
Mysterious Interaction Between Quantum Matter and Gravity (

Have you ever pondered the mysteries of the universe? Specifically, the mind-bending realm where quantum mechanics and gravity intersect? Well, buckle up, because a recent paper by Thomas Galley, Flaminia Giacomini, and John Selby is about to take us on a fascinating journey into this enigmatic world. Their research provides a...

Improved Channel Select Menu 0.2.0 — Makes your subscribed magazines and liked channels more accessible (

One of my most wanted features as of late has been for the channel select menu to have my subscribed magazines and liked collections. Right now, it just contains some general feeds, but I thought it'd be super useful to also have your mags and collections there for easy access! However, given that Kbin development priorities are...

Where can I find documentation on how federation works? (

I can't find anything on the specifics of how federation actually works. The op thread gets copied to any federated server? What happens if the thread is deleted on the op server? Does it still exist on all other federated servers? How do comments and votes work? That kind of thing.

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