
official_videocave, to random German avatar


I'm happy to say that my instance is listed on now😃🎉

Please boost🙂

My thanks goes to @FediVideo for the mention.

Best regards
Admin from

jo, to random

I have been seeing lots of talk about and the "dumpster fire" that FF social has devolved into. I have a lot of sympathy for the dev team finding as we have here at that FF/IS doesn't scale well. The devolution has been more public over at FF social cos Fedi's own Guy Kawasaki was hyping it up and was part of the team until it wasn't producing the results he expected and he slinked off. I wonder if the seed funders have done the same. Chris and Kainoa had separate funders, both involved in political tech. I think they were hoping to throw some seed money at something that wouldn't drag the chain like Mastodon development and be the new Twttr for liberal politics to electioneer on. 🤮 Kainoa told me who his funder was and from that point I haven't promoted Calckey/Firefish since.

Gotta love the "but we're the good guys" tech VC people, male, white, older, cishet, been "around" social tech for a while, looking to ride this Fedi thing into "significance"/"success", who found their side project who they fed "advice" to without any real stakes/responsibility. And when Kainoa wasn't the 10x dev they hoped, they've jumped ship, not that they could do any better.

It would be nice for the sake of transparency that there was some kind of repository where such funding was disclosed. Ironic when one of the funders is about protecting democracy.

fediversereport, to random avatar

Last Week in - ep 42

  • Pebble shuts down, with some interesting reflections on building social networks. There's also a new Mastodon server for Pebble users as an experiment
  • Mastodon gives some updates towards the next update, as well as a timeline on quote posts (expect it in first half of 2024)
  • reflections.

Read at:

Lynurban, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

I need a job.

I'm wondering if any of you need a virtual assistant. I'm Lynda from Nigeria, currently unemployed, and thought maybe someone here would be interested in employing me. I have experience working with an online institute as an admission counsellor.

If anyone is interested, please reach out! #GetFediHired #GetHired #FediJobs #JobOffer #JobSeeker #Job


Lynurban, avatar

@Swim The link is for potential scam submission form.

wxfyr, to fediverse Chinese

这个怎么用啊???! 支持多少字啊?这个怎么用啊???! 支持多少字啊?这个怎么用啊???! 支持多少字啊?这个怎么用啊???! 支持多少字啊?这个怎么用啊???! 支持多少字啊?这个怎么用啊???! 支持多少字啊?这个怎么用啊???! 支持多少字啊?


box464, to random avatar

I’m starting to get intrigued by a new category of social media app. The idea is to not only to support fedi platforms with Mastodon compatible APIs, but also additional platform specific features like emoji reacts in Misskey, or even Nostr and Bluesky if you’re into that.

Instead of jumping from app to app, you view all content without losing the unique aspects of each.

@me (Sora)

#Fediverse #MastodonApps

stefan, to random avatar
weirdwriter, to random

So this was the best Fedi recap post I've read to date. #Fediverse #Mastodon

Ralphsmith, to science

Erase Watermarks with Precision

Don't let watermarks spoil your visual masterpiece. Pixbim Animate Photos AI is here to help you remove watermarks without a hint of blur. With unmatched precision, this cutting-edge tool effortlessly erases those pesky logos and imprints, leaving your images crystal clear. Bid farewell to distracting watermarks and welcome a new era of spotless visuals. Whether you're a professional photographer or a content creator, Pixbim Animate Photos AI ensures your work remains untainted. Transform your images with precision, unleash their true potential, and make your mark in the world of visuals.



This just facilitates theft.

josemurilo, to random avatar

"Joining #ActivityPub would have been a big engineering effort, but federation could have brought in enough interesting content to make sticking around be worth it."

dansup, to random avatar
subignition, to kbinMeta avatar

#kbinMeta Is it possible to submit a thread to a magazine hosted on a different instance? I wanted to post to a community but I can't get it to show up in the magazine selector on the add thread page. Is there syntax I am missing here or is it just not possible?



TL;DR: To create a new post anywhere in the Fediverse, you have to have an account on the host where you want to create it. (As far as I know anyway.)

To participate in comments is slightly different, and in many cases, a comment made on a separate instance (or even platform) will show up on the original instance, provided the admins of each have set up respective federation.

Nonetheless, this can also fail. Consider several people on, say, all subscribed to the same Lemmy community on some instance or another.

They'll all see each other's comments as well as the Lemmy users' comments, and be able to interact, but if that Lemmy's admin team decides not to allow external comments to be visible, the kbin folks will be talking to each other and no-one at the Lemmy, even if their comments are in response to, and show up underneath, a Lemmy user's message.

That Lemmy user would be totally clueless unless they knew to access and check. And no-one's going to want, or even be able, to do the rounds of all potential Federation sites to see if they have unfederated responses.

What would be nice is if it was possible to log in to one Federation site with credentials for another, or have some non-specific login details that are shared across multiple, but I suspect that's a logistical nightmare waiting to happen.

Since I'm over a thousand characters in at this point, I might as well explain that you're getting this response two weeks late(r) because your post showed up on the sidebar for me today for some reason.

subignition, avatar

@palordrolap Oh hey, thanks for the detailed response! I actually did some exploration and learning since I made the OP, so I can bring some info to this discussion as well in case the post floats by more people!

TL;DR: To create a new post anywhere in the Fediverse, you have to have an account on the host where you want to create it.

Thankfully, this isn't the case. I think Kbin has (or had? haven't tried lately) some UI issues that prevented you from being able to properly find federated communities to submit a post to them. I made an alt account on (linked in my profile) and I have been able to post threads on communities in other instances from there.

As far as I know, you are correct about the potential for one-way defederation causing visibility issues in the way you describe. Last I checked that was not really an intended use case for the functionality, i.e. it should normally be a mutual process, but I think that may be an area where the platforms are still experiencing growing pains.

What would be nice is if it was possible to log in to one Federation site with credentials for another, or have some non-specific login details that are shared across multiple, but I suspect that's a logistical nightmare waiting to happen.

Agreed, both that it would be nice and that it will probably never happen. :P I don't claim to know any more technical details than those broad strokes.

Squidcopter, to kbinMeta avatar

So many magazines that were created by default as a result only have 1 moderator: Ernest.
While this is the case, anyone is free to post whatever the hell they want no matter how unrelated or low quality. This is what has prevented me from coming back daily.


Damaskox, avatar

@Squidcopter Can you look for a magazine where folks "behave"? Where they create content that actually follows the magazine's theme?
Yeah it can take resources to find one but if could be rewarding enough for ya to establish beginning conditions for you in here!

blogdiva, to random avatar

i get the impression that all the fantasy and sci-fi writers left en masse #birdchan and they're all in the #fediverse now

msbellows, avatar

@trochee @blogdiva I mean, it has "-verse" right in the name, so of course SF writers are migrating here!

quadrivial, avatar

@trochee @blogdiva I suspect his handle would have been something like @illstillrespectyouinthemorning

wjmaggos, to random avatar

This updated page about the BBC's experiment with the #fediverse is great and it's where we should point every journalist who has questions about joining us here. The only thing holding us back from becoming "the social network for news" is that we just don't have critical mass yet. And as much as we might try to do it ourselves, it's going to take journalists convincing other journalists to invest here. Luckily, they are the perfect people to make that case, eventually.

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