
sturmsucht, to random German avatar

#Fediverse! I'm searching for a good alternative to Facebook Group (since ages honestly).

A fedi/opensource solution would be wonderful, but I'm open for freemium/commercial stuff as well.

I only found tools which aim for extreme large groups and cost several hundred a year (or even month).

Any expierence?

#facebookgroups #question

symfonystation, avatar

@sturmsucht Consider Friendica.

Kierunkowy74, to fediverse Polish avatar

@gmph postanowił zintegrować Mastodona jako system do skomentowania jego wpisu. Widzę, że komentarze wyświetlają się tylko chronologicznie - bez wątkowania w szeroko omawianym artykule, takim jak ten, gwarantuje to nieczytelny bałagan.

A, i testuję, czy wpis z /kbin pojawi się pod artykułem


Kierunkowy74, avatar


Sheril, to random avatar

“Following the #science” is not quite as simple or straightforward as it sounds. #politics

jordanreiter, avatar

@Sheril "When it comes to policy issues like climate change and public health, they frequently held the perception that scientists lack a broader understanding of how their recommendations might impact the economy, national security, or simply, the next election."

I mean, yeah OK but also people are dying and entire agriculture communities are at risk from global climate changes that politicians ignored and that are impacting the economy and national security.

pixelfed, to random avatar
richardgrant, avatar

@pixelfed Perhaps you could charge money for your official apps? Maybe have a "pro" level to unlock all the features?

Sylkeweb, to random avatar

I‘ve updated my blog post about the interconnectivity of Fediverse services with a new table. There are still many gaps where I need to test more but here we go for now:

mastodonmigration, avatar


This inter-connectivity analysis of the different Fediverse services is a great resource!

Your efforts to test all these modalities is really impressive. Thank you!

Damaskox, (edited ) to kbinMeta Finnish avatar

Can I see which users have subscribed to a magazine? (The ones I've created at least)


jwr1, avatar

@Damaskox I don't think that's possible, especially considering users can hide their subscriptions in their profile.

box464, to random avatar

So many announcements, making my head spin. :pensive_party_blob:

kbin collections, grouping magazines privately or as shared collections

Peertube v6 chapters, scrubbing and password protected videos

Pixelfed official apps in stores by end of year.

Sup, a federated messaging app, initial release by end of year.

Sharkey post imports from a wide array of social sites (and replies to posts for Masto and X)!

MarsEdit includes Mastodon support

Funkwhale groundwork for caching

box464, avatar
me_the_fl00f, to random

Why there is no #unix #unixLike and #retro #fediverse instance out there ?

haubles, avatar

@me_the_fl00f I was just thinking this!! If you build it I will come

mike, to random avatar

Every now and then, technologists are able to translate their strongly held beliefs into action for the benefit of society. Sometimes these actions result in new features, apps or platforms but it's especially powerful when this happens at the protocol level.

In the latest episode of Dot Social I talk with @evan about how he helped get #ActivityPub started, how it's going, and what he hopes for next. Check it out here.

evan, avatar

@mike thanks! It was a fun interview.

Pamasich, to kbinMeta avatar

Is there currently a way to see threads boosted by followed users as a user? If not, is that something you're planning to add eventually?

ernest, avatar

@Pamasich Currently, there is no such view, but I plan to personalize the feed /sub more with a brief description of why I see a particular post and the ability to filter, for example followings boosts. But that will be after the completion of work, at least partially, on federation.

fediversereport, to random avatar

Last Week in #fediverse - ep 45

  • Mastodon starts work on improving the reply culture
  • @Flipboard takes the next steps on the social web
  • Updates on fediverse projects supported by Nivenly

Read at:

fediversereport, avatar

If you want to receive these updates during the week directly into your fediverse feed, you can follow me at @LaurensHof. The WordPress blog has been connected to the fediverse for a while now, but I'm starting to make more active use of it.

Here is how this looks in Phanpy, for example:

All of these shorter articles will also be boosted from this account to make things even easier, so they'll just show up in your microblogging client of choice.

rolle, to random avatar

Can't state this clearly enough: I love the Fediverse. Nothing beats it. Thank you for being here. :bunhdheart:

#Fediverse #Mastodon

gedeonm, avatar

@rolle @Jayslacks Agreed.

ernest, to kbinMeta avatar

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it's cold out here!
#kbin #kbinMeta

Kotking, avatar

random post section
Might as well show this one as well
Mastodon ehh same on Misskey.

feditips, to random avatar

📣 Techy #Fediverse fans!

The alpha version of @gotosocial now has support for allowlists.

Allowlists automatically prevent federation with all other servers, except those that the admin has added to their allowlist. (Traditional blocklists work the other way round, allowing all federation unless a server is blocked.)

Allowlists bring more safety but also reduce reach, and that's why it's up to each admin to decide whether to use them.

More about #GoToSocial at:


feditips, avatar

p.s. For non-techy people wondering what GoToSocial is, it's another kind of Fediverse server.

It's compatible with Mastodon, so GoToSocial and Mastodon users can follow each other, but GoToSocial is made by totally different developers and uses totally different software.

The emphasis on GoToSocial is being "lightweight", so servers use fewer resources. They're also trying to emphasise user safety,

GoToSocial is still in development, but should be going to beta testing next year. 🤞

Flipboard, to random avatar

Our CEO, @mike just launched a new podcast series titled "Dot Social" to explore the evolution of the internet and how new open standards, like #ActivityPub, can forever change the web and the world of social media.

Guests include:

More info & episode 1 at

#Fediverse #SocialMedia

Flipboard, avatar

Here is the RSS subscription link for @mike's Dot Social podcast.

h/t @tannerman

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