
reiver, to random avatar

What topics about the Fediverse, social-media, or Tech are you most curious about?

What questions about the Fediverse, social-media, or Tech do you hav?

(The Fediverse includes all the Fediverse software.)

Reply with your topics and questions.

#AllYourBases #Fediverse

benlk, avatar

@reiver Where can I find libraries for creating send-only ? I know that in theory that I just have to make the right GET or POST request, but I don't know what that request looks like or where to make it.

maegul, avatar

@reiver what’s the deal with decentralised social media protocols … like at a full comprehensive theoretical problem and solution space level.

More directly, what features are reasonably expected but unavailable on the Fedi and which are often expected but unreasonably difficult

heiseonline, to random German avatar

EuGH-Gutachter für Vorratsdatenspeicherung im Kampf gegen Urheberrechtsverstöße

Bereits zum zweiten Mal gibt sich ein EuGH-Generalanwalt überzeugt, dass eine Vorratsspeicherung von IP-Adressen zur Durchsetzung von Urheberrechten legal ist.

#IPAdressen #Urheberrecht #Vorratsdatenspeicherung #news

dyfustic, avatar

@heiseonline Urheberrecht… wir sind so tief gesunken.

Ooops, avatar


Dachtest du es gab je andere Gründe? Selbst die Möglichkeit Bürger zu politischen Zwecken auszuspionieren ist nur ein Nebenschauplatz... solange bis jemand an die Regierung kommt, der sich über die existierende Möglichkeit freut.

heiseonline, to random German avatar

Echsenähnlicher Inspektionsroboter kriecht in Wände und Rohre

Ein flexibler Roboter soll in Wände kriechen, um den Sanierungsbedarf von Gebäuden festzustellen.


640KB, avatar

@heiseonline In was für Wände soll das Ding kriechen? Meine Wände sind massiv.

Ooops, avatar


Auch die Außenwände? Die haben nämlich normalerweise 'ne nicht-massive Dämmschicht. Oder, wenn das Gebäude als genug ist, 'nen Hohlraum, der im begrenzten Maße das selbe leisten soll.

mohaneds, to random

Random Thought: I wonder when modern neurotransmitters evolved. The neurotransmitters we know and love (serotonin, gaba, glutamate, dopamine, epinephrine/norepinephrine, histamine ETC) are in use by mammals and reptiles, so i'm guessing like 10-20 million years ago. #science #neuroscience

rayckeith, avatar

@mohaneds (200-250 million years ago, for mammals.)

ButterflyOfFire, to random avatar

I have reported 1 billion spam 🥲


gunchleoc, avatar

@ButterflyOfFire I add this link when I report the current wave:

janettespeyer, to random avatar

Who can see my posts? I am super curious as to how far this #activitypub can travel? Learning the #fediverse is interesting but a tad confusing for the laypeople like me. If anyone has an analogy do share. Visualizations help. #mastodon #server #instances

Pamasich, avatar

@janettespeyer I just saw this post from kbin, a Reddit alternative on the fediverse.

Em0nM4stodon, to random avatar

Fediverse Question 🎶👀:

I'm not a fan of YouTube,
and certainly not of Google (as you might have noticed...), but one thing I'm addicted to YouTube for is instrumental long playlists of music to work.
I. Need. It :blobcatheadphones:​🎵​

Since I'm always looking for new ways to deGooglelify my life:

Do you know of any PeerTube equivalent for this?
Are there any instrumental long playlists/mixes for work on any PeerTube instances?
Or maybe another Fediverse platform would be preferable for this?

#PeerTube > #YouTube
#Fediverse #Music #Playlists



Radio Garden - Radio streaming from all over the world

hrefna, to random avatar

What I personally want more than a good test suite in , and possibly a lower bar, is a good reference implementation.

Specifically, I'd want something that:

  1. Implements all nontrivial requirements of the spec.
  2. Implements a significant percentage of the data vocabulary
  3. Can handle a nontrivial amount of traffic. It doesn't need to be optimized for it, but it can't fall over in a stiff breeze—analysis should be comparable to analysis of a prod system, just at smaller scale
hrefna, avatar

I think in many ways a test suite would be more generally useful, but part of what I personally find challenging is simply determining what it even means to "handle a response."

A reference implementation would solve this.

I know of a few efforts in this regard, but most of them seem to have an iron triangle around the three criteria above:

One or two of the three only. Never all three together.

So far I have developed some heuristics when looking at implementations here.

Pamasich, to kbinMeta avatar

I've noticed this week that I'm currently seeing no visual indication that the boost button is active. No underline, color, or anything.
It seems that a now-broken userstyle I'm using expects there to be an "active" class applied to the element, but it isn't anymore. Is that intentional?
Figured I should point this out to you in case you don't know already.


ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

@Pamasich @ernest Can confirm that this is an issue. I brought attention to it a short while back, and there are also some bugs with the visuals for vote buttons not consistently working as they should.

Dieinahole, to fediverse

Why is kbin so broken?

404's everywhere, "we're working on it" signs everywhere else.

Like sure, not being able to find my response in the pile of thread sounds like Linux problems, but how is this not loading faster and better than reddit?


My understanding is that it got a big surge of users at a time when it wasn’t really intended for the public, and is now having growing pains.

genesis, to kbinMeta avatar

Why are the microblogs not working properly?


testing, avatar

@genesis i get your question! what does annoy you the most?

datacequia, to random avatar

Any books being published about #activitypub ?

liaizon, avatar

@datacequia @evan is currently working on one now and there have been a few published in Japanese over the years and one was published in Catalan last year

MisuseCase, to meta avatar

All these folks tut-tutting about various #fediverse instances preemptively blocking #threads should be aware that many instances are taking this step because Threads is full of #transphobic and outright fascist types that #meta is either unable or unwilling to moderate and instance admins are just treating it the same way they would any other instance that has that issue.

ErictheCerise, avatar


90+% of instances should be blocking Threads just because of their normal moderation policy, not because "it's Meta".

The question people should be asking is, why aren't instances blocking Threads, when it clearly violates their content policy? (Lookin' at you

darnell, to random avatar

A few suggestions for

Too Long; Did Not Read:

👉🏾 Federating Flipboard magazines using subdomains. Instead of following all sports news from @espn you could follow magazine via @espn

👉🏾 Verification for prominent accounts & organizations (needed now as the masses on will be activating next year)

👉🏾 Custom domains (Premium feature)

CC: @mike

mike, avatar

@darnell This is so awesome! Thank you for putting the time to pull this together Darnell. I've already sent this to my board in email and flipped it into the Flipboard Team Magazine which is our private mag where we share posts together as a team. Will come back to you with thoughts next.

timbray, to random avatar

I don’t believe the EEE narrative about Threads federation. The number of #fediverse citizens isn’t large enough to justify the (substantial) investment in Fedi/Masto/ActivityPub interop if the goal is just to bring them to Meta. @mosseri explicitly said that the goal was to enable people to move off Threads and I believe him, because…


timbray, avatar

…All the Big Techs are under considerable political pressure to be less lockin-y and more interoperable. Especially in the EU. If any Threads user is free to step over to some Masto/Akkoma/whatever instance, it’s hard for any regulatory agency or politician to make a case that Meta is locking people in.

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