
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Essence_of_Meh, in Any way to export and import subscriptions?

There's one tool for Lemmy but I never found anything similar for kBin unfortunately. Automatic account migration is also stuck as a planned feature for Mbin at the moment.

I'm afraid you'll have to do it by hand.

Suspiciousbrowsing, in So blimey - what happened there?

I ended up finding another fork Mbin, but I'll be fucked if I know how to sign up to it.

@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

Oh heck, thanks. Turns out I somehow landed on someone's dev instance and they had registration disabled

BarbecueCowboy, in So… what's going on?

I think a lot of us have had the same thoughts looking around kbin.

We all appreciate the work Ernest has done, but we really need someone to dedicate some time to picking out a team to help him, but it seems like that's not happening for whatever reason. I know there's a few other people in the codeberg, but I believe there was a falling out there. What we really need in addition to that though is just generic admins.

@ProdigalFrog@kbin.social avatar

Ernest said in a previous post with some Mbin drama that he's very, very slow to trust people, and that's why he's been slow to give anyone else admin access to the project.

That may have been okay when only a few hundred people were using Kbin, but the project far outgrew what a single person can manage, especially since he's not only the main developer of the backend and frontend of Kbin, but also the only admin, moderator of multiple communities, AND decided to tackle making a Mobile Kbin app since that other one became vaporware. That is WAY too much for a single person to handle and still have any sort of existence offline.

This has been brought to his attention, but as you mentioned, nothing changes, and he continues the cycle of putting incredible load on himself, and then burning out. It's not sustainable, and unfortunately his lack of trust in others, and an unhealthy level of self-reliance, will ultimately keep Kbin from thriving.

bridge_too_close, in So… what's going on?
@bridge_too_close@kbin.social avatar

I understand the desire to keep kbin a solo project in order to maintain control over it, but if this is going to see any success in the long term, then there needs to be a team. I like kbin over lemmy for the interface and mocroblog integration, but the spam and lack of updates are taking its toll. At the very least, there needs to be another admin or two to look after things whenever Ernest isn't around.

Pat, in So… what's going on?

At this point, the best thing would just to move to an instance using mbin, a fork created by many devs who contributed to and wanted to improve kbin but were upset at lack of progress. With Ernest's many absences all the improvements weren't being merged. Many instances using the name kbin, such as the one I'm on, have switched to mbin long ago and have many of the features and fixes that have been requested and long waited for.

rimu, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers
@rimu@piefed.social avatar

It's hard to imagine Kbin coming back from being abandoned by it's only developer, admin and moderator. Twice.

Is it time to move on?

Other Kbin instances - https://fedidb.org/software/kbinMbin instances - https://fedidb.org/software/mbin

Or try https://piefed.social for something completely different.

@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

Ernest hasn't abandoned kbin this time, he did post an update last week.

Today, I'm going for a minor procedure at the hospital, and I won't be available for the next 2-4 days. When I return, I'll push all the corrections and fixes I've been working on and present plans for the near future.

Him not being back yet probably means the hospital procedure didn't go as smoothly as expected, but he's not gone on purpose.

@rimu@piefed.social avatar

The CSAM posts from 4 days ago are still on kbin.social. They have been reported, but no action taken.


That's partly a fault of not enough kbin users stepping up to moderate magazines.

@ProdigalFrog@kbin.social avatar

It seems like having more admins here would be greatly beneficial in combatting that problem. Is Ernest open to having additional admins? AFAIK he is the only one, and he's cleary biting off more than he can chew.


I'm talking more about admins of specific magazines. I don't know where Ernest stands on instance admins.

@SharkAttak@kbin.social avatar

So you went and thought: "Let's take this chance to make an unverified claim and advertise this other instances in a single post!"
but it was a shitty move, let me tell you.

@rimu@piefed.social avatar
@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

Ernest has said in the update I mentioned in my other comment that

When I return, I'll push all the corrections and fixes I've been working on

This means he has made local commits over those 2 months that simply haven't been pushed yet.

Also, there is in fact a commit made 4 days ago. Though not from ernest.

@SharkAttak@kbin.social avatar

Call me petty but I'm gonna block this piefed thing..

Gordon_Freeman, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers
@Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

yeah, I spend more time downvoting a blocking spammers than anything else


I spend a lot of time downvoting and reporting and I've volunteered to co-mod the worst offending subs that I'm subnscribed to. It's not clear that any of this has any effect.

At this point, it feels like a bit of a lost cause.


What we really need is more people stepping up to moderate.

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

Are there some key magazines that need it? I will step up, if only to play whack a mole as I understand it.


I'm honestly not sure. I haven't been seeing too much of these problem accounts myself. I moderate m/politics and it hasn't been a problem for us yet. I would suggest making a note of which magazines you are seeing this behavior on, and if it's something that is up your alley, reach out to Ernest to ask for moderation privileges. He's very happy to give them to others who are dedicated.

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

Ya I've perused the list, but there doesn't seem to be overlap. Maybe I should just grab one, any one, to get the hang of it.

@ProdigalFrog@kbin.social avatar

https://kbin.social/m/opensource is plastered with spam, that would be a good one to moderate.

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

I'm not sure how to request that one since it has an active owner. I did request another that was available.


I’ve volunteered for several over the last month. Never heard a thing. -in particular science, fediverse, tech where large amounts of spam seem to occur and which seem abandoned

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

We could at least offload some work from Ernest

QualifiedKitten, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers

Are you guys browsing by new? Do you moderate active communities? I'm just curious to understand why we seem to have such different experiences since I only encounter spam once or twice per week, but I definitely spend way too many hours scrolling.


Yes, I quite often browse by new

FarraigePlaisteach, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers

I spend more time blocking spammers than anything else. I’m sure it will improve once this issue gets more attention, but for now I think I’ll take a break from this site.

EmptyRadar, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers

I agree that this may be the only real solution for the time being. I have personally been trying to submit good content to my favorite magazines to combat some of the spam, but there is a real influx of it and it's making it difficult to use the site.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

This might be a good idea, at least until Ernest gets back. To my knowledge, he's the only instance admin, so as long as he's inactive, the spammers won't get dealt with (especially on magazines he moderates, like /m/tech).

Ideally, there could be another admin or two to deal with this stuff when he's not available, but ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

Oofnik, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers

Hear hear!

Hello_there, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers

Metafilter had a charge of a dollar or two to sign up, and no recurring payments. Seems like a good way to prevent spammers.
Not too much of a hurdle to cross, especially if payments are thru Amazon or some other existing service ppl have trust in. Any funds go to server costs.

ernest, in To those genuinely interested in moderating
@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Yep, another way is to choose abandoned from the list of magazines, soon it will be more sensibly sorted ;)


@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

There's a 'jailbait' mag there that should just be deleted.

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

I imagine transferring ownership is a manual process, but on the off chance it's automated, I've requested ownership and intend to delete it right after.

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

I've taken care of it. 🙂

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

The hero we needed o7

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@daredevil hey how did you get rid of it altogether?

I just noticed we had a "frenworld" (copy of a subreddit that was notoriously racist, antisemitic etc) and requested ownership thinking I could delete it but now it's listed as a magazine I mod and I can't seem to either delete it or detatch myself from it. I don't want it listed under mags I mod! Help!

@Ernest @ernest @PugJesus

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

If memory serves the option is at the very bottom under the first page of the magazine panel.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@PugJesus you mean the Delete button? I hit that but all it did was change it to a "Restore" button.

I think this means people get "Empty" when they visit @frenworld. But the racist magazine is still listed on my profile as a magazine I moderate, which is the last thing I want.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Hm. The ones I deleted are removed from my profile.

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Yes, I'm aware of this. The magazine is not publicly listed as a magazine you moderate -- I do not see it listed in your profile. I noticed this problem a little over a week ago. While cleaning up abandoned magazines, I noticed in my profile it still says I have about 70 magazines that I moderate. An issue has already been raised.


@livus@kbin.social avatar

@daredevil sorry, I should have updated. I messaged Ernest and he took took it off my profile.

I didn't realise it was a known issue, I thought I was just glitching, sinci it hadn't happened to @PugJesus.

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Glad to hear you got it taken care of.

@quirzle@kbin.social avatar

Has showed up at the top of my screen among the random mags disproportionately over the past several months too. It's what keeps me off kbin when I'm in the office around people.


Seems like names like that should be in a 'if you create the mag you are automatically banned ).


This is great. I dont want to request moderation on too many so I just picked a few that I think I could handle and communities I'd like to see developed. (Specifically the manga and bitwig magazine.)

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Just a friendly reminder--claiming ownership/moderation privileges could just be a temporary thing. Implementing this system allows us the freedom to share and pass on the responsibility as our situations change. :) Best of luck with @manga and @bitwig.

DessertStorms, in /kbin Issues
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I'm sure you're aware there has been an issue with people/bots spamming CP on some lemmy instances, I'm not sure if I happened to see them before removal, or if removal still isn't federating properly (since I know the admins/mods have been trying to implement additional solutions), either way, these posts were still showing up on all/new last night/early this morning (GMT), so it might just be worth double checking on your end if there is any way to stop this.

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