@ernest@kbin.social avatar



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

I'm currently working on solving this problem.

/kbin quick March update (kbin.social)

I'm slowly catching up with backlog tasks and cleaning up instances, but there's still quite a bit to do. Day by day, I'm managing to work longer hours, but I still need some time to ramp up the intensity of work. Just wanted to let you know that there might be brief downtimes in instance operation over the weekend. I aim to...

/kbin March update (kbin.social)

I'm feeling a bit better. Starting today, I'll be returning to work as much as possible. This week will likely be spent catching up on tasks, replying to emails, reading overdue comments, etc. I also need to work with Piotr on instance infrastructure. I'll be more actively handling spam as well, but it's clear that we need...

[UPDATE] Issues with the functioning of kbin.social (kbin.social)

The main issues with the improper functioning of the instance have been resolved, but it led to additional complications. Currently, using the instance should be quite comfortable, but I will continue to work intensively on a comprehensive solution for the next few days. Therefore, occasional interruptions or errors may still...

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

I don't quite understand what you mean. The problem is that in such a case, it's challenging to provide a specific estimate. That's why I occasionally provide updates in case the work is prolonged. It seems to me that this is how it works. Issues arose without any interference in the code or infrastructure. I addressed hardware problems, but it turned out that wasn't the only issue. Throughout this entire period, I've been attempting to ensure that the instance operates as smoothly as possible. It should be significantly better now, but I'm still actively working on it. Unfortunately, taking a holiday break here doesn't help either.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Issues like the one that occurred are typically resolved within an hour, hence this post - mainly to quickly inform that work is underway on it. But you're right, I'll strive to improve communication in the future. Your examples gave me something to think about, thanks.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, It's true. Since Sunday, I've been noting errors that I'm still working on resolving. It doesn't make it easier that it's the post-holiday period, and due to travels and security measures, it's not the easiest task. I'm working to get everything back to normal as soon as possible.


Is there a maximum size for Kbin thumbnails to federate from other instances? (kbin.social)

Posting pictures from Lemmy.world since I still have trouble uploading on Kbin, but sometimes the pictures don't appear as a thumbnail on Kbin regardless of how long I wait for it to federate. Clicking on it still opens the direct image link, but there's no thumbnail when scrolling past in the feed. Is there a max image size or...

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

By default, it's 11MB if I remember correctly. However, during the recent issues with the instance, we could modify this value at the server level. Once Piotr is back, I'll verify and restore the default values.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Hey, I will get back to this thread and the comments at the beginning of next week. I am able to quickly address some of the issues you mentioned in your post. Changes will undoubtedly be implemented gradually, but for now, the redesign of the ActivityPub module takes higher priority. Once that is completed, the development of the frontend part of the platfrom will truly pick up pace.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Additionally, the suspension of other work was a conscious decision on my part. I believe that the code at this stage needs to be deeply refactored, and that's exactly what I am doing. Solid foundations are the only option for the project to survive and grow in the long term, and to be properly scalable. Adding more blocks to what I have always considered a prototype (which forks do) makes no sense to me.

Damaskox, to kbinMeta
@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

Anyone else not being able to find their comment in a thread?
I have a notification of two replies but I cannot find even my own comment let alone their replies.


@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@Damaskox Pagination? I plan to fix that in the coming days.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@Damaskox Could you send me the URL from the notification via private message, please?

ernest, to kbinMeta
@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@testing Can you repeat your tests regarding tags between kbin and other instances? It should be significantly better ;)


@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@testing Thanks for the summary. I will check those cases.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, to kbinMeta
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

@ernest RTR#32 Voting Bug Report:

Wasn't able to upvote, downvote, or boost anything in my sub feed without getting an error.

  • Opening a new tab fixed the problem.
  • Refreshing the page fixed the problem.
  • Going back to previous pages and then returning did not fix the problem.


@ernest@kbin.social avatar
bluGill, to kbinMeta

@ernest I'm trying to reply to a federated toot and the add comment button changes to "sending" for a while then comes back without posting anything.


Anything more I can do? this problem has happened before but I can't figure out when/why

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@bluGill I will check what's happening, there seems to be some issue.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@bluGill it should be okay now

RTR#32 Further refactoring, debugging voting errors (kbin.social)

Today, I continue with code refactoring, getting closer to finishing the most tedious part. I've also improved tools to prevent spam on the instance, which will take effect in a few days, addressing the issue of overloading other instances that have been reported. After today's wave of spam, I've also started working on...

masimatutu, to random en-gb

Mastodon has the responsibility to promote diversity in the Fediverse

I love the Threadiverse. Compared to the microblogging Fediverse’s sea of random thoughts, Lemmy and kbin are so much easier to navigate with the options to sort posts by subscribed, from local instances or everything federated. You can also sort by individual community, and then there are the countless ways to order the posts and comments (which are stored neatly under the main post, by the way). That people can more easily find the right discussions and see where they can contribute also means that the discussions tend to be more focused and productive than elsewhere. Decentralisation also makes a lot of sense, since it is built around different communities. All that’s needed is users.

Things were going quite well for a while when Reddit killed third-party apps, prompting many to leave and find the Threadiverse. However, it is quite difficult to entertain a crowd that has grown accustomed to a constant bombardment of dopamine-inducing or interesting content by tens of millions of users, if you only have a couple hundred thousand people. This is causing some to leave, which of course increases this effect. The active users have more than halved since July, according to FediDB. The mood is also becoming more tense. Maybe the lack of engagement drives some to cause it through hostility, I’m not quite sure. Either way, the Threadiverse becoming a less enjoyable place to be, which is quite sad considering how promising it is.

But what is really frustrating is that we could easily have that userbase. The entire Fediverse has over ten million users, and many Mastodonians clearly want to engage in group-based discussion, looking at Guppe groups. The focused discussions should also be quite attractive. Technically we are federated, so why do Mastodonians interact so little with the Threadiverse? The main reason is that Mastodon simply doesn’t federate post content. I really can’t see why the platform that federates entire Wordpress blogs refuses to federate thread content just because it has a title, and instead just replaces the body with a link to the post. Very unhelpful.

The same goes with PeerTube. There are plenty of videos on there that I am quite sure a lot of Mastodonians would appreciate, yet both views and likes there stay consistently in the tens. Yes, Mastodon’s web interface has a local video player, but in most clients it is the same link shenanigans, may may partly explain the small amount of engagement. This is also quite sad, because Google’s YouTube is one of the worst social network monopolies out there, if not the worst.

And I know some might say that Mastodon is a microblogging platform and that it makes sense only to have microblogging content, but the problem is that Mastodon is the dominant platform on the Fediverse, its users making up close to 80% of all Fedizens. It has gone so far that several Friendica and Hubzilla users have been complaining about complaints from Mastodonians that their posts do not live up to Mastodon customs, and of course, that people frequently use “Mastodon” to refer to the entire Fediverse. This, of course, goes entirely against the idea of the Fediverse, that many diverse platforms live in harmony with and awareness of each other.

The very least that Mastodon could do is to support the content of other platforms. Then I’d wish that they’d improve discoverability, by for instance adding a videos tab in the explore section, improving federation of favourites since it is the dominant sorting mechanism on many other platforms, and making a clear distinction between people (@person) and groups (!group), but I know that that is quite much to ask.

P.S. @feditips , @FediFollows , I know that you are reluctant to promote Lemmy and its communities because of the ideology of its founders, but the fact is firstly that it’s open source and there aren't any individual people who control the entire project, and that the software itself is very apolitical. In fact, most Lemmy users both oppose and are on instances that have rules against such beliefs, so I highly encourage you to at least help raise awareness on the communities. Then, of course, there’s kbin, which isn’t associated with any extremism at all. As a bonus, it has much better integration with the microblogging Fediverse, but it is a lot smaller and younger, and still very much under development.

Anyways, that was a ramble. Thanks for hearing me out.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar
flatearth, to fediverse

Flat earth real life testimony 6/7


You can visit and watch the whole 7.
Joyful Christmas in advance! 😀
Joyful Mysteries... 😇

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

This series will never get old ;)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdfNuwMhMg4 [english subtitles]

Where can I find documentation on how federation works? (kbin.social)

I can't find anything on the specifics of how federation actually works. The op thread gets copied to any federated server? What happens if the thread is deleted on the op server? Does it still exist on all other federated servers? How do comments and votes work? That kind of thing.

Pamasich, to kbinMeta
@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

Is there currently a way to see threads boosted by followed users as a #kbin user? If not, is that something you're planning to add eventually?


@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@Pamasich Currently, there is no such view, but I plan to personalize the feed /sub more with a brief description of why I see a particular post and the ability to filter, for example followings boosts. But that will be after the completion of work, at least partially, on federation.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

When it comes to /kbin as a platform, the federation of downvotes will certainly work and will be configurable per instance. Today, I started the initial work on implementing new ActivityPub services from scratch. This is a good time to start a discussion on how it should work on kbin.social - to your points, I would also add:

  • Downvote federation only applies to remote threads from other instances, without affecting local therads
@ernest@kbin.social avatar

These points are not a priority, but relatively easy to achieve. They will gradually appear on the instance in between working on significant things. It's worth following https://kbin.social/m/kbinDevlog

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

I'm just wondering about 'spoiler alert' - what is it exactly? I haven't delved into Lemmy's code for a long time.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

::: spoiler hidden text title
hidden text

::: spoiler hidden text title 
hidden text

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Indeed, I missed that case, thanks.

ernest, to kbinMeta
@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it's cold out here!

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

I'll take care of it this week.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

It should be better now.

Can't view the threads page of newcommunities@lemmy.world (kbin.social)

Whenever I try to view the threads page of newcommunities@lemmy.world (i.e., https://kbin.social/m/newcommunities@lemmy.world), I get an error. It's only kbin.social where this happens, and it's only the threads page of this specific community. I can view the microblogs, the people, and even individual threads, but the threads...

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

I will check it this evening, thanks.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

In this case, it's hard not to be surprised, as the project could have seemed abandoned for a long time. Everyone's patience has its limits. Tomorrow, I will try to get in touch and, if possible, offer assistance in updating/maintaining the instance.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Hey, I've had it on my radar for a while. This option will be added when it's time to work on notifications in general.

Damaskox, (edited ) to kbinMeta
@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

How do you crosspost (in kbin.social)?


@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@Damaskox It still requires work. Currently, it's more about presenting threads.


Damaskox, to kbinMeta
@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

What are badges?
I see a mention of them in magazine options.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@Damaskox These are the equivalents of Reddit flairs. The owner can define badges to additionally label and organize content in their own magazine. After the introduction of the new frontend, this feature has not been rewritten. We will be working on it in the coming months.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Never seen that option here before :D Are you sure you haven't used any userstyle like KES or something?

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I agree that it's quite useful. I'm pretty sure that at some point, it will be included in the basic version of kbin.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar
vkc, to fediverse
@vkc@kbin.social avatar

My name is Veronica and I don't know how to use kbin. :P

Has anyone written up an explainer for kbin for folks who never really understood Reddit?

Also, can I comment on a PeerTube video from here? I tried it on one of mine and it didn't seem to work.

Anyway, I'm new. Hi!

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

@vkc Don't worry. In the near future, we'll be working on integrating with, among others, Peertube. For now, you can search for people from Peertube and follow their accounts, for example, "warroza@tube.pol.social." At some point, their content will start appearing in your feed ;) Enjoy.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Thanks for pointing it out.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I have also noted that. I will check it tomorrow, thanks.

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