
hrefna, to random avatar

I don't know who needs to hear this, but the #fediverse does not need a dating app. Please please please do not create a dating app here at least until we fix some fairly substantive issues around trust and safety.


"until we fix some fairly substantive issues around trust and safety"
Given the number of people using dating apps, and the impact these can have on people's lives. I would like to see this happen one day. Commercial dating apps have a conflict of interest - if you find the love of your life they lose a customer. I don't use dating apps but if there was one with community ownership I might

sgf, avatar

@hrefna That is a mind-bendingly bad idea. I almost want to see it happen just to watch the train-wreck, and then I feel bad for thinking that, because it would be actually just plain bad.

The FOSS user-empathy-free design.

The complete misapplication of cryptography.

Some dodgy dude running a server and reading the DMs.

Trust and safety being planned for v2.

A careful design being hard, so the only implementation is someone YOLOing.

I'm deliberately not even scratching the surface.


stux, to random avatar

I think i can speak for most Fedi admins when I say;

On the #Fediverse we care a lot more about (mental) health rather than keeping you on here as long as possible so with that said...

Take a break from your feed every now and then!

Go read a book, take a walk or play a game :ed_grin:

The Fediverse will be here when you'll get back❤️

oddhack, avatar

@stux something to be said for unexpected server downtime, sometimes :-)

stux, avatar

@oddhack that's included in the "host-it-yourself-package" :flan_laugh: we're trying though 😇

peertube, to random avatar

If you missed it, we released #PeerTube v6 yesterday, packed with great features (learn more here :

Once again, we want to thank publicly @NGIZero / @EC_NGI and NLnet for their grant and support that helped us fund this years work !

collectifission, avatar

@peertube Already upgraded to 6.0.1 😊

peertube, avatar

@collectifission You are way too fast 😉 🥰

Damaskox, to kbinMeta avatar

What rules does kbin have? Like, for posting content.
I tried to google info but didn't find anything.

I have a magazine that concerns morbid curiosity so I'm wondering, where's the line 🤔 (The magazine is K18 already)

ghostatnoon, avatar

@Damaskox All I could find for instance rules for is "Harassment, hate speech, or any other form of harmful behavior will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to remove any content or user that violates these guidelines." (from the tos)

Damaskox, avatar

@ghostatnoon Okay
So, basically posting heavy gore in a neutral way wouldn't break rules?

dansup, to random avatar

I noticed the #artemis app for Kbin no longer works and after some digging it seems like the developer burned out

It's unfortunate to see, and is a reminder that we can't take the #fediverse and our developers for granted!

doug, avatar

So you're saying you're working on sharing your workload...? 😉

murmel_social, avatar

@dansup sad to hear. One of the reasons we decided to ask people to subscribe for Murmel upfront. While we are all for freedom of the web, it’s unrealistic to expect that anything running on a single person or a small-team’s voluntary effort will survive over the long-term. Life happens.

flatearth, (edited ) to science

There are those who believe they can bring into existence what they imagine.
On the other hand, there are those who don't even believe other people exist: they think their mind is the one forming images and that others are part of their mind.
As for me, I am intelligent and I believe in God.
Water did not create itself.
Let me hear from atheists who think water created itself.



Sorry. I forgot to end with "The earth is flat classroom students!"


I have a friend, who is a carpenter. I swear he can imagine a beautiful wooden cabinet, and with some hours of work with right tools and materials, honest, he can bring it into existence. It’s amazing!

Damaskox, to kbinMeta avatar

How do I add an image to a magazine so it's visible without clicking (image) links?
Didn't find info about it when searching.

jared, avatar

Add a ! Before the link brackets


Damaskox, avatar

@jared I actually noticed that there was a graphical tab in the magazine settings where the image was added.
It was just in a different place than what I thought.

avelino, to random avatar

"life" in the #fediverse became more fun after I discovered #lemmy, being able to follow and comment on topics published "there"

@fediverse !fediverse

@fediverse !fediverse

thegiddystitcher, avatar

Good effort!

Couple things: The first line of your toot becomes the Lemmy post title so keep it short and don’t add any tags (they format weirdly). Also if you tag multiple communities it’ll only post to the first.

Hi from Lemmy 👋

avelino, avatar

@thegiddystitcher great points, I didn't know about them
thank you

Lynurban, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

I need a job.

I'm wondering if any of you need a virtual assistant. I'm Lynda from Nigeria, currently unemployed, and thought maybe someone here would be interested in employing me. I have experience working with an online institute as an admission counsellor.

If anyone is interested, please reach out! #GetFediHired #GetHired #FediJobs #JobOffer #JobSeeker #Job


Lynurban, avatar

@Swim The link is for potential scam submission form.

subignition, to kbinMeta avatar

#kbinMeta Is it possible to submit a thread to a magazine hosted on a different instance? I wanted to post to a community but I can't get it to show up in the magazine selector on the add thread page. Is there syntax I am missing here or is it just not possible?



TL;DR: To create a new post anywhere in the Fediverse, you have to have an account on the host where you want to create it. (As far as I know anyway.)

To participate in comments is slightly different, and in many cases, a comment made on a separate instance (or even platform) will show up on the original instance, provided the admins of each have set up respective federation.

Nonetheless, this can also fail. Consider several people on, say, all subscribed to the same Lemmy community on some instance or another.

They'll all see each other's comments as well as the Lemmy users' comments, and be able to interact, but if that Lemmy's admin team decides not to allow external comments to be visible, the kbin folks will be talking to each other and no-one at the Lemmy, even if their comments are in response to, and show up underneath, a Lemmy user's message.

That Lemmy user would be totally clueless unless they knew to access and check. And no-one's going to want, or even be able, to do the rounds of all potential Federation sites to see if they have unfederated responses.

What would be nice is if it was possible to log in to one Federation site with credentials for another, or have some non-specific login details that are shared across multiple, but I suspect that's a logistical nightmare waiting to happen.

Since I'm over a thousand characters in at this point, I might as well explain that you're getting this response two weeks late(r) because your post showed up on the sidebar for me today for some reason.

subignition, avatar

@palordrolap Oh hey, thanks for the detailed response! I actually did some exploration and learning since I made the OP, so I can bring some info to this discussion as well in case the post floats by more people!

TL;DR: To create a new post anywhere in the Fediverse, you have to have an account on the host where you want to create it.

Thankfully, this isn't the case. I think Kbin has (or had? haven't tried lately) some UI issues that prevented you from being able to properly find federated communities to submit a post to them. I made an alt account on (linked in my profile) and I have been able to post threads on communities in other instances from there.

As far as I know, you are correct about the potential for one-way defederation causing visibility issues in the way you describe. Last I checked that was not really an intended use case for the functionality, i.e. it should normally be a mutual process, but I think that may be an area where the platforms are still experiencing growing pains.

What would be nice is if it was possible to log in to one Federation site with credentials for another, or have some non-specific login details that are shared across multiple, but I suspect that's a logistical nightmare waiting to happen.

Agreed, both that it would be nice and that it will probably never happen. :P I don't claim to know any more technical details than those broad strokes.

ramin_hal9001, to random avatar

David Pierce of

It is nice he thinks ActivityPub is the Internet of the future, calling it "the post-platform" world in which journalists, individuals, organizations all run their own ActivityPub services rather than create accounts on platforms like Ex-Twitter or Facebook. But his perspective is still limited to a world where all applications run on the HTTP protocol with DNS identifying services. He talks about the "Post On (your) Own (host), Syndicate Everywhere" (POSSE) model, and how organizations and individuals can deploy Mastodon instances on their own servers. They also interviewed @pluralistic (Cory Doctorow) which was nice.

They really should have interviewed the @spritelyinst folks to see the real Internet of the future, in which HTTP is replaced with the Object Capability Network (OCapN). But to be fair, this tech is still pretty new and maybe not yet to the point where tech journalists at The Verge would be interested in doing articles about it.

#ActivityPub #Fediverse #OCapN #Mastodon #Spritely #SpritelyGoblins

RyunoKi, avatar


I agree. While interesting I don't think it's primetime for @spritelyinst just yet.

Even more so that advertising it now could have detrimental effects.

I pointed the author to Webmentions. Encouraging taking the control of one's content.

Let's see whether the subject is picked up.

Talking to folks like @interpeer made me realise that an Internet without DNS is possible. Something that didn't cross my mind.


ramin_hal9001, avatar

@spritelyinst @interpeer @pluralistic

> "Talking to folks like @interpeer made me realise that an Internet without DNS is possible. Something that didn't cross my mind."

@RyunoKi thanks for pointing me to @interpeer . I am very interested in all of these up-and-coming technologies.

lydiaconwell, to random avatar

The #Fediverse is great.

And it doesn't need more users from lousy corporate sites.

But it could do with some new features I think.

Don't you think it would be cool if #Mastodon had a giveaway / exchange feature, maybe even a place to sell things.

Maybe there could have some myspace style page thing for creative people to make a page. Or at least, if that already exists, a little promotional thing to get people to use it more.

Make it happen now please.

purpletwiglet, avatar

@lydiaconwell I think already do what you want and could be encouraged to create a fediverse presence.


@lydiaconwell The Fediverse definitely needs more users.

reiver, to random avatar

#AllYourBases with @atomicpoet & @reiver

Should search on the Fediverse be opt-in or opt-out?

Google doesn't care if you want search to be opt-in.

The difference between 'privacy' and 'obscurity'.

#DiscoverTheGreatApe #Fediverse #Google #Mastodon #Obscurity #Privacy #Search

ATOMICPOET: "[some] people believe their posts [on the Fediverse] aren't discoverable because when you do a search for them on Mastodon you can't find them." "But — here's the problem. Google still indexes those posts. And people really only discover that — really after the fact, right? I've had a number of people talk to me and they've said to me — "hey can you remove stuff from your server because Google is indexing that stuff", right?" "And — this is a problem with the Fediverse. The Fediverse exists It exists because — well, federation means you're copying stuff from one server to another server, right?" "And if you've opted to — there's different levels of visibility on the Fediverse, right? So there's obviously "direct", in which you send a message and only one person — the person you tag — actually only the people you tag see those messages. Those are, those are direct visibility. The next one is "followers only" — So only people who follow you can see your posts, right?Okay. And then there is "unlisted" where you don't have to be a follower to see a post, but it does not show up in public timelines. Okay. " Now, so far so good — the final rung of visibility is "public", right? I've had a lot of people send public posts on the Fediverse and they believe that they're not being indexed. But unfortunately they are. And you know, it's hard to explain to these people, to a lot of people how, you know — simply how privacy works because — I get the sense quite ..."



I think it’s crucial for people to realize that Fediverse has basically no privacy protections, so regardless of what SHOULD be, fact is you don’t even have the choice.

When you post to Fediverse there is zero guarantee that your content won’t be subject to search.

It’s just part of the design of the system, for better or worse.

Fediverse was built around giving instances all the power, so if an instance wants to search, it can.


mike, avatar

@reiver @atomicpoet I believe search on fedi should be opt out, but with the option clearly communicated and not hidden. Search in social media is too critical a function to be hobbled and opt in definitely hobbles it. Your expectation of privacy on a one to many medium should be low to begin with. Insisting on default search privacy on public posts seems over the top.

veronica, to random avatar

When people make a joke, and you just happen to know an exception to the joke, there is no need to make a "well actually" post. Yes, we all realise you can use a search engine. Here, have a cookie.



Edit: I'm talking about people who argue why the joke is technically wrong rather than enjoying it. I thought that was obvious, but clearly not.

#Fediverse #Jokes #WellActually

mray, avatar

@veronica :troll: Well, actually there are exceptions to this: you can point out extra facts that even add to the joke.

Do I get a cookie now :ablobcatbongo:

veronica, avatar

@mray Ok, agree on this. Adding to a joke is a different matter. I meant people who argue against a joke. A "well actually" generally is an argument.

steinbring, to kbinMeta avatar

I have been following @milwaukee and @wisconsin from and I noticed that starting around a week ago or so, I can post to the communities but new posts and comments don't make it from to Is there a federation issue? Was something recently broken?


quortez, avatar

@steinbring can you see this?

steinbring, avatar

@quortez I can

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