
Improved Channel Select Menu 0.2.0 — Makes your subscribed magazines and liked channels more accessible (

One of my most wanted features as of late has been for the channel select menu to have my subscribed magazines and liked collections. Right now, it just contains some general feeds, but I thought it'd be super useful to also have your mags and collections there for easy access! However, given that Kbin development priorities are...

Request: Remove ability to 'boost' your own comments and threads (

The ability to 'boost' your own comments/threads has been used by a very small number of users in a way that seriously degrades conversation on the platform. These users constantly move their own contributions to the top of the conversation without regard to their value. If allowed to continue it will likely become standard for...

Enterprise: Where are the strange new worlds?

I recently finished Enterprise season 3, and oh gods that was a slog at the end. Like 5 plot-heavy episodes in a row! No fun, no whimsy, no exploration. It’s the least star-trekky I have ever seen Star Trek. So I finished it, and thought “can we see some strange new worlds now?” And then Archer was taken prisoner by nazis...

Admin of my instance seems to have gone inactive, looking to migrate to a small instance with an active admin (

I’d like to help out with decentralization, with users not all gathering in one place, so I don’t want to go to or I did look at and the list of instances there, but it doesn’t tell me if the admin is active. I could just visit every instance listed there and check the admin’s profile for...

Yet more stability issues with (

Yesterday, the server locked up. I was able to reboot it remotely and it came up clean. After less than an hour, the server froze again. This happened several more times throughout the day. Unfortunately, there were no logs recording what happened, and nothing on the console - just frozen hardware....

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