
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

BiggestBulb, in Request for an off-site status communication method and more admins to help run the site & communicate with users
@BiggestBulb@kbin.run avatar

Honestly, I really fear for both kbin and mbin. I was really hoping for more substantial changes in both by this time, but honestly it's just staying largely the same.

Gordon_Freeman, in Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers
@Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

yeah, I spend more time downvoting a blocking spammers than anything else


I spend a lot of time downvoting and reporting and I've volunteered to co-mod the worst offending subs that I'm subnscribed to. It's not clear that any of this has any effect.

At this point, it feels like a bit of a lost cause.


What we really need is more people stepping up to moderate.

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

Are there some key magazines that need it? I will step up, if only to play whack a mole as I understand it.


I'm honestly not sure. I haven't been seeing too much of these problem accounts myself. I moderate m/politics and it hasn't been a problem for us yet. I would suggest making a note of which magazines you are seeing this behavior on, and if it's something that is up your alley, reach out to Ernest to ask for moderation privileges. He's very happy to give them to others who are dedicated.

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

Ya I've perused the list, but there doesn't seem to be overlap. Maybe I should just grab one, any one, to get the hang of it.

@ProdigalFrog@kbin.social avatar

https://kbin.social/m/opensource is plastered with spam, that would be a good one to moderate.

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

I'm not sure how to request that one since it has an active owner. I did request another that was available.


I’ve volunteered for several over the last month. Never heard a thing. -in particular science, fediverse, tech where large amounts of spam seem to occur and which seem abandoned

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

We could at least offload some work from Ernest

daredevil, in Cross posting norms and etiquette?
@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

I just use it to bring awareness to similar magazines/communities across the fediverse

athos77, in Combating spam on kbin - some thoughts

Another option might be that, after an account has been reported a given number of times, any further content from it is temporarily quarantined, allowing some level of moderator to check the account before approving queued and further posts. (Quarantine could also be combined with some of OP's suggested triggers.) Quarantine has pros and cons as well, but it's another option to consider.

rhythmisaprancer, in Combating spam on kbin - some thoughts
@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

I don't have anything to add but appreciate you beginning the discussion. It seems that all instances will periodically face this issue; perhaps it would be good to have a proactive plan on place for when it becomes relentless.

GeekFTW, in can a magazine be permanently deleted? i don't want to attempt to mod when post deletion/moderation is not federated
@GeekFTW@kbin.social avatar

Magazines can be deleted. There is a Delete Magazine button in the Magazine Panel of any magazine you own (on the General tab, first one).

However at this time it does not appear to be an automatic thing (I believe Ernest has to clear then manually). I've deleted around a dozen so far (which were taken care of within 24h) and have had over a dozen more as well waiting for deletion (which have been sitting there for a month+ as Ernest has been busy as of late, and then the holidays and such).


Thanks for the answer!

SuiXi3D, in [UPDATE] Issues with the functioning of kbin.social
@SuiXi3D@kbin.social avatar

Dude, you’re a trooper. Nobody said you had to do anything for anybody, but here you are making magic happen so people can continue to lurk and laugh at stupid memes.

Thank you. Seriously, thank you. Words won’t ever be enough to reflect our appreciation for your time.

Gamers_Mate, in Issues with the functioning of kbin.social

I have noticed a few (Error 50x) appearing especially if I sort by new. A sort of work around I have found is going to someones username to see what they post.
This post for example did not appear but I was able to find it by going to moderators in the sidebar and clicking Ernest.

Working on Kbin is a lot of work and as far as I know Ernest is a solo dev. So we should be patient and give him all the time he needs.

Hello_there, in Kbin pages returning "404 page not found"

I get kbin.social/undefined after scrolling infinite down a bit

@kindenough@kbin.social avatar

Same when clicking a thumbnail for me

@kubica@kbin.social avatar

it seems to be working on bursts, sometimes works fine, but sometimes anything that means loading data has problems (infinite scroll or direct load)

Lath, in Kbin pages returning "404 page not found"

You pay attention on some error pages, you'll notice the message that there's some work being done in the background for the next several days.


That's the default error text, it's been showing up for any downtime for a few months now. I think Ernest probably set that once for a server upgrade a while back and never changed it lol.

Oofnik, in Kbin pages returning "404 page not found"

I have the same problem

estoypoopin, in Someone made an account just to harrass me. how do i report it?
@estoypoopin@kbin.social avatar

Based on the first 3-4 pages of your profile, it actually looks like you’ve had a couple of different accounts downvoting everything for a week or so at a time. If it’s all the same person, then banning one account isn’t going to fix your problem, they’ll just make a new one and continue. Why not just make a new account for yourself?

Also, this isn’t Reddit. Don’t upvote your own comments.


The issue is the alt account that was created to harrass me. I know there are legitimate accounts downvote stalking me and I don't have a problem with that. I actually see it as a good thing since you can see what those other accounts are actually saying so it shows they are hypocrites and/or acting in bad faith.

@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

unrelated but i proudly upvote my own stuff 70% of the time cause i like the illusion of engagement on kbin lol. i dont think anything is wrong with it

newtraditionalists, in A case for preemptively defederating with Threads

Defederate. Meta is as close as you can get to evil actually existing. And they are the antithesis of what the fediverse is about.

@BaldProphet@kbin.social avatar

Is the fediverse a technology or an ideology? The... fundamentalism I am seeing around the issue of Threads is a little disturbing. It feels kinda culty.


Depends who you ask. A lot of the people here are against corporations owning social media. I am one of them.

daredevil, (edited ) in Blocking and Downvote Stalking
@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

I agree with you. Though, I'd also be curious to hear arguments why this shouldn't be implemented.

edit: Thank you for the replies everyone, it's helpful to hear from other peoples' perspectives.

@bridge_too_close@kbin.social avatar

If you're a bad actor, you could block anyone who downvotes your bad takes or whatever garbage you're posting, and over time, you could block most active users (or at least the ones who disagree with you) until your posts aren't downvoted into oblivion. I suppose by then, your total rep would be pretty pretty low and it would probably be easier to just make a new account.

I'm not sure how viable this would be, just a thought.

@HarkMahlberg@kbin.social avatar

This was a concern raised when Reddit updated the way blocking worked to make posts mutually invisible, between the blocked and the blocker. Some sort of scam had a cadre of dedicated users calling them out everywhere they went on Reddit. When blocking became mutual, i.e. the anti-scammers could no longer see the scammers' posts, it was believed the scammers would have a way easier time finding Marks.

@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

But if the bad actor blocks everyone, they are putting themselves into a bubble where no one will see their garbage takes.

@bridge_too_close@kbin.social avatar

Perhaps, or they'll at least remain visible to the casual users and lurkers. They would have the most influence over people who wouldn't actively downvote them, anyways. FWIW, I think there should be some measure taken to mitigate downvote stalking, but there's always one shithead who takes things too seriously and has to ruin things for everyone else.


You block someone when you don't want to see their stuff anymore. It shouldn't have any effect on whether they can see or interact with your comments and the rest of the community. If they are block-worthy, other users can block them too.

You shouldn't really care about what they have to say after you've blocked them. If others see you never engaging with them, they should get a clear picture that you don't deem a reply necessary. If you're really concerned with rebutting everything they have to write about you or your ideas, then the correct course of behavior is not to block them.

@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

Except up and down voting has implications for whether or stuff is visible in certain sorting algorithms.

@CoffeeAddict@kbin.social avatar

Could it be made that a blocked person's votes simply have no effect on the posts of people that blocked them? (ie from the blocked persons end it looks like they downvoted the person but the actually didn't.)

Also, by hiding everything from the blocked person you also run the risk of the blocked person finding out they were blocked, which is not exactly a good thing either; they could have an alt and easily see the person's content and harass them that way.


Blocking someone means that you don't want to interact with them anymore and making all of your content invisible to them is a pretty surefire way of doing that.


Yes, but making them invisible to you accomplishes the same thing and is preferable, IMO. It doesn't change what they can do. Keep in mind blocking, which can be done by any user for any reason at all, is not the same as banning, which is restricted to a smaller set of people with more power.


Yeah, I guess if they're constantly harassing you under your threads/microbologs/comments you can just report them and get them banned.

@CoffeeAddict@kbin.social avatar

I can only think of two, and they would be exploiting this system for their own end. (Also, please keep in mind that at the time of writing I am not 100% sure how kbin & the wider fediverse's blocking system works. If I have some incorrect assumptions please correct me.)

  1. They block the person to get the last word in, thereby "winning" the argument. Silly, yes, but people do this.
  2. They create a post/thread and block anyone who comments/disagrees with them. Those people can no longer interact with the post/thread. The only reason this is a problem is because it is a form of self-moderation. (Though, as @wagesj45 pointed out this could be a self-solving problem if they continue to block everyone they disagree with.)

I consider both of these to be pretty rare exploitations of the blocking system, but they happen. I guess it is a question of is this system worth it with these downsides? Some people will go to extreme lengths to harass people, so I don't feel qualified to say either way.

Gamers_Mate, (edited ) in There appears to be a bot spam account that joined 15 minutes ago.

There is now a third one but in french flavour. https://kbin.social/u/kolojengkeng
If this keeps happening I will have to make it into a list.

Edit heres another one. https://kbin.social/u/shareena
It looks like kbin is being targeted by bots I doubt that will be the last one.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@Gamers_Mate another one now called @bekecot spamming the same stuff in what looks like Hungarian.


They appear to have stopped for now.
The only one I saw is u/locutor99 which was created 11 hours ago but I am not sure if it connected to the other ones since the posts are about dubbing and not watching movies.

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