
ttpphd, to random avatar

Social acceptability of psilocybin-assisted therapy for existential distress at the end of life: A population-based survey
Plourde et al., 2024

"The social acceptability of psilocybin-assisted therapy for existential distress at the end of life is rather high in Canada. These findings may contribute to efforts to mobilise resources and improve access to this emerging therapy in palliative and end of life care settings."

BrianJohnson, to random avatar

Does anyone else think that the Fediverse needs its own URL prefix?

Hear me out. There is a “mailto” prefix standard. Email addresses are identified with such a prefix. Each of my devices is individually configured how to handle it. I’ve configured my mobile device to launch a certain app. My desktop device launches my web browser and goes to a certain site. Email apps and sites know how to set this configuration and will usually prompt you at some point.

We should be able to do the same for Fediverse profiles and posts. If I click on a link to a Fediverse profile or post, the local device will know how to launch an app or browser, and in the browser case, know your “default” Fediverse instance. This can provide the same seamless experience as clicking on an email address. (If a person does not have anything configured it could default to a web browser visiting the profile/post instance just as it works today.)

What do you think?

papablue, to random avatar

Blackberry Smoke - Azalea (Official Music Video)
#greatsmokies 🌲
January 19, 2024 💮
one day closer to spring
our garden awakened 🌱
walker 🕶️ & Coco 🐈
good mornin' #fediverse 🐘💫 🎶
#ayearforart #joinin #peacenow
#leftcoast 🌊🐬
#blueshighway 🗝️

notizie, to random Italian

Threads, il nuovo social network text-based rivale di Twitter si dovrebbe distinguere per la federazione e la privacy

Oltre alle caratteristiche innovative, come la "federazione" e l'utilizzo del protocollo , solleva importanti questioni riguardo alla privacy e ai rischi associati all'iscrizione. Esaminiamo a fondo gli aspetti che definiscono Threads e il suo impatto sulle esperienze digitali degli utenti.


ben, to random avatar

Wondering how hard it would be to build the absolute minimum single user ActivePub instance.


tobyjaffey, avatar
smallcircles, avatar

@tobyjaffey @ben

Also have a look at #Seppo, who have a dead-simple installation by dropping 1 file at a shared hosting provider. Very cool, and funded by #NLnet.

I maintain the delightful-fediverse-apps list, which has a bunch of other candidates to have a peek at:

stefan, to random avatar

"We urgently need a solution that gives our government officials the power to reach everyone, and more control over the way they connect with the citizens."

murmel_social, to random avatar

"Despite the hurdles, our migration to Mastodon was more than successful and, in retrospect, the right thing to do. Not everyone, but a few of our loyal customers moved over with us - something I will forever be thankful for. Moreover, people’s reception on Mastodon turned out to be warmer than I anticipated. […] That motivated us to keep going."

@preslavrachev reminiscing on the tough year we left behind us:

Mrfunkedude, to random avatar

So I talked to someone representing the developers of #PeerTube this morning about the mobile app they are working on in 2024.

They asked me a bunch of questions about usability and my expectations and a bunch of other questions.

The one thing that I kept trying to bring to their attention was that building an app that only let's you watch videos and download them was a waste of time if they didn't include something that content creators could find useful.


tagestipp, to random German

#Fediverse-Plattform #WriteFreely

#WriteFreely ist eine freie, föderierte #Software, die sich einfaches Veröffentlichen von Texten als Ziel gesetzt hat, neudeutsch auch #Blog genannt. Die Entwicklung begann 2014. Wie auch #Mastodon u.a. versteht WriteFreely das Protokoll #ActivityPub. WriteFreely-Instanzen sind demnach Bestandteil des #Fediverse.

Larvitz, to random avatar

Just tipped #IceCubesApp for making my #fediverse experience so much better and smoother. @IceCubesApp thank you for creating and maintaining that amazing #opensource application ☺️, to random avatar

Great to see the ActivtyPub Plugin continue on a fast development timeline:

The WordPress ActivityPub plugin has been updated to version 2.0. The major feature of the release is better comment federation. Comments are now properly threaded, which makes it much easier to follow and understand threads where people are replying to each other. Comments are now also bidirectionally federated. Creator @pfefferle explains:

“When you respond to comments from the fediverse on your blog, they will now be federated. This allows you to finally engage in (threaded) communication back and forth directly from the comment section of your blog!”

#Activitypub #Fediblogs

evan, to random avatar

OK, I've got a question for #ActivityPub developers. I'm working on an extended example for the O'Reilly Media book I'm writing, focusing on the federation protocol. I'm going to cover using HTTP Signature, handling and sending the important set of Activity types defined in the AP spec (Follow, Create, Add, ...).

andypiper, to random avatar

With the news that has been swallowed up by Bending Spoons (with a track record of strip mining good tools to their doom), a #fediverse alternative to explore is Mobilizon @mobilizon

andypiper, avatar

@django @mobilizon I love that we're building a list of alternatives here!

aslakr, avatar

@andypiper @django @mobilizon I think @linos (?) are working on extending/developing the wordpress activitypub plugin to be able to add events which are comptible with mobilizon etc

BeAware, to random avatar

Browsing #hashtags is quickly becoming useless. Even important ones for #MastoAdmin like #Fediverse and #Mastodon are filled with toots of random #photos and #art. Some even promoting their #porn or #gamedev #gaming project. Even random #journal or #blog posts FILLED with random irrelevant hashtags. It's quite infuriating...if you know what I mean.🤦‍♂️😬

josemurilo, to random avatar

"ActivityPub and ATProto break in different ways.
is built around URLs and can "socialise" more or less anything on the Web, which is great, but they don't touch the underlying substrate—either you run your own server or you…are at the mercy of an admin.
, on its side, provides a good initial foundation for an extensible designed around user agency and credible exit.
…you can be guaranteed to be able to take your content elsewhere."

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