@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar



Cripple. History Major. Vaguely left-wing.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Could blocked magazines no longer appear in Random Post and Random Thread sidebars? (kbin.social)

A lot of the larger abandoned magazines are just spam pools now. I don't see their posts in my feed, but I don't like that the two sidesbars of random posts and threads are now just spam advertising sidebars. I triedblocking the magazines, but doesn't that prevent the posts from showing in those sidebars....

I'm seeing more microblog posts (kbin.social)

Is anyone else? One of the reasons I was interested in /kbin over other options was this feature, but I don't remember seeing them on subscribed or all. Is this new? I'm kind of intimidated by it but ultimately know I want to interact. I'm seeing some cool stuff! It's all on magazines I have subscribed to.

@pgetsos@kbin.social avatar

I don't see many posts in magazines from lemmy.world, lemmy.ca, lemdroid and more

/kbin March update (kbin.social)

I'm feeling a bit better. Starting today, I'll be returning to work as much as possible. This week will likely be spent catching up on tasks, replying to emails, reading overdue comments, etc. I also need to work with Piotr on instance infrastructure. I'll be more actively handling spam as well, but it's clear that we need...

url link blocking. What happened to it. (kbin.social)

So when someone submitted a url at least at one point it would show up on the right and you could block it. So if someone posted a newsweek link you could block any link postings from like newsweek.com or maybe reddit.com or google.com. Lately though I have not been able to. It seemed to disapear at some point. I have not seen...

What's the quickest way to find a magazine/community you've subscribed to? (kbin.social)

I've been using kbin since the Reddit exodus and I still don't really know the path to finding my way into a specific community/magazine I've subscribed to. I usually search for the name using the search function, then hope I find a thread from there in the results where I can just click directly into it. Surely there must be a...

@BaldProphet@kbin.social avatar

I would like to see a more accessible list of subscribed magazines included in a future UI update.

[UPDATE] Issues with the functioning of kbin.social (kbin.social)

The main issues with the improper functioning of the instance have been resolved, but it led to additional complications. Currently, using the instance should be quite comfortable, but I will continue to work intensively on a comprehensive solution for the next few days. Therefore, occasional interruptions or errors may still...


Thank you very much!

It does seem to be pretty stable and fast today.

Also, where can I donate to support your efforts of keeping this whole thing going?

FaceDeer, (edited )
@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

So seven minutes after Zima posted about a mystery stalker dogging his every comment, you jumped in on the thread with a complaint about something he posted two weeks ago, which when you subsequently linked to it was clearly not saying what you're accusing him of saying and makes you sound like some sort of vindictive crazy person?

What a coincidence!

Let's see if a Fuckyoufacedeer account appears now.

Edit: Oh, another amazing coincidence: nine minutes after Fuckyouzima downvoted Zima's two-week-old comment, you also downvoted his two-week-old comment. And then two minutes later you made your first comment in this thread. We can see who downvotes what and when, you know.

I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you. (kbin.social)

A few days ago I downvoted someone's comment, and the next day I happened to notice every single comment I've ever made had at least one downvote. All from the person I dared to downvote the ONE time. I straight up asked why they did it, and they seem to think I'm an "obvious" troll account that "apparently just exist to...

livus, (edited )
@livus@kbin.social avatar

@billothekid2 I'm with @FaceDeer on this, it's way better to know you have a Downvote Fairy than to just think no one appreciates your comments.

Back on reddit it happens a lot, but the targets are more likely to feel discouraged or think the person they are replying to is the one downvoting them.

Besides, I had someone doing this to me here on kbin for a couple of days and they are not someone I ever downvoted or had even argued with.

I asked them to stop and they downvoted me one last time and then stopped. I don't think they'd realized I can see them.

So the cause isn't that people can see your downvotes, it's that some people are just dicks.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, (edited )
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

While that's definitely a notable downside, I think the upsides outweigh it.

For one, being able to see upvotes & downvotes seems to have made a lot of people a bit more thoughtful with handing them out. This obviously isn't the case for everyone — there's still a good bit of downvoting people for disagreeing with the hivemind — but I and others have observed that downvote quality is a lot better here on kbin.social, and I think that vote visibility is a big part of that.

It's also just transparency on kbin.social's part. If votes federate, anyone can set up an instance to view your votes or just go to one that shows them. Someone could literally make a website listing downvotes throughout the fediverse, and there's nothing stopping them. Kbin.social is being transparent about the fact that votes on the fediverse can be accessed by the public, and I have no issue with that.

EDITː Removed a stray asterisk

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