
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

QualifiedKitten, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers

Are you guys browsing by new? Do you moderate active communities? I'm just curious to understand why we seem to have such different experiences since I only encounter spam once or twice per week, but I definitely spend way too many hours scrolling.


Yes, I quite often browse by new

Oofnik, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers

Hear hear!

Pamasich, in What's the quickest way to find a magazine/community you've subscribed to?
@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

It's definitely not ideal at all currently. You've already found out how to do it currently, but I'd like to point you towards some alternatives that currently exist to make this easier until ernest adds something official.

Here's the userscripts I know of, each approaches the task a bit differently:

  • KES (Kbin Enhancement Suite) has a feature that brings up your subscriptions with a hotkey.
  • Improved Channel Select Menu adds your subscriptions and collections to the select channel menu. It's the one with the 3 dots and lines next to your username. This one is the only one that currently supports collections I think.
  • Floating Subs List adds a new (collapsible) sidebar to the left which contains your subscribed magazines.

Choose whichever sounds like more your thing, or try each and go with which works best for you.

If you're not familiar with userscripts: just get yourself either Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, or Violentmonkey from your browser's extension/addon store, then head to the script's greasyfork page (I linked you to them above) and click the big green button. For KES it's a bit special but just as simple, just use this link, it should bring up an installation page. After installing KES, you're looking for a wrench next to the user button to access its options and turn the feature on.

wagesj45, in [UPDATE] Issues with the functioning of kbin.social
@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

Would love a technical breakdown on what happened!

losttourist, in Last few days are the least functional kbin has been for me since the July exodus. Just me?
@losttourist@kbin.social avatar

It seems a lot more stable right now. I expect @ernest has been occupied with, y'know, actually having a life. Seeing as it's Christmas and all that.

@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

In addition to the 404 thing that has been posted, nearly every upvote/downvote/click of a page element is getting me the "We are working on resolving issues" error. Took me several tries to get here to type this, and not sure how many it will take to get the comment to actually post.

I'm certainly open to the idea that it's somehow just me though, it seemed like he was doing a lot of nip and tuck leading up to the holiday, unless I misread his devblog posts.

@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

In addition to the 404 thing that has been posted, nearly every upvote/downvote/click of a page element is getting me the "We are working on resolving issues" error. Took me several tries to get here to type this, and not sure how many it will take to get the comment to actually post.

I'm certainly open to the idea that it's somehow just me though, it seemed like he was doing a lot of nip and tuck leading up to the holiday, unless I misread his devblog posts.

@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

its gotten worse for me. I used to be able to see my notification but now get 404 for that to.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Nope, on kbin.social, still 100% 404s on the notifications page, timeouts on pages constantly, the "we're working on it" returns for pages, etc.


For the 404s, try adding ?p=1 to the end of the URL. This lets me use all and subscribed (mostly) as normal.

I think we are all SoL on the error pages though.

MelodiousFunk, in Kbin pages returning "404 page not found"

/all does the same for me

@uphillbothways@kbin.social avatar

Same. Adding https://kbin.social/all to the list above.

djidane535, in A case for preemptively defederating with Threads
@djidane535@kbin.social avatar

I don’t think it matters that much. The users are very different. Most Threads users will be Threads users, regardless of what the fediverse does.

In the contrary, if a Threads user can interact with the fediverse, he/she could change his/her mind at some point because now he/she will be aware of the fediverse (eg Meta starts to put a lot of ads, many users will migrate towards the fediverse instead of paying Meta a fee).

As a consequence, I think Threads will stay « friendly » with its users in fear everyone migrates somewhere else. Otherwise, no one will leave Threads unless there are major issues (like Twitter or Reddit). Not federating because we fear the fediverse will not grow as much as a consequence is, in my opinion, the exact opposite of what will happen.

Just look at YouTube alternatives. People won’t leave the platform for peertube because they would lost all the content. Now, imagine that YouTube was part of it, do you really believe people would stay and endure as much ads ? I believe they would leave and YouTube would be forced to refrain itself in order to keep its users, and peertube would become much more popular.

TL;DR I don’t say we should federate at any cost tough. But I don’t believe the fediverse will grow because it rejects Threads (in fact, I think it will be the opposite). The question is more something like « Do we want the mass to be part of the fediverse ? » (with all the consequences like brands starting to put ads / communicate here, and a bunch of racists & cie that could possibly be impossible to moderate).

@F4stL4ne@programming.dev avatar

People are staying on YouTube and enduring ads right now… Plus if Threads is federated they will be a part of the fedi, so no more reason to change. Why change to another instance, if you get on Threads without doing nothing and already are on the biggest instance ?

For the growing possibilities check what happened to XMPP. Is XMPP growing better now ? I don’t think so…

People won’t leave YouTube because content creators don’t want them to. That’s it.

@djidane535@kbin.social avatar

That’s what I said. People stay on YouTube because the content is locked there. If you could watch YouTube videos from Peertube without ads, I believe people would migrate and YouTube would be forced to be less aggressive with ads. I agree that’s partly because content creators do not post their content elsewhere, but that’s exactly why fediverse is nice : the content is everywhere, you can’t lock it into a single instance.

The reason for switching from Threads to fediverse is the same reason why you already left mainstream social networks. But people not aware of its existence, or locked there because the content and the people they interact with are only accessible from there, they can’t leave. That’s why many people keep a Facebook account, or why people tried Mastodon and came back to X a few weeks later.

In my opinion, if a platform can only be different from the other because of the services it proposes (instead of relying on its own content), people will be able to move easily from one platform to the other (and they will if Threads starts to abuse its position). You are afraid people will never leave Threads, but the truth is that as soon as they will have to suffer ads, they will try to find adblockers or alternatives to eliminate them. The fediverse can be this alternative.

@F4stL4ne@programming.dev avatar

And you really think that Threads in the fedi will means people on the Threads instance will know there is other instances with no ads? And you think they will care?

I mean there are ways to watch YouTube without ads for years. And most people still won’t uses them…

Moving easily won’t happen soon, because it’s not about moving (create a new account isn’t that hard), but it’s about changing habits. Changing a habit needs : to be forced on people (Meta’s way) or to be an act of will.

@djidane535@kbin.social avatar

I don’t say it will be massively the case of course, but closing the door is the best way to prevent such migration.

If I had the opportunity to move from Twitter to Mastodon without loosing any content, I would have done it way sooner (and in fact, it’s more like I had to abandon this content since it does not exist on Mastodon, the people I followed etc).

It’s exactly why people stay inside an ecosystem like Apple, YouTube, Meta Quest or Playstation, because if you leave you lose everything.

I don’t see why more people would go to the fediverse if you prevent everyone access to some content. Just like in the fediverse, if your instance does not federate with the one you want, you are free to migrate towards another instance. It’s not possible if you can’t transfer from one instance to another.

I don’t say they are saints or that we should federate absolutely with them, but I don’t believe that closing the door because we want the fediverse to grow is not a convincing argument.

@F4stL4ne@programming.dev avatar

OK so you think what happened to XMPP won’t happen to Mastodon. Fair enough.

To me the growing part is mostly to get content creator to come to the fedi with theirs communities.

I also do think Meta will do anything it can to kill Mastodon if it have the chance to.

@djidane535@kbin.social avatar

Yes, it’s just a personal opinion. I don’t like Meta at all, but I don’t think the creators will come here on their own. Besides, I am convinced that what should differentiate the platforms (even for games, movies and music, not just social networks) should be the services offered by every provider, not the content.

Also, I think they are many other arguments against federation (Is fediverse capable to moderate content coming from Threads ? Especially if Meta don’t do its part ?).

Personally, I will likely move with the content. I left Twitter and Reddit because of the ads, but I will give Threads a try as soon as it’s available in my country, and even pay if there is no alternative and the price is “fair” (unless some fediverse accept to federate). I already did it with YouTube, it’s just impossible to find an alternative and I can’t stand the ads anymore :/.

Essence_of_Meh, in Feature Requests/feedback from a Kbin magazines' moderator.

I'm not a mod, just an active user so my opinion on the first two doesn't really matter (even though I do think these would be good additions). I agree with the need for wikis as well.

That said, personally I could not care less about whether someone is online or how many people are reading specific thread - what I care about is actual interaction with other users, i.e. discussion. I treat kbin/lemmy like a forum rather than a constantly moving social-media site like Twitter so take this as you like. It's not like it would affect my use of the platform in any meaningful way.

jwr1, in Is kbin social and kbin cafe run by the same person?
@jwr1@kbin.social avatar

No, kbin.cafe is not run by the same person that runs kbin.social; here's a post by the owner of kbin.cafe and @ernest is the owner of kbin.social and the main developer of kbin. As you mentioned, kbin works similar to an email service, so different kbins (and lemmys and mastodons) can communicate with each other.


That is really cool. I dont go online often but I like that they can all communicate.

PugJesus, (edited ) in Request: Remove ability to 'boost' your own comments and threads
@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Boosting threads is useful in that it helps shift a post from 'new' (which most people don't check) to 'hot' (which is the default feed for most people). Posts from small communities often die with 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes without that.

Just did a little unscientific test. Made a post in a community that usually gets 20+ upvotes within an hour. No self-boost puts it at 1 upvote after an hour.

@cacheson@kbin.social avatar

That's because of a bug in the hot sorting. It was working fine for a while, and then broke. Upvoting your own post also fixes it. We should probably have our posts self-upvoted by default anyway, like on reddit and lemmy.

Pamasich, (edited )
@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

We should probably have our posts self-upvoted by default anyway, like on reddit and lemmy.

Well, Lemmy doesn't either. It pretends to exactly so you don't (I assume that's the reasoning). It doesn't actually add an upvote in your name and so it's also not counted as upvoted by you by other platforms. I can only guess it's trying to prevent people from adding an upvote by making them think the platform already did it for them.

Just check Lemmy posts on kbin (considering voting is public). How many of them have the creator as one of the upvoters? New posts with 1 upvote on Lemmy have 0 on kbin.

Discovered this a few weeks ago while testing some federation stuff.

@cacheson@kbin.social avatar

Ah, fair point. Either way, it doesn't make sense for it to be optional.

Tarte, in Is Kbin dying? I wanted to address the deleted thread and provide some insight into the current situation.
@Tarte@kbin.social avatar

I‘m using this website every day. Maybe I‘m missing something, but I don’t quite understand the urgency. Take all the time you need.

rbos, in Is Kbin dying? I wanted to address the deleted thread and provide some insight into the current situation.
@rbos@mastodon.novylen.net avatar

I primarily use Lemmy but I love that kbin exists, in case Lemmy's architecture doesn't work out. We need diversity in the ecosystem, and different technological solutions to the same problem. Diversity is resilience, and it's great to see the work being done.

@LegionEris@feddit.nl avatar

Same. I’m not a kbin local, but even being based in a neutral instance that blocks nothing and nobody, kbin users and content are a huge presence in my ecosystem. Kbin is an important part of the fediverse. Periods of slow growth or even genuine stasis are preferable to unsustainable long term development decisions in the name of immediate results. Better to simmer the sauce now while the pot is small than to have an enormous vat of increasingly unworkable spaghetti in a year and a half.

SGNL, in Is Kbin dying? I wanted to address the deleted thread and provide some insight into the current situation.

You're good dude. Don't be too hard on yourself or let silly comments get to ya. This place is awesome and it seems to only be getting better.

KuchiKopi, in PSA: Upvote is not an upvote like you are used to (like Reddit) - "Boost" is the Reddit Upvote
@KuchiKopi@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks! I’ll upvote this for visibility.


Bruh, you got me laughing hard.


418 upvotes / 3 downvoted = You one funny Person*

I am brand new to KBIN n loving it so far

Thanks to OP I got me answer .. that's the first thing I didn't get;
"What's the diff between n upvote and boost ? "

Toes, in Unofficial Kbin Guide is closing down

Good luck with your future endeavours

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