
Reportsanddata, to fediverse

Anxiety Disorder and Depression Treatment Market report also sheds light on the supply chains and the changes in the trends of the upstream raw materials and downstream distributors.


mburr, to random avatar

Does the #fediverse have a federated answer to any of the following?

  • Signatures for my outgoing messages? (outside of the post's text itself)
  • Real-time group chat (discord)
  • Video "hangouts" (zoom, skype ...hangouts [google])
  • Privacy (signal, telegram)
  • #crypto or #blockchain anything that's in use

It looks like "youtube" is covered already, but any #scuttlebutt about that is appreciated. The knowledge about what's best or hot at any time is also federated 😕

#activitypub #social

heiseonline, to random German avatar

Überwachung: Interpol baut Big-Data-System Insight für "vorhersagende Analysen"

Interpol entwickelt eine Plattform, um riesige Datenmengen aus mehreren Quellen wie Social Media in unterschiedlichen Formaten effizient verarbeiten zu können.

Ooops, avatar


Systeme, um nur die "riesigen Datenmengen", die frei verfügbar sind, durchzusehen und zu bewerten, müssen erst noch entwickelt werden.

Aber dann uns versuchen einzureden, dass die anlasslose Überwachung unserer privaten Kommunikation dem Ziel der der Bekämpfung von <hier beliebigen Vorwand einfügen - sind wir noch bei Kindern oder schon wieder bei Terrorismus?> dient. Als wären die überhaupt in der Lage, die jetzt bereits zu Verfügung stehenden Daten adequat zu verarbeiten.

GillesLeCorre2, to random French avatar

Bonjour tout le monde du #fediverse et de #mastodon

De la buée sur les vitres de la fenêtre dont nous n'avions pas fermé les volets. C'est la première fois depuis le printemps. Les nuits commencent à être fraîches, eh oui.

Bon dimanche les ami•e•s

dannekrose, to random

Sharing some #fediverse or #activityPub projects you might not have heard about.

  1. - Manage your physical books or other items (board games perhaps) and keep track of who has what when lending or borrowing items. ActivityPub enabled.
  2. - A bit overwhelmingly full-featured alternative UI to Mastodon/Firefish/Misskey/*key forks. Some aspects may be very confusing but for some, the workflow and customization it provides are powerful.
mihair, to science avatar

Gustul ceaiului de kombucha diferă de la un producător la altul în funcție de metodele de preparare. Tocmai de aceea vă invităm să testați cele 8 sortimente iKombucha. După o experiență de peste 7 ani în producerea de kombucha, am adăugat la rețetele noastre stevia ca și îndulcitor, pentru ca produsul final să nu fie prea acru la gust pentru majoritatea clienților. Am dezvoltat 8 sortimente cu diferite arome, care să acopere înr-o anumită măsură gustul de ferment și să ofere gusturi plăcute.

mihair, to science avatar

Stevioside is a diterpene glycoside found in the leaf of Stevia rebaudiana, a traditional oriental medicinal herb, which has been shown to have various biological and ethno-medicinal activities including antitumor activity. In this study, we investigated the effects of stevioside on the cytotoxicity, induction of apoptosis, and the putative pathways of its action in human breast cancer cells (MCF-7). For the analysis of apoptotic pathway, measurement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and assessment of mitochondrial transmembrane potential (MTP) were achieved. We showed that stevioside was a potent inducer of apoptosis and it conveyed the apoptotic signal via intracellular ROS generation; thereby inducing change in MTP and induction of mitochondrial mediated apoptotic pathway. Taken together, our data indicated that stevioside induces the ROS-mediated mitochondrial permeability transition and results in the increased expression of apoptotic proteins such as Bax, Bcl-2 and Caspase-9. Effect of stevioside on stress-related transcription factors like NF-E2-related factor-2 opens up a new vista for further studies. This is the first report on the mechanism of the antibreast cancer (in vitro) activity of stevioside.

mihair, to science avatar

A β-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis was found to specifically catalyze hydrolysis of the glycosyl ester linkage of stevioside to yield steviolbioside, a rare sweetener that also exists in Stevia rebaudiana leaves. In a packed bed reactor, a reaction coupling separation was realized and a production yield of steviolbioside reached 90% in 6 h. The hydrolysis product steviolbioside presented higher cytoxicity on human normal cells (hepatocytes cell L02 and intestinal epithelial cell T84) than stevioside did. Comparing to the typical chemotherapy agent, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), steviolbioside presents much lower cytotoxicity on all assayed human normal cells; it presented notable inhibition on human hepatocarcinoma cell Hep3B, human breast cancer cell MDA-MB-231 and human pancreatic cancer cell BxPC-3. The remarkable inhibition on MDA-MB-231 cells makes steviolbioside a potential remedy for human breast cancer, when steviolbioside is served as a natural sweetener.

mihair, to science avatar

Regarding nutritional benefits, the available studies, while numerous, do not provide proof that the consumption of artificial sweeteners as sugar substitutes is beneficial in terms of weight management, blood glucose regulation in diabetic subjects or the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Regarding nutritional risks (incidence of type 2 diabetes, habituation to sweetness in adults, cancers, etc.), it is not possible based on the available data to establish a link between the occurrence of these risks and the consumption of artificial sweeteners. However, some studies underline the need to improve knowledge of the links between intense sweeteners consumption and certain risks.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


heiseonline, to random German avatar

"Wohnungsbaugipfel": Bauministerin für Kurswechsel bei Energiesparvorschriften

Das Hin und Her über das Heizungsgesetz hat viele Bürger verschreckt. Vor dem "Wohnungsbaugipfel" am Montag gibt es nun Kritik an Energiesparstandards.

#CO #Energie #news

Ooops, avatar


"Das Hin und Her über das Heizungsgesetz hat viele Bürger verschreckt."

Nein. Die von Medien verbreiteten Lügen und das von der FDP passend koordinierte scheinbare Hin und Her hat die Bürger verschreckt. Genau wie geplant. Denn das Ziel war immer schon, den Fortschritt auszubremsen, damit Unternehmen die Menschen noch so lang wie möglich auszunehmen können. Jeder Tag weiter in die Sackgasse minimiert die Verluste der darin tätigen Unternehmen auf Kosten der Bürger.

J12t, to random avatar

The Free Software Foundation Europe set up a website to help move governments from proprietary social media to the .

Excellent idea!

AxelNennker, avatar

@J12t Sehr gute Idee

"Wir möchten Behörden davon überzeugen, ihren Einsatz von Sozialen Medien zu überdenken. Das ist mit dem schrittweisen Übergang zu föderierten Freien-Software-Lösungen möglich. "

Demnächst hier?:

harmonea, to kbinMeta avatar

My account seems broken? :\ For the last month+ I can't get any thread I create to show up in its magazine, even when the magazine is a local one. Comments are fine, microblog posts are fine, threads show up in my profile but never the magazine.

Admittedly I don't try very often, but that makes it all the more disheartening when I feel like "yay, I finally have something worth sharing" and, well, no apparently I don't.

e569668, avatar

@harmonea you may be blocking a domain, which causes a bug detailed here. tl;dr blocking any domain on right now hides any non-link entries and comments on them. removing them all fixes it, it's fixed in latest which hopefully the main site gets soon

harmonea, avatar

@e569668 Oh, hrm. I am blocking a domain, yes. Sophie's choice: see the crap or lose the ability to contribute - haha

Thank you very much for your help and the knowledge that a fix is ready to go soon(ish(maybe)).

J12t, to random avatar

About half of the Fediverse addresses typed by FediForum attendees into the session notes are missing the leading "@".

People typed in their very own Fediverse handles. And because they came to FediForum, it's very likely they are very well acquainted with the right syntax.

Pretty strong circumstantial evidence that most people won't be able to distinguish Fediverse handles from e-mail addresses.

I have long believed that they should be the same.

#fediverse #email #address #fediforum

JohnJBurnsIII, avatar


And when said person loses control of the email address (e.g. broadband provider change, employer change, etc.)...

What does that person do? Lose entire setup and start again?

Asking, because this is how many forums did it... and it was wrong then.

toplesstopics, to random avatar

pie-in-the-sky feature request for #fediverse / #mastodon : instead of having to censor a whole image or post, have specific categories we can check, like "nudity" "sexual" "eye contact" "spider" etc so that only people who have that filtered out won't see it (or will see the censorship blur) and those of us who aren't filtering it out won't have to deal with it being preemptively censored? (maybe make all the categories "opt in," like "I AM okay with seeing this"

weekinfediverse, to random avatar
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