
bluGill, to kbinMeta

@ernest I'm trying to reply to a federated toot and the add comment button changes to "sending" for a while then comes back without posting anything.

Anything more I can do? this problem has happened before but I can't figure out when/why


ernest, avatar

@bluGill it should be okay now

insomniac_lemon, avatar


I had a similar issue responding to something in /m/random yesterday, and I ended up making a new mircoblog on (and mentioning people) instead. They saw it (and mentioned me) but I didn't get a notification and their replies don't show up even now here on kbin (I see the replies on one of their instances). EDIT: I should say the replies aren't visible on either, not sure if that's part of it

Kierunkowy74, to fediverse Polish avatar

@gmph postanowił zintegrować Mastodona jako system do skomentowania jego wpisu. Widzę, że komentarze wyświetlają się tylko chronologicznie - bez wątkowania w szeroko omawianym artykule, takim jak ten, gwarantuje to nieczytelny bałagan.

A, i testuję, czy wpis z /kbin pojawi się pod artykułem


Kierunkowy74, avatar


Sheril, to random avatar

“Following the #science” is not quite as simple or straightforward as it sounds. #politics

jordanreiter, avatar

@Sheril "When it comes to policy issues like climate change and public health, they frequently held the perception that scientists lack a broader understanding of how their recommendations might impact the economy, national security, or simply, the next election."

I mean, yeah OK but also people are dying and entire agriculture communities are at risk from global climate changes that politicians ignored and that are impacting the economy and national security.

nw, to random avatar

Is it possible yet to follow a #Flipboard magazine like this on one the #Fediverse?


janettespeyer, avatar

@silmathoron @mike @nw @mike what is kbin?

eee, avatar


@mike @nw @mike @mike @silmathoron

moira, to random avatar


Likewise, to random avatar

Social Media Differences.

FB: I’m wishing my husband a Happy Anniversary, he’s the greatest, most…blah blah blah (Y’all live in the house, I’m pretty sure he knows).

Instagram: We are in matching outfits celebrating our 10th anniversary, which is written on a chalkboard.

Fediverse: This is my cat, his name is Steven. #fediverse

e0qdk, to kbinMeta avatar

@ernest -- As requested by RTR#32, I got an error upvoting a thread.


Approximately 2023-12-04 20:50 UTC

Thread link on kbin:

URL when error was shown:

Let me know if there's any other details you need.


ContentConsumer9999, to kbinMeta

@ernest I tried to upvote this post and got an error. P.S. This happened just a few minutes ago.
Edit: I tried it again and it seems fixed.


Gordon_Freeman, to kbinMeta avatar

Dumb question. How to crosspost?


ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

@Gordon_Freeman There isn't a crosspost button, but if two threads are similar, they'll show as crossposts of each other. I'm not sure exactly what the criteria are, but from what I can gather, two link threads will show as crossposts on Kbin if they have the same link. Otherwise, they need the same title (and maybe the same photo?).

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

@Gordon_Freeman Agreed, though it would be cool to have a button that you can click to make a crosspost. Maybe it'd send you to the thread creation page with certain things filled out to make it a crosspost.

iamlayer8, to random avatar

What concerns me about the #fediverse / #acrivitypub from a user‘s perspective, is the inflation of identities that will occur as soon as you want to use feature that the platform you started on does not offer.
I am aware that this also can happen, when you use closed services, but …
A) this on of the things that make Google or Meta attractive.
B) federation to me implies the integration of several services under one identity.
So, is a #FederatedIdentity something that is being considered?

mariusor, avatar

@iamlayer8 the main issue that prevents this from being the case is that Mastodon (and the services that preceded it in some part) unified the client and server parts of ActivityPub.

Ideally an ActivityPub server should be able to accept multiple types of activities for different purposes and different clients can make use of different resulting objects. Ie, a Mastodon client can display textual objects in a twitter like format, a Pixelfed client would display image objects, etc.

mariusor, avatar

@iamlayer8 so, even though it's possible with the technology currently available, nobody bothered to implement it that way. :(

I am in the process of doing that with a suite of server/clients applications, but the work is not very close to being finished.

fediversereport, to random avatar

Last Week in - ep 46

This week's news:

  • NLnet funds a variety of fediverse projects
  • has released there latest version with a variety of new features
  • has published their recap for 2023

Read at:

blinry, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Hey :) @Piko and I are trying out #kbin as part of #fedivoyage!


Damaskox, to kbinMeta avatar

Anyone else getting errors when trying to upvote a thread?


ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

@Damaskox I get them every now and then trying to upvote, downvote, or boost something, but it's extremely random. Usually, I find that going to the activity tab and upvoting from there helps

SharkAttak, avatar

Yes I do, just like kbin seems to forget my login often. Looks to me like it needs to reminded you're logged in and therefore can up/downvote without errors.

m0bi13, to random Polish avatar

Na kanale @fruktozaur na znajdziecie fajny materiał, jak postawić sobie własnego oraz co to w ogóle jest i jak to wykorzystać, by się odciąć od "złego" YouTube:

Tutaj można zasubskrybować ten kanał w , bo działa w federacji więc i z : @fruktozaur_main

A jeśli chcecie jedynie korzystać z istniejącego Invidious, to jest wiele instancji, w tym, w której jakoś maczam palce 😉

Damaskox, (edited ) to kbinMeta Finnish avatar

Can I see which users have subscribed to a magazine? (The ones I've created at least)


jwr1, avatar

@Damaskox I don't think that's possible, especially considering users can hide their subscriptions in their profile.

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