avatar

Way more interesting and healthy fediverse news is happening in the shadows and is barely getting discussed! Which is: Discourse has federation between different instances of itself and other #fediverse software such as Mastodon working!

attached demo video from Angus McLeod via announcement here:

a demo of Discourse to Discourse responding with a Mastodon account in between

LonM, avatar

@liaizon Stuff like this will make engaging with new online groups much easier - no need to create a new account for every single place you want to comment at.

I moderate a forum (it uses nodebb) and spam is always a concern, but then the fediverse concept of distributed server moderation and banning entire untrusted servers should help to alleviate that somewhat.

kirkman, to random avatar

Oh awesome, I open my app to find the #fediverse in a giant collective panic because a social platform owned by a giant company dares to join it.

Fedi: “I want an open platform where everything is standardized”
(#Threads enables ActivityPub)

If you declare an open standard and provide the clearly superior ecosystem, you relinquish control of who uses it just by it being open. You can’t have it both ways. Ever.

ekknappenberger, avatar

@kirkman all i have to say is death to facebook

box464, to random avatar

The proliferation of #ActivityPub is exciting. But don't dismiss those that want to defederate with corporate socials. The #fediverse was built by individuals escaping the harassment they faced on those platforms.

If you don't agree with your server admin's decision to federate with a specific domain, you can block it on your own. You have the power!

This seems preferable to an admin making the decision for all users.

Are there loopholes I'm not aware of here?

sour, avatar


is there kbin equivalent

cliffwade, to meta avatar

With yesterday's announcement that Meta is starting to test Threads and ActivityPub integration, I see the #Fediverse is at an all time high again of whining and crying and being butthurt over it all.

I get stating your opinion about not wanting them here or whatever, but come on people, don't sound like a little 2 year old who lost their pacifier. It gets old, quick.

Just mute/block and move on and be done with it all. It's really that damn simple.

#Threads #Meta #ActivityPub #Mastodon

sour, avatar


where crying

sturmsucht, to random German avatar

#Fediverse! I'm searching for a good alternative to Facebook Group (since ages honestly).

A fedi/opensource solution would be wonderful, but I'm open for freemium/commercial stuff as well.

I only found tools which aim for extreme large groups and cost several hundred a year (or even month).

Any expierence?

#facebookgroups #question

symfonystation, avatar

@sturmsucht Consider Friendica.

Kierunkowy74, to fediverse Polish avatar

@gmph postanowił zintegrować Mastodona jako system do skomentowania jego wpisu. Widzę, że komentarze wyświetlają się tylko chronologicznie - bez wątkowania w szeroko omawianym artykule, takim jak ten, gwarantuje to nieczytelny bałagan.

A, i testuję, czy wpis z /kbin pojawi się pod artykułem


Kierunkowy74, avatar


Sheril, to random avatar

“Following the #science” is not quite as simple or straightforward as it sounds. #politics

jordanreiter, avatar

@Sheril "When it comes to policy issues like climate change and public health, they frequently held the perception that scientists lack a broader understanding of how their recommendations might impact the economy, national security, or simply, the next election."

I mean, yeah OK but also people are dying and entire agriculture communities are at risk from global climate changes that politicians ignored and that are impacting the economy and national security.

pixelfed, to random avatar
richardgrant, avatar

@pixelfed Perhaps you could charge money for your official apps? Maybe have a "pro" level to unlock all the features?

Sylkeweb, to random avatar

I‘ve updated my blog post about the interconnectivity of Fediverse services with a new table. There are still many gaps where I need to test more but here we go for now:

mastodonmigration, avatar


This inter-connectivity analysis of the different Fediverse services is a great resource!

Your efforts to test all these modalities is really impressive. Thank you!

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