
What's the consensus here regarding Babylon Five?

I have the series on DVD but I’ve never seriously cracked it, only seen a few episodes. Was wondering what people here think, is it as good as the internet often says it is? I know it was an inspiration for one of my favorite franchises (Mass Effect) and The Orville had a cute reference to it by making its main actor the...

‘Gender Apartheid:’ UN denounces Iran’s proposed law threatening women who refuse to wear hijab with 5-to-10-year prison sentence (

"The draft law could be described as a form of gender apartheid, as authorities appear to be governing through systemic discrimination with the intention of suppressing women and girls into total submission,” experts said.

Some spiders can transfer mercury contamination to land animals, study shows (

Sitting calmly in their webs, many spiders wait for prey to come to them. Arachnids along lakes and rivers eat aquatic insects, such as dragonflies. But, when these insects live in mercury-contaminated waterways, they can pass the metal along to the spiders that feed on them.

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