
From cage-free chicks to puppy mills and Avian flu: Republicans are trying to roll back animal protections in the U.S. (

The Republican-led Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression, or Eats, Act aims to end the authority of states and localities to set animal welfare and food safety standards. If passed, it could also jeopardize more than 1,000 state and local health and safety laws that set food-quality requirements and stop the spread of invasive...

‘Feels horrible to say no’: abortion funds run out of money as US demand surges (

When the US supreme court overturned Roe, Americans rushed to rage-donate millions to abortion funds and clinics scattered across the United States. Now, with the first year of post-Roe life in the rearview mirror, much of that money has been spent and the flow of donations has dried up for many organizations. And yet, as states...

South Korea passes law to protect rights of teachers after mass protests over abuse from parents (

The move was sparked by the death of a 23-year-old primary school teacher in July. She was found dead at her school in Seoul in an apparent suicide after reportedly expressing anxiety over complaints from abusive parents. Since then, other teacher suicides suspected of being related to malicious complaints have come to light.

Scientists Successfully Maneuver Robot Through Living Lung Tissue (

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Some tumors are extremely small and hide deep within lung tissue, making it difficult for surgeons to reach them. To address this challenge, UNC –Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt University researchers have been working on an extremely bendy but sturdy...

New study looks again at how alcohol influences attraction (

For a phenomenon that is so deeply engrained in the public consciousness, the scientific evidence regarding what has been called "beer goggles" is surprisingly inconsistent. The term refers to finding people more attractive after drinking alcohol, and there is a wealth of scientific evidence both for and against its existence.

How Brute Violence Became Egypt’s Answer to Virtually Everything (

In Abdel Fattah alSisi’s Egypt, Telling the Truth Is a Crime. The president’s agencies have controlled, purchased, or coerced all mainstream media in the country, and opposition media in exile is largely partisan. So web platforms like Matsadaash play a valuable role as one of the last remaining voices for independent...

Fungal-Plant Symbiosis: Boosting Crop Resilience and Paving the Way for Sustainable Agriculture (

Researchers inoculated rapeseed plants with a species of fungus that is known for its ability to combat pest insects. Utilizing the relationship between beneficial fungi and crop plants may introduce a new era of agriculture where the plant resilience is improved and the ecological footprint of trad

U.S., Texas teacher fired for showing Anne Frank graphic novel to eighth-graders (

The school teacher was released after officials with Hamshire-Fannett independent school district said the teacher presented the “inappropriate” book to students. The graphic novel, written by Ari Folman and illustrated by David Polonsky, adapts the diary of 13-year-old Anne Frank, who wrote while hiding in an annexe in...

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