
MegaMichelle, to random avatar

#ActivityPub has a lot of the same characteristics as email. But in email, the duties of each part of the process are split up, and you can mix-and-match software. Fediverse software is more tightly coupled than that.

SMTP is like the ActivityPub server-to-server protocol. Like in email with sendmail/exim/postfix/etc, you could have a program that does just this.

IMAP is like the server-to-client protocol. Like in email, with courier/dovecot/etc, you could have a program that does just this.

MegaMichelle, avatar

One thing the fediverse DOES have is multiple client programs. Like with Thunderbird/Roundcube/K-9 Mail, you can use a few different fediverse client apps, or even a couple that run on the web, like what's that one, Elk?

But a bunch of them, the "user-agents" are tied to the backend. Like, you can't use Mastodon's client with a Firefish server. I think it'd be better for the ecosystem if the clients were split from the servers, and the servers were split into S2S and S2C.

fediversereport, to random avatar

Last Week in #fediverse - ep 41

  • The Verge has some ideas about publishing content, and how this relates to the fediverse
  • Can Owncast create new opportunities now that Twitch does not forbid streamers from simultaneously streaming to different platforms?
  • Hearts or stars?

Read at:

luppano, to random French avatar

Et si on disait « adresse » Mastodon au lieu de « compte » ?
Personne dans le grand public parle de son compte mail, uniquement de son adresse, je pense que le concept d'instances multiples passerait mieux avec ce vocabulaire.

Le grand public comprend que le mail n'est pas une application sur laquelle on a un compte, mais juste un protocole, même sans connaître le terme de protocole.

#Fediverse #Mastodon

ramin_hal9001, to random avatar

David Pierce of

It is nice he thinks ActivityPub is the Internet of the future, calling it "the post-platform" world in which journalists, individuals, organizations all run their own ActivityPub services rather than create accounts on platforms like Ex-Twitter or Facebook. But his perspective is still limited to a world where all applications run on the HTTP protocol with DNS identifying services. He talks about the "Post On (your) Own (host), Syndicate Everywhere" (POSSE) model, and how organizations and individuals can deploy Mastodon instances on their own servers. They also interviewed @pluralistic (Cory Doctorow) which was nice.

They really should have interviewed the @spritelyinst folks to see the real Internet of the future, in which HTTP is replaced with the Object Capability Network (OCapN). But to be fair, this tech is still pretty new and maybe not yet to the point where tech journalists at The Verge would be interested in doing articles about it.

#ActivityPub #Fediverse #OCapN #Mastodon #Spritely #SpritelyGoblins

RyunoKi, avatar


I agree. While interesting I don't think it's primetime for @spritelyinst just yet.

Even more so that advertising it now could have detrimental effects.

I pointed the author to Webmentions. Encouraging taking the control of one's content.

Let's see whether the subject is picked up.

Talking to folks like @interpeer made me realise that an Internet without DNS is possible. Something that didn't cross my mind.


ramin_hal9001, avatar

@spritelyinst @interpeer @pluralistic

> "Talking to folks like @interpeer made me realise that an Internet without DNS is possible. Something that didn't cross my mind."

@RyunoKi thanks for pointing me to @interpeer . I am very interested in all of these up-and-coming technologies.

SamXavia, to fediverse avatar

I've been testing out Mbin on the instance and it sure feels faster but it also feels empty and I'm pretty sure it's because Kbin / Mbin requires someone to have searched for a user or community/magazine before you can actually see it. Seems like this could hinder smaller instances in the long run.

SamXavia, to meta avatar

I do wonder when #META will actually open up to the rest of the Fediverse. It seems like each day is moving towards that it will never be open to it.


Chais, avatar

I don’t. There are enough shitposts as it is. I’m not missing the billions of Facebook idiots.

schizanon, to random avatar

If you post on the about something awful please or it so that people can it if they are caring for their .

Thank you!

zalasur, to random avatar

It looks like is getting some free press lately, so now is a good time to let everybody know again that I have a peertube instance at

My main account is at @zalasur which you can follow from Mastodon.

I do mainly live streams there but I also upload my canning and fractal zoom videos as well, and whatever else I feel like doing 😄

lydiaconwell, to random avatar

The #Fediverse is great.

And it doesn't need more users from lousy corporate sites.

But it could do with some new features I think.

Don't you think it would be cool if #Mastodon had a giveaway / exchange feature, maybe even a place to sell things.

Maybe there could have some myspace style page thing for creative people to make a page. Or at least, if that already exists, a little promotional thing to get people to use it more.

Make it happen now please.

purpletwiglet, avatar

@lydiaconwell I think already do what you want and could be encouraged to create a fediverse presence.


@lydiaconwell The Fediverse definitely needs more users.

reiver, to random avatar

#AllYourBases with @atomicpoet & @reiver

Should search on the Fediverse be opt-in or opt-out?

Google doesn't care if you want search to be opt-in.

The difference between 'privacy' and 'obscurity'.

#DiscoverTheGreatApe #Fediverse #Google #Mastodon #Obscurity #Privacy #Search

ATOMICPOET: "[some] people believe their posts [on the Fediverse] aren't discoverable because when you do a search for them on Mastodon you can't find them." "But — here's the problem. Google still indexes those posts. And people really only discover that — really after the fact, right? I've had a number of people talk to me and they've said to me — "hey can you remove stuff from your server because Google is indexing that stuff", right?" "And — this is a problem with the Fediverse. The Fediverse exists It exists because — well, federation means you're copying stuff from one server to another server, right?" "And if you've opted to — there's different levels of visibility on the Fediverse, right? So there's obviously "direct", in which you send a message and only one person — the person you tag — actually only the people you tag see those messages. Those are, those are direct visibility. The next one is "followers only" — So only people who follow you can see your posts, right?Okay. And then there is "unlisted" where you don't have to be a follower to see a post, but it does not show up in public timelines. Okay. " Now, so far so good — the final rung of visibility is "public", right? I've had a lot of people send public posts on the Fediverse and they believe that they're not being indexed. But unfortunately they are. And you know, it's hard to explain to these people, to a lot of people how, you know — simply how privacy works because — I get the sense quite ..."



I think it’s crucial for people to realize that Fediverse has basically no privacy protections, so regardless of what SHOULD be, fact is you don’t even have the choice.

When you post to Fediverse there is zero guarantee that your content won’t be subject to search.

It’s just part of the design of the system, for better or worse.

Fediverse was built around giving instances all the power, so if an instance wants to search, it can.


mike, avatar

@reiver @atomicpoet I believe search on fedi should be opt out, but with the option clearly communicated and not hidden. Search in social media is too critical a function to be hobbled and opt in definitely hobbles it. Your expectation of privacy on a one to many medium should be low to begin with. Insisting on default search privacy on public posts seems over the top.

wjmaggos, to random avatar

The problem on a decentralized social network like the #fediverse isn't really Nazis. People who have deep sympathy for the Palestinians can come off as anti-Jewish right now etc. On a system that doesn't force you to see anything, the problem is assholes. People who come at you w/ no care for what you might not like. That's what creates a shitty experience, not people who post crazy/mean shit but don't tag others. And even considerate replies we disagree with will always be hard. #LiberalValues

makeheroism, avatar

@wjmaggos how is what you’re describing exclusive to the fedi?

I see shit I don’t like all the time because no one cares what I like.

realn2s, to random avatar

Community question

Does anyone know about a application for ? It seems that once there was but I can't find any instance.

Probably would work as well.

Please boost for reach

realn2s, avatar

@esk @funkwhale
🙏🏻 That sounds like a possible fit
Do they use ? I couldn't figure this out twice through the website.

Like always, as soon as you ask you'll find the answer 😅

"Funkwhale uses the ActivityPub protocol to talk to other apps across the Fediverse."

SamXavia, avatar

@realn2s Thanks, I've been questioning where to find a good music player on the Fediverse, Glad to hear that Funkwhale is around.

testing, to fediverse avatar

if your internet connection is slow to non-existent, kbin is your way to go > it just works (tm) even under bad conditions #kbin #fediverse

twkmr, to random avatar

I #Misskey

atomicpoet, to random

According to FediDB, #PeerTube's monthly active users (MAUs) have just doubled in size, now reaching 33,143 users compared to the 15,712 in September.

Although this increase may appear small at first glance, it's important to understand that joining a #PeerTube server is not an easy task. Unlike other platforms, most servers require users to submit an application for membership. Therefore, this spike in MAUs is not just a reflection of those attempting to join PeerTube, but of individuals who successfully applied and were accepted into a server.

It's clear that we are currently experiencing a #YouTubeMigration, and the impact could be even greater if PeerTube servers allowed immediate access for new users.


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