
What happened to embedded videos? (

For a while now all video threads are basically just opening a screenshot of the video when you expand them instead of opening the video itself. I noticed this both for YouTube and Catbox hosted videos and you now have to first open the thread itself, and then click on the actual link of the title to open the actual page where...

Marvel Studios 'Fantastic Four' poster unveiled, main cast revealed. (

Thought there may be some overlap between the F4 and Trek fandoms. I’m over the MCU overall, but as a life long F4 fan I might check this out if I hear its decent. Poster looks promising, dig the retro vibes and the team being presented as a family. Pascal seems like an odd pick for Reed Richards, but the rest of the main cast...

Improved Channel Select Menu 0.2.0 — Makes your subscribed magazines and liked channels more accessible (

One of my most wanted features as of late has been for the channel select menu to have my subscribed magazines and liked collections. Right now, it just contains some general feeds, but I thought it'd be super useful to also have your mags and collections there for easy access! However, given that Kbin development priorities are...

Request: Remove ability to 'boost' your own comments and threads (

The ability to 'boost' your own comments/threads has been used by a very small number of users in a way that seriously degrades conversation on the platform. These users constantly move their own contributions to the top of the conversation without regard to their value. If allowed to continue it will likely become standard for...

Enterprise: Where are the strange new worlds?

I recently finished Enterprise season 3, and oh gods that was a slog at the end. Like 5 plot-heavy episodes in a row! No fun, no whimsy, no exploration. It’s the least star-trekky I have ever seen Star Trek. So I finished it, and thought “can we see some strange new worlds now?” And then Archer was taken prisoner by nazis...

My first day using Pop OS

I recently decided to reinstall linux mint 21.3 Cinnamon to clean any extra packages I installed over time so I didnt have to manually look for and uninstall packages that I no longer use. Though when I tried to run lutris it would no longer run so instead of trying to get it to work I thought I would try pop os. First thing I...

Account creation issue (

When trying to register, I fill out a username, email, and password (copy/pasted from a password manager, so no chance of mistyping). I complete the captcha, check the consent box, click register, and... nothing. Page refreshes, but there's no errors displayed or anything. I've tried resetting my password, but I never get an...

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