
peter_sc, to random avatar

Anyone over the age of 30 who has spend any time in tech-adjacent spaces still cheering for "joining" the is fucking deluding themselves. We've been through so many cycles of this shit over the past twenty years, how some people can still trust to do anything remotely ethical is beyond me.

They're not here to join, they're here to destroy. This is just the most cost-effective, PR-friendly way of doing it.

Natanox, avatar

@peter_sc This. I just wish the big guys on the fedi wouldn't be so keen to put growth above anything… Eugen has proven once more he doesn't have the users' safety at heart. But I expected way better from Dan (Pixelfed creator). The fact he now also federates to Threads with its main instances is just… sad.

andrewfelix, avatar

@peter_sc Linux and open web tech is thriving despite MSofts best attempts to destroy it. The fedi will be fine.

cliffwade, to meta avatar

With yesterday's announcement that Meta is starting to test Threads and ActivityPub integration, I see the #Fediverse is at an all time high again of whining and crying and being butthurt over it all.

I get stating your opinion about not wanting them here or whatever, but come on people, don't sound like a little 2 year old who lost their pacifier. It gets old, quick.

Just mute/block and move on and be done with it all. It's really that damn simple.

#Threads #Meta #ActivityPub #Mastodon

sour, avatar


where crying

sour, (edited ) to fediverse French avatar



mike, to random avatar

The network effect for #ActivityPub is gaining some serious momentum right now. As more services adopt the protocol, more people, more communities and more content are added to the network making it increasingly more valuable for everyone. This will only accelerate in the coming months as Threads, Wordpress, Tumblr, Flipboard and others federate.

We're still in early innings but there's no way to put this genie back in the bottle. The open social Web / the #Fediverse is going to be huge.

danyork, to random avatar

Advocates for #ActivityPub - IF YOU HAVE A #WORDPRESS SITE, have you installed the ActivityPub plugin?

At the State of the Word address this week, Matt Mullenweg was asked about support for the plugin, and he commented that less than 5,000 sites had installed it. So he wasn't sure how interested people are in it.

So... if you have a WP site, let's start installing that plugin and making more sites available via ActivityPub! 😀

#StateOfTheWord #SotW


@danyork was he talking about plugins enabled on all WordPress installs or on

danyork, avatar

@warrows He was talking about installations of the plugin in WordPress installs. When you install from the central plugin repository, they gather a count of how many sites have installed a plugin. And that number shows on the plugin page, and can help give people considering a plugin a sense of how actively the plugin is used.

Right now it says:

Active Installations: 4000+

aral, to random avatar

He’s making a list,
He’s checking it twice,
He’s going to decide,
Who’s naughty or nice…
Zuckerberg is coming to town.

#fediverse #threads #moderation #embraceExtendExtinguish #dumbFucks

Damaskox, to kbinMeta avatar

Anyone else not being able to find their comment in a thread?
I have a notification of two replies but I cannot find even my own comment let alone their replies.


Damaskox, avatar

@livus Didn't see any page indicators.
Clicked oldest and still didn't find by searching my nickname.

ernest, avatar

@Damaskox Could you send me the URL from the notification via private message, please?

fediversereport, to random avatar

Last Week in - ep 47

  • 5 years of Mobilizon, with new updates and new ownership
  • Mammoth 2 launches, with more curated content
  • A closer look at Mostr, the bridge that connects with the fediverse

Don't forget there will be a PeerTube AMA livestream this Wednesday Dec 13th, 18u-20u CEST. Ask your questions now already with

Read this weeks news at:

seanbala, to random avatar

Wow #Fediverse, thanks for the help! I am genuinely surprised at how close the results were. It looks like the recommendation is to try out the #Threadiverse (#Kbin and / or #Lemmy) first - but only by 1.8% over #Peertube! Y'all must know that I've been getting frustrated with #Reddit lately. I also appreciate the recommendations for other things to explore.

Now the question is Kbin or Lemmy? Or both? (any thoughts?)

#AskFedi #RedditMigration #Polls #Technology

testing, avatar

kbin is your way to go > be prepared for bugs though: still in early beta mode, yet it works surprisingly well

testing, (edited ) avatar

@seanbala one more thing i really like about kbin: even with bad internet connection, kbin is still usable > when other fedi platforms such as mastodon etc would not work anymore, kbin still does what it is supposed to do :)

mastodonmigration, to random avatar

Mastodon News

In case you missed it, this is huge!

Folks, perhaps the biggest Fediverse news of the week (the month? year?) is that the W3C @w3c, essentially the organization that manages the entire internet, has shut down its social media presence on Twitter and moved to Mastodon, and is encouraging others to do the same.

"W3C has posted that we are no longer active on X/Twitter and have directed all our followers here to Mastodon." >>>

#MastodonNews #Fediverse #W3C

bortzmeyer, avatar

@mastodonmigration @w3c "the organization that manages the entire internet" No, absolutely no. This sentence is so absurd that you should correct your toot.

mastodonmigration, avatar


Edited to clarify description of W3C as the main standards organization for the internet, not the "manager" of the internet.

sturmsucht, to random German avatar

#Fediverse! I'm searching for a good alternative to Facebook Group (since ages honestly).

A fedi/opensource solution would be wonderful, but I'm open for freemium/commercial stuff as well.

I only found tools which aim for extreme large groups and cost several hundred a year (or even month).

Any expierence?

#facebookgroups #question

symfonystation, avatar

@sturmsucht Consider Friendica.

jwr1, (edited ) to kbinMeta avatar

@ernest, I just have a quick question. Looking at the kbin oauth documentation on codeberg and swagger, I got the impression that an authorization client needs to be registered on a server before a user can start using the API. This would be fine if kbin weren't federated, but what if a user wants to sign in to a different instance that doesn't have the oauth client I set up? Basically, I'm asking if there's a way to use the API without setting up the oauth client, but still be able to login to an account. Thanks


weekinfediverse, to random avatar
torgo, to random avatar

Happy Friday, denizens!

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, to kbinMeta avatar

@ernest RTR#32 Voting Bug Report:

Wasn't able to upvote, downvote, or boost anything in my sub feed without getting an error.

  • Opening a new tab fixed the problem.
  • Refreshing the page fixed the problem.
  • Going back to previous pages and then returning did not fix the problem.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

I'm not sure what the issue is, but it doesn't seem to be specific to any thread or page. Just that sometimes, all voting & boosting on a page just doesn't work.

ernest, avatar
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