
mihair, to science avatar

Regarding nutritional benefits, the available studies, while numerous, do not provide proof that the consumption of artificial sweeteners as sugar substitutes is beneficial in terms of weight management, blood glucose regulation in diabetic subjects or the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Regarding nutritional risks (incidence of type 2 diabetes, habituation to sweetness in adults, cancers, etc.), it is not possible based on the available data to establish a link between the occurrence of these risks and the consumption of artificial sweeteners. However, some studies underline the need to improve knowledge of the links between intense sweeteners consumption and certain risks.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


heiseonline, to random German avatar

"Wohnungsbaugipfel": Bauministerin für Kurswechsel bei Energiesparvorschriften

Das Hin und Her über das Heizungsgesetz hat viele Bürger verschreckt. Vor dem "Wohnungsbaugipfel" am Montag gibt es nun Kritik an Energiesparstandards.

#CO #Energie #news

Ooops, avatar


"Das Hin und Her über das Heizungsgesetz hat viele Bürger verschreckt."

Nein. Die von Medien verbreiteten Lügen und das von der FDP passend koordinierte scheinbare Hin und Her hat die Bürger verschreckt. Genau wie geplant. Denn das Ziel war immer schon, den Fortschritt auszubremsen, damit Unternehmen die Menschen noch so lang wie möglich auszunehmen können. Jeder Tag weiter in die Sackgasse minimiert die Verluste der darin tätigen Unternehmen auf Kosten der Bürger.

J12t, to random avatar

The Free Software Foundation Europe set up a website to help move governments from proprietary social media to the .

Excellent idea!

AxelNennker, avatar

@J12t Sehr gute Idee

"Wir möchten Behörden davon überzeugen, ihren Einsatz von Sozialen Medien zu überdenken. Das ist mit dem schrittweisen Übergang zu föderierten Freien-Software-Lösungen möglich. "

Demnächst hier?:

harmonea, to kbinMeta avatar

My account seems broken? :\ For the last month+ I can't get any thread I create to show up in its magazine, even when the magazine is a local one. Comments are fine, microblog posts are fine, threads show up in my profile but never the magazine.

Admittedly I don't try very often, but that makes it all the more disheartening when I feel like "yay, I finally have something worth sharing" and, well, no apparently I don't.

e569668, avatar

@harmonea you may be blocking a domain, which causes a bug detailed here. tl;dr blocking any domain on right now hides any non-link entries and comments on them. removing them all fixes it, it's fixed in latest which hopefully the main site gets soon

harmonea, avatar

@e569668 Oh, hrm. I am blocking a domain, yes. Sophie's choice: see the crap or lose the ability to contribute - haha

Thank you very much for your help and the knowledge that a fix is ready to go soon(ish(maybe)).

J12t, to random avatar

About half of the Fediverse addresses typed by FediForum attendees into the session notes are missing the leading "@".

People typed in their very own Fediverse handles. And because they came to FediForum, it's very likely they are very well acquainted with the right syntax.

Pretty strong circumstantial evidence that most people won't be able to distinguish Fediverse handles from e-mail addresses.

I have long believed that they should be the same.

#fediverse #email #address #fediforum

JohnJBurnsIII, avatar


And when said person loses control of the email address (e.g. broadband provider change, employer change, etc.)...

What does that person do? Lose entire setup and start again?

Asking, because this is how many forums did it... and it was wrong then.

toplesstopics, to random avatar

pie-in-the-sky feature request for #fediverse / #mastodon : instead of having to censor a whole image or post, have specific categories we can check, like "nudity" "sexual" "eye contact" "spider" etc so that only people who have that filtered out won't see it (or will see the censorship blur) and those of us who aren't filtering it out won't have to deal with it being preemptively censored? (maybe make all the categories "opt in," like "I AM okay with seeing this"

weekinfediverse, to random avatar
mihair, to science avatar

The essential oil extracted by hydrodistillation from the flowering twigs of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Asteraceae) was fractioned by chromatography. Forty-three constituents were characterized with the help of GC, GC-MS and other spectroscopic techniques. The essential oil was found to be a complex mixture of mono- and sesqui-terpenes. The cytotoxicity of the essential oil and its fractions was evaluated by sulforhodamine B (SRB) based assay against two cancer cell types viz. C-6 (rat glioma cells) and CHOK1 (Chinese hamster ovary cells). The essential oil and its fractions showed promising cytotoxicity against both cell lines. The highest activity (95.6+/-0.6%) was show by the essential oil on the C-6 cell line at a concentration of 400 microg/mL, which was comparable with that of the standard drug vinblastin.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


mihair, to science avatar

Stevia, a zero-calorie sugar substitute, is recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). In vitro and in vivo studies showed that stevia has antiglycemic action and antioxidant effects in adipose tissue and the vascular wall, reduces blood pressure levels and hepatic steatosis, stabilizes the atherosclerotic plaque, and ameliorates liver and kidney damage. The metabolism of steviol glycosides is dependent upon gut microbiota, which breaks down glycosides into steviol that can be absorbed by the host. In this review, we elucidated the effects of stevia's consumption on the host's gut microbiota. Due to the lack of randomized clinical trials in humans, we included in vitro using certain microbial strains and in vivo in laboratory animal studies. Results indicated that stevia consumption has a potential benefit on the microbiome's alpha diversity. Alterations in the colonic microenvironment may depend on the amount and frequency of stevia intake, as well as on the simultaneous consumption of other dietary components. The anti-inflammatory properties of stevioside were confirmed in vitro by decreasing TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 synthesis and inhibiting of NF-κB transcription factor, and in vivo by inhibiting NF-κB and MAPK in laboratory animals.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


mihair, to science avatar

Steviol glycosides (SGs) in Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) leaves are important due to their high sweetness and low calorific value. The yield of SGs is dependent on fertilization regimes, but the relationship between nitrogen (N) administration and SGs synthesis is still unclear. In this study, we investigate the effects of N rates on SGs production through hydroponic and plot experiments. The SGs yield was not significantly changed by N fertilization, but leaf SGs concentrations were significantly reduced due to the "dilution effect". Additionally, N addition decreased leaf carbon (C)/N ratio and soluble sugar concentration, accompanied with the inhibited phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and L-phenylalanine ammonia_lyase activities. A significant positive correlation between leaf SGs concentrations, C/N ratio and soluble sugar concentration was observed. Overall, we suggest that N-driven Stevia growth negatively affects SGs concentrations. The leaf C/N ratio and soluble sugar changes indicated the occurrence of metabolic reprogramming.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


mihair, to science avatar

Plant growth and secondary metabolism are commonly regulated by external cues such as light, temperature and water availability. In this study, the influences of low and high temperatures, dehydration, photoperiods, and different growing stages on the changes of steviol glycosides (SGs) contents and transcription levels of fifteen genes involved in SGs biosynthesis of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni were examined using HPLC and RT-PCR. The observations showed that the transcript levels of all the fifteen genes were maximum under 25 °C treatment, and the transcription of SrDXS, SrDXR, SrMCT, SrCMK, SrMDS, SrHDS, SrHDR, SrIDI, SrGGDPS, SrCPPS1, SrUGT85C2 and SrUGT76G1 were restrained both in low temperature (15 °C) and high temperature (35 °C). Most genes in SGs biosynthesis pathway exhibited down-regulation in dehydration. To elucidate the effect of photoperiods, the plants were treated by different simulated photoperiods (8 L/16 D, 1 0L/14 D, 14 L/10 D and 16 L/8 D), but no significant transcription changes were observed. In the study of growing stages, there were evident changes of SGs contents, and the transcript levels of all the fifteen genes were minimal in fast growing period, and exhibited evident increase both in flower-bud appearing stage and flowering stage. The obtained results strongly suggest that the effect of environmental cues on steviol glycosides contents and transcription of corresponding biosynthetic genes in S. rebaudiana is significant. It is worth to study deeply.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


madalinai, to science avatar

More than 60 naturally occurring steviol glycosides in the Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant share a similar molecular structure with an aglycone steviol backbone conjugated with β- and α-glycosidic bonds to different sugar moieties. These glycosides are naturally produced in different quantities within the stevia leaf. Certain minor glycosides with superior sensory attributes, such as Reb D and Reb M, are found less than 0.1% in traditional stevia leaves. New technologies can now produce better tasting steviol glycosides by using enzymatic conversion of stevioside and Reb A, which are abundant in stevia leaf. Several regulatory authorities recently evaluated steviol glycosides produced by enzymatic conversion of stevia leaf extract and approved them safe for human consumption. Steviol glycosides undergo microbial hydrolysis in the colon to generate steviol, which is absorbed and metabolized into steviol glucuronide, and excreted primarily via human's urine. Previous studies have shown the hydrolysis of highly purified individual steviol glycosides extracted from stevia leaf are converted to steviol in the presence of colonic microbiota of adults. Since colonic microbiota of children may be different from adults, this study investigates the metabolic fate in the colonic microbiota of adults and children of the minor steviol glycosides produced by extraction and enzymatic conversion of major steviol glycosides from stevia leaf. Several in vitro incubation tests were conducted in human fecal homogenates collected from adult and pediatric populations with steviol glycoside test samples comprised of a complex stevia leaf extract, a blend of minor glycosides isolated from stevia extract and two mixtures of steviol glycosides produced by enzymatic conversion of Reb A to larger molecules by attaching glucose units via β- or α-glycosidic bonds. Results from these studies clearly demonstrate steviol glycosides produced by extraction from stevia leaf, or enzymatic conversion of stevia leaf extract, share the same metabolic fate in the human gut microbiota from adults and children. Considering a common metabolite structure and a shared metabolic fate in all ages, safety data for individual steviol glycosides can be used to support safety of all steviol glycosides produced by extraction and enzymatic conversion of stevia leaf extract.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


madalinai, to science avatar

Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a valuable plant whose products are increasingly used in medicine, pharmacy and the food industry. This necessitates the use of biotechnological approaches for its mass propagation. Establishing optimal conditions for in vitro cultivation is essential for obtaining high biomass and secondary metabolites production. A large number of articles considering the role of plant growth regulators and other additives in the culture medium in the growth and development of Stevia are available in the literature. However, there are no summarized data about the use of nanoparticles in Stevia tissue cultures. Therefore, this review also includes the research conducted so far on the effect of nanoparticles on Stevia micropropagation. Furthermore, the influence of different elicitors on secondary metabolite production and antioxidant activity of in vitro-cultivated Stevia plants have been discussed. By referring to the collected literature, we concluded that biotechnological approaches applied to S. rebaudiana cultivation might improve the agronomic traits of plants and steviol glycosides production.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


ikombucha, to fediverse avatar

Tocmai de aceea vă invităm să testați cele 8 sortimente iKombucha. După o experiență de peste 7 ani în producerea de kombucha, am adăugat la rețetele noastre stevia ca și îndulcitor, pentru ca produsul final să nu fie prea acru la gust pentru majoritatea clienților. Am dezvoltat 8 sortimente cu diferite arome, care să acopere înr-o anumită măsură gustul de ferment și să ofere gusturi plăcute.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


ikombucha, to fediverse avatar
  1. Am întâlnit un Om special care m-a susținut și mă susține în continuare cu spațiul necesar pentru producția în cantități semnificative de kombucha.
    #Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


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