
If Mircosoft were to fully collaborate with the Linux/open source community what would the resulting Linux distro chimera look like and how would it affect the Linux community in general?

I am aware of the Linux subsystem and projects like Linspire and ReactOS that attempt to either better compatibility between the two OSs or replicate the other but I was wondering if Microsoft were to open source the entirety of Windows what the ramifications on the Linux community would be.... has been unusably slow lately? (

The front page seems to work alright most of the time but when I try to load any thread it either loads so slowly(sometimes like 30+ seconds) that I end up closing the page or I get hit with a Error 50x page that has been saying "Over the next few days, there will be a change in server infrastructure." for a long time....

Blocking any domain seems to make certain stuff disappear (

I moderate @mcsuggestions, and today, I noticed that my comments on the two most recent threads didn't show up when I was logged in. After some experimentation, I figured out that whenever I had any domain blocked, all comments on those threads disappeared. From what I can tell in this magazine, others are experiencing the same...

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