
Sheril, to random avatar

“Man the Hunter has dominated the study of human evolution for nearly half a century & pervaded popular culture. [But] it was the arrival of agriculture that led to rigid gendered roles & economic inequality. Hunting belonged to everyone.”

The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt & Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong

LiberalEd, avatar


There is much more evidence for my theory that men evolved to brag and women evolved to eye-roll.

just_a_frog, avatar


Cool. Now go and actually read the article.

Damaskox, (edited ) to kbinMeta avatar

How do you crosspost (in

jeena, avatar
ernest, avatar

@Damaskox It still requires work. Currently, it's more about presenting threads.

sickmatter, to fedia avatar

ActivityPub could be a little more portable through the use of OIDC. You could even separate identities from instances!


Thanks, I’ll have to read up on that!

sickmatter, avatar

Let me know if it ends up making any sense. I use this (alongside a few other ways of authenticating), and I still find the details a bit hard to follow. Configuring it in an application is the easy part; figuring out how it all interacts with your own system can get complicated if you need more info than what’s provided in the user info endpoint (honestly more of an enterprise problem than something we deal with outside of the office)

derthomas, to random avatar

It seems like the hype for is over. The few communities I followed are either abandoned or fed solely by bots.
What a shame. Going back to is not an option either though.

derthomas, avatar

@db0 I don't doubt that there are very active communities, but all "my" communities are not, unfortunately.

db0, avatar

@derthomas In my experience, all it takes is one dedicated poster to get things going. You can try to crosspost stuff from reddit when appropriate, which will attract more people. No easy solutions except doing something about it.

davemark, to random avatar

New vaccine strategy eliminates need for boosters:

"RNA-based vaccine strategy that is effective against any strain of a virus and can be used safely even by babies or the immunocompromised"

  • "one and done" approach
  • targets a part of the viral genome that is common to all strains of a virus
  • tested in mice

Details here...

davemark, avatar

@Bizarroland I’m scared of H 😳

Bizarroland, avatar

If you're worried about it they make a preparation

ValueSubtracted, to quarks avatar

Paramount’s CFO Is Focused on “Getting the Most Out of Every Single Dollar We Invest in Content”



They should try investing a single dollar into their shit app.

ValueSubtracted, avatar

This is also the advantage of public broadcasting - they can put more emphasis on that sort of thing without worrying about profit.

All of which is to say, support your public broadcasters, people!

zdl, to random avatar

I'm calling it now.

The sheer number of #Zuckerberg (and others) #quislings in the #Fediverse is going to kill it. Inside of five years #independent, #distributed #SocialMedia will be dead for all practical purposes, and the people holding the daggers covered in its blood will be those who were inside it.

#Facebook's "#Threads" was a test of the Fediverse and the Fediverse has failed with stunning rapidity. Inside of five years we'll be back to #corporatist #AntisocialMedia

Enjoy the ads!

sour, (edited ) avatar


is no point to leaving big company platform if you as obsessed with numbers as shareholder there

zdl, avatar

@sour @fsf @dsfgs 🤷‍♀️

evan, to random avatar

I'm interested in hearing from #ActivityPub developers who've successfully mapped #OpenGraph properties from <meta> tags in Web pages onto the Page type and its properties in AS2.

trwnh, avatar

@evan yes, and it creates a sort of "thundering herd" unintentional ddos for web sites on underpowered providers. there have been ideas on how to solve the trust issue, like randomly verifying some small subset and tracking reputation, or like deferring to a semi-centralized pre-trusted "link preview provider" that is shared between several instances, or even simply ignoring the issue and depending on people to report misleading links. (i prefer the provider approach)

evan, avatar

@trwnh another option is accepting the sender-provided metadata to start, and then verifying on a schedule that recognizes that thundering herd problem -- say, a randomized delay between 1 and 300 seconds, with an exponential backoff. And I definitely think having a trusted shared caching server can help immensely.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Now that for-profit tech companies are beginning to implement , I think it's important to establish what we want with the and whether federation with , , Tumblr, and the like bring us closer to or further from those goals.

With that in mind, I've come up with a few statements (in no particular order) that describe what I think is an "ideal fediverse" — a fediverse that's not necessarily realistic but that we should aim for:

  1. No actor controls a large portion of visible activity.
  2. Users can move between instances without penalty.
  3. Creating and running an instance requires minimal effort.
  4. People on or entering the fediverse understand the variety of available options.
  5. There is no downside to using free and open-source platforms over proprietary ones.

These definitely aren't comprehensive, and if you have anything you'd add, let's discuss that! They're currently helping me reassess my stance on Threads now that Flipboard is also entering the stage, and I hope they're helpful for others as well.

I'll elaborate on these five statements in the comments.



I’d say the fediverse in general

The whole point of the fediverse in general is that there is no single “we”. There are those ActivityPub servers that one federates with and those ActivityPub servers that one does not federate with. Lack of consensus is built into the technology by design.

but I think it’s still important that everyone at least thinks about what they want the fediverse to grow into

To have wants about the social constructs that sit atop the technology is to misunderstand the technology. The technology enables your enemies/people you don’t like/etc. to communicate and benefit in all the ways you do. By design. You cannot exclude from the fediverse, you can only exclude from your server. If you have wants about excluding then you’ve misunderstood the technology.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

@rah Maybe I'm not being clear. When I say that "we" means "the fediverse in general", I don't mean that everyone should gather 'round and come to a consensus on what values they should uphold and who should be excluded. This is obviously something that should occur on an instance or individual level, as (A) there are a large variety of different people and instances on the fediverse with different priorities and (B) as you stated, anyone can implement ActivityPub and tap into the fediverse if they want to, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

What I mean is that people should be thinking about what they think instance owners should aim for and form their opinions on the current situation based on that. My goal with this post is to show what I think an "ideal fediverse" looks like and have others share their thoughts. Having thoughts about what's healthy for people on the fediverse and having wants based on that isn't misunderstanding the technology — it's simply expressing preferences.

flatearth, to science

Flat earth real life testimony 7/7

You can visit and watch the whole 7.
Joyful Christmas in advance!
🎂 Celebrate the birthday of Christ so that your own birthday will be celebrated.



It has to be a joke that you posted it on the science forum of all places.


I too love science (I loved fluid mechanics).
I love testable science.
I love empirical science.
I hate pseudoscience.

kylewritescode, to random avatar

Goood morning and happy Wednesday #Fediverse. How has everyone’s week been so far?

Let’s kick off today with our #KoffeeWithKyle chat and discuss what our plans are for today. Anything exciting or just the usual?

For me, I’m currently sitting at a local coffee shop waiting for a client’s office to open so I can make a quick service call. Then it’s off to the office for the usual. Later will be just relaxing.

#GoodMorning #HappyWednesday #CoffeeMorning

Happy Good Morning GIF by Susanne Lamb

kylewritescode, avatar

@sour To be honest I had to google that. Lol. I’ve never seen it referenced like that. Anywho, good luck! Is history a strong subject for you?

sour, avatar


no ._.

Gina, to random avatar

Hi #fediverse friends, can I ask for another recommendation?

Meeting headsets, what are we using nowadays??

graves501, avatar

I usually avoid headsets and would rather have my regular headphones (e.g. in-ears for me) combined with whatever mic I have at my disposal since I have a couple of them. Headset mics are usually crap, a 5 euro clip-on mic will probably sound better than most (gaming) headset mics.

Just thought I'd share this because we don't all have to own crappy/uncomfortable headsets with crappy mics :)

HarkMahlberg, avatar

@Gina Depending on your budget and how portable you need it to be, you could look at some entry-level streaming/podcasting mics and couple it with whichever headphones feel most comfortable to you. The two below both come with their own stands while taking up minimal desk-space.

gnulinux, to random German avatar

Die unvollständige Geschichte des Fediverse

Gestern lief eine Aufstellung der "historischen" Schritte, die zum Entstehen des Fediverse geführt haben, durch meine Timeline. Lest selbst, wie es sich in den letzten 15 Jahren entwickelt hat.

#Fediverse #Geschichte #Historie #Linux


@quincy danke, ich hatte… ist jetzt sowas wie ein Pornokanal :D
@crossgolf_rebel @gnulinux


@BrauchC @gnulinux @quincy @crossgolf_rebel Es gibt leider nur noch weniger als eine Hand voll GNU Social Server, auf denen mensch sich anmelden kann. Da bliebe nur noch, selber hosten. War lange auf LoadAverage. Quitter war nur so ein kurzer Hype, weil das eine Twitter-ähnliche Oberfläche hatte. Hypes sind Scheiße, sieht mensch jetzt wieder. Es ist egal, was fürs Netzwerke das sind, ob sie was taugen oder nicht. Mastodon, Bluesky, meta und dann die Kindernetzwerke... Mit 70 darf ich das sagen!

Damaskox, to kbinMeta avatar

Anyone else not being able to find their comment in a thread?
I have a notification of two replies but I cannot find even my own comment let alone their replies.


Damaskox, avatar

@livus Didn't see any page indicators.
Clicked oldest and still didn't find by searching my nickname.

ernest, avatar

@Damaskox Could you send me the URL from the notification via private message, please?

nw, to random avatar

Is it possible yet to follow a #Flipboard magazine like this on one the #Fediverse?


janettespeyer, avatar

@silmathoron @mike @nw @mike what is kbin?

eee, avatar


@mike @nw @mike @mike @silmathoron

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