
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

FaceDeer, in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Didn't you just see the upside too, though? You can see who's downvoting all your comments and call them out on it. Someone could downvote stalk you on Reddit (quite sure that has happened to me before) and it would be invisible and unprovable.

@billothekid2@kbin.social avatar

True, but if they hadn't seen it was me that downvoted them in the first place, they wouldn't know who to stalk, and I wouldn't have to call anyone out at all. Really though, I can still see both sides here. I'm just bitter it happened to me. Lol

livus, (edited )
@livus@kbin.social avatar

@billothekid2 I'm with @FaceDeer on this, it's way better to know you have a Downvote Fairy than to just think no one appreciates your comments.

Back on reddit it happens a lot, but the targets are more likely to feel discouraged or think the person they are replying to is the one downvoting them.

Besides, I had someone doing this to me here on kbin for a couple of days and they are not someone I ever downvoted or had even argued with.

I asked them to stop and they downvoted me one last time and then stopped. I don't think they'd realized I can see them.

So the cause isn't that people can see your downvotes, it's that some people are just dicks.


So the cause isn't that people can see your downvotes, it's that some people are just dicks.

Words to remember.

@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

They went through all the trouble to downvote every post. You lived in that user's head rent free all that time. Wear that shit like a badge of honor. They're internet points; they're not important.

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, trolls really care about being “called out”. Trolls can’t stand negative attention, so be sure to tell lots of people who they are and what they did!

FaceDeer, (edited )
@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Assuming you're being sarcastic and mean the opposite, this hasn't been my experience, actually. Just like with @livus, above, I called out a downvote-stalker once who'd been following me around and when I described how I was seeing his downvote pattern he instantly vanished. In my experience the "downvote warriors" are a cowardly bunch, they love being able to throw punches without being seen to throw punches. Once you make it clear to them that everyone can see what they're doing they crumple under scrutiny.

The trolls you're talking about are the kind that love to get into an argument with you. That's quite different.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@FaceDeer interesting, wonder if it was the same person!

The other thing that hasn't bern mentioned yet is vote manipulation is easy to spot on kbin.

When reddit first migrated here I remember someone being called out for having 3 or 4 profiles upvote/downvote all the same things.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Could be, I have no clue what their name was. I feel the worst fate for such people is to be irrelevant so I try to forget about them. :)

Yeah, the ability to spot vote manipulation is a nice one. The current interface for kbin makes it laborious to click through so many comments and posts to check, but once the API is settled it should be possible to write some nice tools for that kind of thing.

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

Okay. Yeah, I was being sarcastic, but now I see we had different kinds of trolls in mind. Thanks for taking the time to explain.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

No problem. And I can imagine that there might be some out there who would indeed be gleeful about being called out for downvoting because they're just that deep into the "raging asshole" state that any negative attention is giving them the dopamine hit they crave. But I suspect that kind of troll is going to be blatant enough that he'll get blocked or banned by most places worth hanging out in anyway.

I probably shouldn't admit it, but one of my favourite ways of dealing with a raging asshole on Reddit was to be impeccably polite to them until they blew their stack badly enough while trying to provoke me that I could report them. :) I'd only do that if they were clearly already unredeemable, though.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@FaceDeer the super annoying thing on reddit would be when I was having a polite discussion with someone and a third party came along and silently downvoted everything they said to me.

Then they'd get all annoyed assuming it was me who did it.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

A "fun" experience from Reddit that I'm glad is impossible here on kbin is when I'm in an argument with someone and they would insta-downvote every response I made to them, then vociferously deny that they were doing it even when it was basically impossible for it to be otherwise (for example if we were in a days-old thread nobody else was paying attention to and the downvote was happening within a minute or two of me posting - too fast to even have read the comment).

On a related note, I'm pleased that blocking someone doesn't prevent them from responding to your comments here. The "get the 'last word' in and then block me so I couldn't answer" pattern was even more annoying, since karma was meaningless anyway but the block disrupted the flow of informative debate if other people were following it too. In such situations I'd edit the last comment I'd made to mention what had happened, at least. Hope that shamed a few folks at least a little bit.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@FaceDeer yeah that secret downvoting thing was super passive-aggressive.

What was most annoying about blocks was that bug where you couldn't reply to anyone downthread of a comment by the person who blocked you, so they could effectively end your other conversations with other people.

HarkMahlberg, in Some turbulence on the instance
@HarkMahlberg@kbin.social avatar

I was about to report this but you're already on top it. Thanks Ernest!

ernest, in Feature comparison - kbin vs Lemmy
@ernest@kbin.social avatar

These points are not a priority, but relatively easy to achieve. They will gradually appear on the instance in between working on significant things. It's worth following https://kbin.social/m/kbinDevlog

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

I'm just wondering about 'spoiler alert' - what is it exactly? I haven't delved into Lemmy's code for a long time.

@massive_bereavement@kbin.social avatar

I would guess it's the capacity of masking text through markdown for spoiler purposes:

@Teppic@kbin.social avatar

::: spoiler masking text
Like this?
kbin does that just fine.

Damaskox, (edited )
@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

Oh my Deity how did you do that?!

I've been cursing enviously for days when I see a spoiler (system) I couldn't use myself!
I didn't get Lemmy's style to work.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

::: spoiler hidden text title
hidden text

::: spoiler hidden text title 
hidden text

Damaskox, (edited )
@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

::: spoiler test
Does this thing work?

sigh Finally.
Now I just need to find a convenient way to save this piece of code and copy-paste it whenever I need it 🤔


...except that when I wrote more text into this comment, the code broke 🤔

Upon further testing - if I edit a text, the spoiler stops working. When I update the page, the spoiler works again.

@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

::: spoiler hidden text title
hidden text

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Indeed, I missed that case, thanks.


Now I just need to find a convenient way to save this piece of code and copy-paste it whenever I need it 🤔

Honestly, I'd just suggest to add a button for it in the editor after the code one? I think it's a common enough thing to use to warrant it. For every other formatting maybe a little link for a pop up or expandable that shows the remaining formatting rules, similar to how it was on old.reddit.

@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

I wholeheartedly agree on the editor button!

@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

::: spoiler hidden text title
hidden text

@e0qdk@kbin.social avatar

Ironically, that doesn't work for me at all. (I have seen other spoiler blocks recently though, so not sure why not.)

@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

Is it browser-, operating system- or device-related?

I'm on Windows PC, Firefox, at https://kbin.social/

e0qdk, (edited )
@e0qdk@kbin.social avatar

I'm poking around at it now. I'm guessing it's probably something to do with JavaScript -- which I block by default via NoScript. (That's kind of odd though since I thought it was generating a <details>/<summary> HTML block server side, but maybe it's doing it on the client and I just happened to have JS unblocked when I saw it before?)

Edit: It looks like it is coming from this webpack'd JS file currently which I think is built from this JS source file; there is a handleSpoilers function defined which manipulates details/summary elements. Oddly, there is also PHP code for manipulating details/summary like I thought.

@ernest can chime in on if that's a temporary thing or what, but yeah, it seems to not work for me because I block JavaScript.

@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

Hmm. Okay.

Yeah I'm no code savvy so let's hope they know more about it 😁

@Teppic@kbin.social avatar


@RealM@kbin.social avatar

Yo, that is so good to know!
Wish there was a link to some quick stylesheet guide that kbin supports when you write a comment. Haven't seen this feature before.

@e0qdk@kbin.social avatar

It just got added last week. This is the post demoing it in the devlog: https://kbin.social/m/kbinDevlog/t/651148/RTR-22-Further-improvements-interspersed-with-code-refactoring

@Chozo@lethallava.land avatar

@ernest I think it's for the functionality used in this random comment I found.


palordrolap, in Feature comparison - kbin vs Lemmy

Needs a line about tankies.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

More pleasing UI


Seeing upvoters and downvoters


Yeah. The UI would be my key takeaway here. I just find Lemmy convoluted and confusing. Might be me just being too used to the old Reddit layout but I just like kbin more on that front.

0xtero, in clients are the libre future; I hope kbin catches up

There are mobile apps in development and the API is coming along.
Kbin is still just a prototype though, but it's moving along nicely.

My other feeling is that kbin is setting up to be like iCloud whereas lemmy is more akin to sftp.

I've no idea what that analogy even is, but I think the differences are mostly technical (PHP vs Rust) and UX.
Both implement AP a bit differently, but at the end of the day, they're still AP aggregators.
And that's ignoring the political issues around lemmy's codebase ofc.


Are you talking about the dev?

tacosanonymous, in Can't block Hexbear communities - with workaround

I’ve learned that if you interact with them, they’ll block you.


Yo'll still see their horrid propaganda though...



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    Yeah, for being a bunch of "totally not trolls lol" they're remarkably thin-skinned.


    That is completely normal. The one thing trolls hate is to be the target of the behaviours they love to inflict on others.

    Gordon_Freeman, in Can't block Hexbear communities - with workaround
    @Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

    I like to explore new/all sometimes to find new communitiies so that's unfortunately not helping. And it's really only a problem with hexbears, everything else blocks just fine.


    That's a fix for a different issue. Discoverability here is pretty bad, so the front page is sort of a necessary evil to me.

    Raffster, in Can't block Hexbear communities - with workaround

    Same experience here, blocking does not work, Ernest knows but I guess it's not priority number one right now. It's a deal braker for me. Thank you so much for the filter option!

    MeccAnon, in To those genuinely interested in moderating
    @MeccAnon@kbin.social avatar

    How does it work when you ask to moderate a federated magazine?

    @daredevil@kbin.social avatar

    Sorry, I couldn't tell you. I'm just trying to spread some awareness. Your best shot is asking Ernest.

    @MeccAnon@kbin.social avatar

    No worries, thanks anyway!

    @GeekFTW@kbin.social avatar

    If you didn't get an answer elsewhere yet: You click the button and it sits pending until approved (whether its Ernest approving manually or an automated batchjob I don't know). Seems to be once a day or so, so could be either but that's just anecdotal. That's it tho. Click the button and wait, no other steps lol.

    Either way, once approved the magazine will just appear in your moderated list on your profile (no notification or anything from what I've seen) and from there it's yours to do with as you want. I've claimed a dozen or so over the last day or so to delete (unused ones people sat on).

    DessertStorms, in /kbin Issues
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Just a heads up - since the recent updates, on desktop, clicking on link preview in a comment will make the link and the little icon disappear but no preview loads: https://files.catbox.moe/o41qu7.jpg
    Clicking the link itself opens it in a new tab as normal.

    tjhart85, in Why do we need approval to delete our accounts?

    The mechanism to delete your account isn't yet working and Ernest needs to manually do a bunch of stuff to make it happen, so it's not so much an "approval" as it is a notification to Ernest that he needs to do something.

    tekeous, in Are there any kbin instances which are up to date with the source code?

    I used to run an instance, and one of the reasons that I stopped was there is no good way to update it. If I pulled the source code again and recompiled the Docker it just wouldn’t start. Wiped the database and it still wouldn’t start.

    This is why I still tell people Kbin is not production ready.

    @baggachipz@kbin.social avatar

    That's a shame, because I much prefer the interface to Lemmy's.


    Interesting. I'm looking to run my own single user instance, so this is something to keep in mind I suppose.

    @zimzat@kbin.social avatar

    I was going to get involved in the development but after 4 months they still haven't merged the PR which makes it easier to onboard new developers (and also makes it easier to spin up new or update existing environments) so I've reconsidered where to spend my time. Which is a shame because when I saw kbin was built on Symfony in PHP I had very high hopes for it. I think the onslaught of new users completely overwhelmed the developer to where maintaining the instance took priority over developing it, which in the end makes it more likely to die off instead. /rant

    (the PR in question)

    e569668, in Are there any kbin instances which are up to date with the source code?
    @e569668@fedia.io avatar

    I don't know of every instance of course, but from the general purpose ones the order of up-to-date from most to least at the time of posting would be something like: kbin.run, fedia.io, kbin.cafe, artemis.camp (specific API branch), kbin.social.

    But there's also other considerations. fedia has a double post/comment issue and a low amount of 500s. Artemis has been giving me a lot of 500s, can't upvote anymore (just reloads the page), commenting doesn't always federate. Many instance admins seem to have disappeared since 3 months ago. I'm not sure what life is like on instances I'm not actively using so there might be issues unknown to me.

    Edit: the keys that I look for are localization / ui changes. "more" dropdown now has "more from domain" on updated instances. The UI for the sidebar is different, and most recently the footer is differently styled. There's also the federation list of instances page in the footer now.

    cacheson, in saving posts
    @cacheson@kbin.social avatar

    I just use the "boost" feature to save things.

    ghostatnoon, in saving posts
    @ghostatnoon@kbin.social avatar

    There's a userscript I'm using that provides a bookmark feature (among other things, most or all of which I think are toggleable): https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469597-kbin-usability-pack

    No built-in feature as far as I know, though.


    Holy cow that looks awesome

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