
ihavenopeopleskills, to fediverse avatar

Reddit is broken right now



Lemmy breaks when you sn$&÷;#'ifbdgide×]×$ [Unable to load content, please try again later.]


FWIW.They fixed the error.The old Reddit site was still up. Fediverse is the future! :)

simplenomad, to random avatar

Hmmm, every server I'm getting spam from has a new user in their public directory named yqqwe, and each one of these users is following mastodon_admin_yggwe on a single-user instance One can look at the 924 followers of this admin and they all are named yqqwe and they are all on servers I've been getting #spam from. #fediverse #moderation #administration

simplenomad, avatar

I've found a few of these servers do NOT have the yqqwe account on them, these tend to be more active servers with admins moderating/removing spammers. Good!

vees, avatar

@simplenomad TIL that yqqwe is a Mastodon hobo sign for "open sign-ins". I had one that last logged in today. Deleted.

yqqwe (ColoCrossing)

#MastoAdmin #Spam

raymondpert, to random avatar
masterdon1312, avatar

@raymondpert I assumed it was already happening with some of the accounts that have odd numbers that look like they come from another social network.

raymondpert, avatar


I recently had a chat with someone on kbin, or lemmy who pointed out to me that Mastodon posts go all over the Fedirverse.

I'd love to see more interpolarabilty among social networks.

You can look up your own profile, or someone you follow, on kbin/lemmy and see the posts presented differently... in magazine format etc.

Try it. No need to sign up tp look around. and many more.

ben, to random avatar

Wondering how hard it would be to build the absolute minimum single user ActivePub instance.


tobyjaffey, avatar
smallcircles, avatar

@tobyjaffey @ben

Also have a look at #Seppo, who have a dead-simple installation by dropping 1 file at a shared hosting provider. Very cool, and funded by #NLnet.

I maintain the delightful-fediverse-apps list, which has a bunch of other candidates to have a peek at:

peertube, to random avatar

We are in the process of developing a mobile application in 2024 🎉 :peertube:

Before starting the technical development, we felt it was important to understand the expectations of people who are watching #PeerTube videos.

We're looking for a few people to take part in a short 30 minutes video conference during the week of 15-19 January to find out more about your needs and opinions regarding the adaptation of PeerTube as a mobile application.

Send us a direct message if you're interested!

kai, avatar

@peertube my wish is that the app will also run on Android TV 🙏🏼

box464, avatar

@peertube @Mrfunkedude @vkc check this out, I'm sure they would love to hear from creators on what you would like to see from a mobile app.

rolle, to random avatar

My experience so far with microblogging services:

Threads: I'm in a wrong party and don't know what to say. I feel awkward, everyone is so happy with their gym selfies. Everyone asking endless questions and asking things from the algorithm. Lots of people use it like Instagram, every post is a selfie with a meaningless caption. Some are copy-pasting the same sentence over and over again for each line. Endless quote-post memes... What the fuck is this shit I don't even...

Bluesky: A Twitter clone, but still very barebones. Notifications are still not working, there are no hashtags and I don't find any relevant content to me in any of the feeds. It's mostly Facebook-like what's up in life, furry scene and AI photos. No news, no tech/web scene, no nothing. Not to mention it's still invite-only and won't support ActivityPub (yeah I know the reasoning behind that but for me it's mostly bullshit, I look forward to trying bridgy fed).

Mastodon and the Fediverse: Here I'm at home on my own server. Most content, most features. A community is friendly but has also lots of nitpicking, some angry dudes. Still the most safest, most healthy and most customized, but somehow the most hated network elsewhere. "Too techie", they say. "Too difficult", they say. "No algorithm", they say.

Nostr: Kinda promising, but way too obscure, strange and even techier than Mastodon. Too much crypto shit.

Well, that's that. Sometimes I feel like Internet is ruined. But I believe in the open social web movement and I want to see this grow.

In no other place I can write a status update as freely as this, as long as this or with a low bar as this. I LIKE this 100%. The same can't be said in those other places I'm experimenting with out of curiosity. There I'm the weird kid. Here I feel like myself.

stalbaum, avatar

@rolle feeling you on the ruins. At the very least we can celebrate some level of disaggregation. Thanks for doing this research!

wjmaggos, avatar


I'd argue that we're stuck cause we're buying into their framing. decentralized social media is a technology, not a corporate platform. email is the best comparison. if you could only email with other Gmail accounts but Gmail was huge with lots of nice features, many would be happy with that. Same with Outlook. But when we explain it obviously shouldn't work that way, they'd have no argument. We're clunky like email was at first, but we'll obviously get better with more user adoption.

thenexusofprivacy, to random avatar

Strategies for the free fediverses

The fediverse is evolving into different regions

  • "Meta's fediverses", federating with Meta to allow communications, potentially using services from Meta such as automated moderation or ad targeting, and potentially harvesting data on Meta's behalf.

  • "free fediverses" that reject Meta – and surveillance capitalism more generally

The free fediverses have a lot of advantages over Meta and Meta's fediverses, some of which will be very hard to counter, and clearly have enough critical mass that they'll be just fine.

Here's a set of strategies for the free fediverses to provide a viable alternative to surveillance capitalism. They build on the strengths of today's fediverse at its best – including natural advantages the free fediverses have that Threads and Meta's fediverses will having a very hard time countering – but also are hopefully candid about weaknesses that need to be addressed. It's a long list, so I'll be spreading out over multiple posts; this post currently goes into detail on the first two.

  • Opposition to Meta and surveillance capitalism is an appealing position. Highlight it!

  • Focus on consent (including consent-based federation), privacy, and safety

  • Emphasize "networked communities"

  • Support concentric federations of instances and communities

  • Consider "transitively defederating" Meta's fediverses (as well as defederating Threads)

  • Consider working with people and instances in Meta's fediverses (and Bluesky, Dreamwidth, and other social networks) whose goals and values align with the free fediverses'

  • Build a sustainable ecosystem

  • Prepare for Meta's (and their allies') attempts to paint the free fediverses in a bad light

  • Reduce the dependency on Mastodon

  • Prioritize accessibility, which is a huge opportunity

  • Commit to anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, and pro-LGBTQIA2S+ principles, policies, practices, and norms for the free fediverses

  • Organize!

#fediverse #freefediverse #threads @fediverse @fediversenews

Crell, avatar

@thenexusofprivacy @fediverse @fediversenews Simply blocking Threads won't actually accomplish anything, except leave people stuck on Threads. If we want to actually help people, we need to take active actions beyond boycotts. We need to bleed users off of Threads, and we cannot do that if we block them outright.

sour, (edited ) avatar


no cooperating with north korea

dansup, to random avatar

Merry Christmas! 🎄

You can now explore popular #fediverse accounts on FediDB ⬇️

Gargron, avatar

@dansup Nice!

weirdmustard, avatar

@dansup Wished we could sort them after "last active", too, bcs some of the big accounts - of course - left again right after creating their accounts in 2022.

tomasekeli, to random

there sure are a lot of conspiracy-nuts on #peertube.

vmatt, avatar

@tomasekeli So true. It's the main reason I struggle to get in to it (as a viewer, never record anything myself). If you find any nuts-free instances I'd love to see 'em!

Mrfunkedude, avatar
rolle, to random avatar

Over the past year these are the top arguments against the Fediverse:

  1. Too left wing
  2. Too difficult
  3. Not enough people
  4. Not enough mutuals
  5. Too nerdy / too niche
  6. Too confusing
  7. Too ugly
  8. Too many different options and apps
  9. Too many servers
  10. Not owned by a corporation (yes, really, one person told me he prefers an oligarch)
  11. There is no algorithm
  12. Hard to discover people

Many of these are based on the attitude and feeling, but there is some truth to it, for example discoverability is still a bit of an issue. I personally find most of the Fediverse web UIs clunky considering the big world standards, but I’m sure they will get better over time.

#Fediverse #Mastodon

tothedaring, avatar

@rolle i think this crusade that so many on here have joined is a fruitless one. i think if we all just chilled out on here, ppl would start showing up. like, part of the issue of the fediverse is that half of the convos on here are about the fediverse or how we get more people to join.

if 30 ppl were all standing outside of a bar shouting about how great it is in there, would any of us believe them?

sour, avatar


what wrong with left wing

peertube, to random avatar

We tried to simulate 1000 viewers on a #PeerTube video, and then on a livestream. (Note that 99% of twitch livestreams are under 1000 simultaneous views.)

We optimized accordingly... And here are the results: it works!

With a ~20$ server, PeerTube can now support such usecases.

Read all about these stress tests on our blog :

shalien, avatar

@peertube ... I am this close to actually try to setup a peertube server now .

pragmakist, avatar



What can I say?

I found that part to be surprisingly easy; so if you do hit a snag reach out.

danyork, to random avatar

Advocates for #ActivityPub - IF YOU HAVE A #WORDPRESS SITE, have you installed the ActivityPub plugin?

At the State of the Word address this week, Matt Mullenweg was asked about support for the plugin, and he commented that less than 5,000 sites had installed it. So he wasn't sure how interested people are in it.

So... if you have a WP site, let's start installing that plugin and making more sites available via ActivityPub! 😀

#StateOfTheWord #SotW


@danyork was he talking about plugins enabled on all WordPress installs or on

danyork, avatar

@warrows He was talking about installations of the plugin in WordPress installs. When you install from the central plugin repository, they gather a count of how many sites have installed a plugin. And that number shows on the plugin page, and can help give people considering a plugin a sense of how actively the plugin is used.

Right now it says:

Active Installations: 4000+

ernest, to kbinMeta avatar

@testing Can you repeat your tests regarding tags between kbin and other instances? It should be significantly better ;)


testing, avatar

thank you! tags from kbin do federate on microblogging fedi - kbin users should use the the tags section rather than the text body though

  1. i also had a look at friendica; sadly, friendica seems not to be capable to pick up tagged posts from kbin > see e.g. > tried my luck at several friendica instances, and every time: no content from kbin
  2. tags in kbin threads do not display on kbin pwa, e.g. > on microblogging fedi platforms, i can see three tags: kbin, fediverse, and kbinDevlog for the magazine > with kbin pwa, neither kbin nor fediverse show up
ernest, avatar

@testing Thanks for the summary. I will check those cases.

mastodonmigration, to random avatar

Mastodon News

In case you missed it, this is huge!

Folks, perhaps the biggest Fediverse news of the week (the month? year?) is that the W3C @w3c, essentially the organization that manages the entire internet, has shut down its social media presence on Twitter and moved to Mastodon, and is encouraging others to do the same.

"W3C has posted that we are no longer active on X/Twitter and have directed all our followers here to Mastodon." >>>

#MastodonNews #Fediverse #W3C

bortzmeyer, avatar

@mastodonmigration @w3c "the organization that manages the entire internet" No, absolutely no. This sentence is so absurd that you should correct your toot.

mastodonmigration, avatar


Edited to clarify description of W3C as the main standards organization for the internet, not the "manager" of the internet.

Damaskox, to kbinMeta avatar

Anyone else getting errors when trying to upvote a thread?


ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

@Damaskox I get them every now and then trying to upvote, downvote, or boost something, but it's extremely random. Usually, I find that going to the activity tab and upvoting from there helps

SharkAttak, avatar

Yes I do, just like kbin seems to forget my login often. Looks to me like it needs to reminded you're logged in and therefore can up/downvote without errors.

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