
juergen_hubert, to random avatar

There is a lot of criticism on the for people who won't leave Twitter/X. And, indeed, there are plenty of good reasons for leaving that platform, or for any other commercialized social media platform for that matter.

However, we need to remember that while these platforms are not safe for marginalized people, neither is and the by default. The user base is still overwhelmingly white and European and North American.

And, all other things being equal, this user base tends to be wealthier than other demographic groups, and has more free time as well.

This is important, as running and moderating Mastodon instances is a non-trivial investment in money and time - things that marginalized people are more likely to lack. And given how they are more likely to be subject to discrimination, marginalized people need even more and better moderation - and they likely have to do it themselves, as others are unlikely to even recognize many forms of harassment.

So, stick to Twitter/X and experience lots of harassment... or move to the Fediverse where you will also experience a lot of harassment unless you spend lots of time and resources on moderation? Time and resources you might not have in the first place?

When put that way, it's not such an easy choice to make. Especially if the vast majority of your community is still on Twitter/X, and is unlikely to move to Mastodon without a clear demonstration that the Fediverse is better for their community.

I don't have a solution for this dilemma. But we can't find a solution without recognizing the problem in the first place.

dansup, to random avatar

Don't get me wrong, I love Mastodon and everything it's done for the fediverse

That being said, I don't want Loops to become the only short form video platform, or the only well known one

I'm working with @stux on his own short vid platform called #GoldFish and PeerTube to enable seamless interop

We're stronger and better together

There is no reason NOT to work with "competitors" because when you have the right mindset and goals:

You build for the people, and listen wisely.


nuawoman, to fedia

Ace your exams! Period. Stress-free tips from Nua.
As the exam season approaches, students find themselves grappling with stress, sleepless nights, and the notorious breakout of acne. Nua, a brand committed to enhancing women’s well-being, introduces a range of products designed to tackle both academic stress and skincare concerns. In this article, we will explore stress-free tips to help you excel in your exams, combined with the efficacy of Nua’s innovative products.

Mindful Breaks and Physical Activity:

Embrace short, mindful breaks during study sessions. Engage in light exercises like yoga or take a stroll to refresh your mind. This not only reduces stress but also promotes overall well-being. During these breaks, let your skin breathe, and afterward, consider using Nua’s Acne Healing Patch to address any emerging skin concerns.

Healthy Hydration and Nourishment:

Stay hydrated and fuel your body with nutritious meals. Drinking water and consuming a balanced diet contribute to your overall health. While you prioritize your well-being, Nua’s Pore Cleansing Face Wash can be seamlessly integrated into your routine, ensuring your skin stays healthy and vibrant.

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Visit Nua Website


nuawoman, to fedia

From Red to Rainbow: Embracing menstruation with pride this Holi!
As we prepare to immerse ourselves in the colorful festivities of Holi, it’s essential to embrace every aspect of womanhood with pride and confidence. Amidst the jubilant celebrations, let us also celebrate menstruation – a natural and integral part of a woman’s life. In this blog post, we explore the significance of embracing menstrual pride during Holi and introduce Nua’s Ultra Safe Sanitary Pads, designed to offer utmost safety, comfort, and convenience during your period.

Breaking the Stigma:
Menstruation has long been shrouded in silence and stigma, often relegated to the shadows of societal norms. However, Holi presents an opportunity to break free from these constraints and celebrate menstruation with pride. Just as the vibrant colors of Holi symbolize vitality and renewal, menstruation embodies the natural rhythm of life and the power of creation.

Promoting Inclusivity:
Holi transcends barriers of age, gender, and social status, uniting people from diverse backgrounds in a shared celebration of joy. By embracing menstruation during Holi, we acknowledge the experiences of individuals who menstruate and affirm their right to participate in the festivities without shame or exclusion.
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Visit Nua Website


samxavia, to random avatar

I wonder if Tumblr actually joined the Fediverse is many people will have the same hatread towards it as Threads.

I guess Tumblr hasn't taken users data and been caught out for it. So maybe not.

celeste, avatar

@samxavia i think the justification is that ai is already scraping the info so they want to make a buck letting them have easier access

samxavia, avatar

@celeste Yeah just sucks that users data are being taking like always. Guess people just don't care about how much data companies take from them these days

danwentzel, to random avatar

Someone trying to put down the Fediverse called it “digital communism” and honestly that is the best slogan I’ve heard yet.


fediversereport, to random avatar

New: Last Week in #fediverse - ep 61

A busy newsweek in the fediverse:

  • Threads has joined the fediverse in an open beta, allowing people from US, Canada and Japan to opt-in to having their Threads post be visible in the fediverse
  • @fediforum happened this week, with a ton of great demos, a large variety of sessions, and multiple calls and initiatives for more collaboration across the fediverse

Read at:

gbhnews, to random avatar

#fediverse friends

is #caturday

pls send cat pics

Jimmy09, to fedia

In times of loss and grief, the obituary serves as a powerful tribute to commemorate the life of a loved one. Let's delve into some fascinating facts about obituaries and their significance in honoring those who have passed more


hrefna, to random avatar

This issue is a good illustration of like… 60% of my problems with SWICG #ActivityPub

ValueSubtracted, to quarks avatar

Paramount’s CFO Is Focused on “Getting the Most Out of Every Single Dollar We Invest in Content”



They should try investing a single dollar into their shit app.

ValueSubtracted, avatar

This is also the advantage of public broadcasting - they can put more emphasis on that sort of thing without worrying about profit.

All of which is to say, support your public broadcasters, people!

ValueSubtracted, to quarks avatar

You know what's pretty good? Star Trek.


bluGill, to kbinMeta

arrgh, just hit report and submitted for spam, then realized I meant to report the post below the one I reported. Sorry about that, I don't see any undo.


Deykun, to science

No one who was born blind has ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia

#medicine #science

mohaneds, to random

Random Thought: I wonder when modern neurotransmitters evolved. The neurotransmitters we know and love (serotonin, gaba, glutamate, dopamine, epinephrine/norepinephrine, histamine ETC) are in use by mammals and reptiles, so i'm guessing like 10-20 million years ago. #science #neuroscience

rayckeith, avatar

@mohaneds (200-250 million years ago, for mammals.)

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