
noondlyt, to random avatar

You know what's nice about here...knowing I can criticize and call out any corporation, politician, or wealth hoarder without being suppressed, hidden, etc at the whim of advertisers or megalomaniacs.

DemocracySpot, avatar


You're a gem. x

noondlyt, avatar

@DemocracySpot I'm rubber and you're glue...

stefan, to random avatar

If you had the time/skills, what feature would you like to work on that's missing or could be improved on the fediverse platform(s) you're using?

#fediverse #mastodon #SocialMedia

thisismissem, avatar

@danielmrose @stefan you might be looking for Mobilizon:

sour, avatar



andypiper, to random avatar

With the news that has been swallowed up by Bending Spoons (with a track record of strip mining good tools to their doom), a #fediverse alternative to explore is Mobilizon @mobilizon

andypiper, avatar

@django @mobilizon I love that we're building a list of alternatives here!

aslakr, avatar

@andypiper @django @mobilizon I think @linos (?) are working on extending/developing the wordpress activitypub plugin to be able to add events which are comptible with mobilizon etc

hypolite, to random

I'm super excited about the #Fediverse. I've been online since the 90s, been through most evolution stages of the internet, and it feels like we're changing it once again - and this time in a good way.

Quoting this post anonymously because I don’t want to be the one to burst their newly reformed bubble. However I believe the honeymoon’s almost over with Threads entering the space, regardless of their intentions. They’re just too massive of a player not to shift the power dynamics in their favor.

People have long been angry at Gargron for sucking most of the Fediverse attention towards Mastodon through no particular fault of their own, and I believe it’s about to change, and not necessarily for the better.

For fringe projects like #Friendica, it won’t change much though, we never were prominent in the space and Threads’ arrival will not change that. @heluecht ’s willing, we’ll start supporting the new API quirks Threads will inevitably put forth and leave the decision to interact with Threads or not to Friendica administrators and individual users.


@anubis2814 the global feed is already filled by Mastodon posts fwiw (at least on my end). When Reddit had the crisis in summer, Lemmy threads came to fill the space. I would certainly not be surprised to see Threads taking the place of both when their federation will go live.

@heluecht @hypolite


@petrescatraian @hypolite @heluecht I don't mind the rest of the fediverse filing the global feed, that's kind of the point. Threads is just so much more massive we will never find anyone from the fediverse if you fully federate with threads

carnage4life, to random avatar

Glad to see the entire #fediverse roadmap for Threads laid out. Mastodon and other Fediverse users will be able to follow Threads users and vice versa. You will also be able to see comments from Fediverse users on your federated posts in Threads.

The long term goal is to allow people to take their followers with them from Threads to other Fediverse apps. The last one is huge and wasn’t on my radar. 🤯

harish, avatar

@tob What is Fediverse??

sour, avatar

@carnage4life @tob

go play ask later

masimatutu, to random en-gb

Default instance blocks should largely replace defederation

Since what content users might want to see is quite unlikely to match which servers the admins tolerate, choosing instance on the Fediverse can be quite complicated, which is inconvenient and off-putting for new users.

For this reason, and simply that the Fediverse is stronger united, I believe defederation should ideally be reserved for illegal content and extreme cases. If Fediverse platforms would allow instances to simply block the rest for users by default, the user experience would be the same, unless they decide otherwise.

@fediverse #fediverse #defederation


Content isn't cached unless someone follows it anyways.

And I'm not sure what you mean with that latter part; what difference would this make in what content admins can see before they cast their judgement on a server?

sxan, avatar

What op said still stands: if only one of your users follow a high-traffic, heavy-content /c/, then the server is caching all of that content for one person.

E.g., there’s this great bot on Mastodon that posts random fractals, and the highest-voted ones “breed” to create a new generation of child fractals. The bot posts a static image and an animated movie of each new child every 4 hours. The images are ca 5mb each; the movies are between 20 & 40mb ea. That is, on average, 210mb/d, or 1.4gb per week. That’s a lot of data. You might, as an admin offering a free service, not want to have to pay for that much storage just because one or two users are suscribed to /c/flamereactor (“FlameReactor” is the name, so you can find this mind-blowingly awesome bot). There’s also bandwidth considerations, both on the pull and when users request the content.

I like the idea, though, and will suggest a tweak, tried and true from Usenet days: provide the ability to unblock to only paying users. It’d give admins control, plus money to offset storage costs. Maybe provide three options to admins: full defederation; auto-block with any user able to unblock, for odeous but low impact sices; and auto-block with unblock for only users in some group - close friends, paying users, whatever.

Lemmy could also transcribe content into links back to the source, but that’s just punting the bandwidth costs onto someone else, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is frowned upon within The Federation (although it’s common practice with Reddit and X(twitter) content).

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, to kbinMeta avatar

@ernest RTR#32 Voting Bug Report:

Wasn't able to upvote, downvote, or boost anything in my sub feed without getting an error.

  • Opening a new tab fixed the problem.
  • Refreshing the page fixed the problem.
  • Going back to previous pages and then returning did not fix the problem.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

I'm not sure what the issue is, but it doesn't seem to be specific to any thread or page. Just that sometimes, all voting & boosting on a page just doesn't work.

ernest, avatar
hankg, to random

I just found this list of the current top 10,000 most followed users on the Mastodon part of the fediverse. It's interesting to see what the fediverse looks like from that perspective. I do wish we had something like this fediverse wide but appreciate the work that has gone into compiling this list specifically for Mastodon. #fediverse #mastodon most-followed-masotodon-accoun…


@Brynawel I don't know how it is curated. It has a link to flag people who aren't there to make sure they are included. I'd at them about that.

Brynawel, avatar


Yes, I just saw that and did so 🙂

vkc, to fediverse avatar

My name is Veronica and I don't know how to use kbin. :P

Has anyone written up an explainer for kbin for folks who never really understood Reddit?

Also, can I comment on a PeerTube video from here? I tried it on one of mine and it didn't seem to work.

Anyway, I'm new. Hi!

vkc, avatar

@ernest Thank you! I take it you work on this site, if so thank you and I'm sorry for being such a newb.

ernest, avatar

@vkc Don't worry. In the near future, we'll be working on integrating with, among others, Peertube. For now, you can search for people from Peertube and follow their accounts, for example, "" At some point, their content will start appearing in your feed ;) Enjoy.

Damaskox, to kbinMeta avatar

Would it be acceptable in kbin etiquette to add a tag in at least one thread in a magazine I created, and when talking about stuff in other places that touch the same topic, I use the same tag there as well to "promote" the existence of the magazine?

daredevil, avatar

@Damaskox I'd imagine it's alright, as long as you aren't doing so excessively. Other magazines/places might have a rule or disclaimer in the sidebar that will give you a rough idea on how they feel about it. In fact, I'd say that's almost encouraged in addition to being one of the features I appreciate the most about /kbin compared to lemmy or reddit.

ernest, avatar

@Damaskox The magazine tags work in a way that automatically adds content to it that someone has tagged, for example, on Mastodon. The magazine's name is automatically a tag. I've seen comments on this matter, and I'll be addressing it soon to improve the mechanism and provide a detailed description of its operation in the admin panel. So, for example, all posts tagged on the microblog will be included in the magazine "books," but you can add a tag like in the panel if you want those tags to be included as well.

Arataka, to random avatar

Is usually so slow? Was looking to see how things changed since I last heard about it and man that instance is SUPER slow to load everything, is this an instance issue or a firefish issue?

#firefish #fediverse

maegul, avatar

@Arataka at the moment it seems to be a dead instance. Too many problems too often with an admin distracted by other things now and not actively maintaining the instance.

Unless there’s contrary information and I’m out of the loop I’d say stay away and consider firefish to be a bit more hype than it’s worth. Other Misskey forks are out there.

Arataka, avatar

@maegul Ah, yeah I was looking to mess around with some other federated software, I might see how Sharkey is seeing that is also uses the Mastodon API which is a must if you want to use any good mobile apps lol.

blogdiva, to random avatar

i get the impression that all the fantasy and sci-fi writers left en masse #birdchan and they're all in the #fediverse now

msbellows, avatar

@trochee @blogdiva I mean, it has "-verse" right in the name, so of course SF writers are migrating here!

quadrivial, avatar

@trochee @blogdiva I suspect his handle would have been something like @illstillrespectyouinthemorning

realn2s, to random avatar

Community question

Does anyone know about a application for ? It seems that once there was but I can't find any instance.

Probably would work as well.

Please boost for reach

realn2s, avatar

@esk @funkwhale
🙏🏻 That sounds like a possible fit
Do they use ? I couldn't figure this out twice through the website.

Like always, as soon as you ask you'll find the answer 😅

"Funkwhale uses the ActivityPub protocol to talk to other apps across the Fediverse."

SamXavia, avatar

@realn2s Thanks, I've been questioning where to find a good music player on the Fediverse, Glad to hear that Funkwhale is around.

CarlsIII, to kbinMeta

Is auto media preview not working for anyone else? It hasn’t been working for me for weeks.



I’m not sure what you mean, I only see one option for it


Huh…this whole time there were two separate options for it. For some reason I remember the one for “threads” to be at the bottom like the “microblog” one is now. Anyway, thanks for helping me figure this out. Time to turn the confusing thumbnails off again!

snoopy, to random

[Article] La fédiverse n'est pas une startup

Ce post n'a pas de conclusion et n'est pas un essais. C'est un partage d'expérience, d'un ressentit en tant que utilisateur et modo sur :)

En relisant les anciens posts du blog de j'y trouve un certain écho. En tant qu'ancien utilisataire de Reddit, j'avoue que la tentation est forte de vouloir attirer d'avantage de redditaires. Je me retrouve un peu dans ce rôle de prophète (militant libriste) car j'associe les réseaux sociaux capitalistes à du tabagisme passif et de l'exploitation forcé des CGU. Donc, oui je fais chier tout le monde pour la bonne cause. L'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions.

C'est difficile de cultiver un certain détachement, d'imaginer autre chose que Reddit surtout quand Lemmy ressemble à tout point à Reddit. Ya meme des posts qui ont repris mot pour mot les post publiés sur r/france. J'avoue ça fait bizarre. Est ce que le design du logiciel induit des comportements qu'on va retrouver à une certaine échelle ? Ou est ce que ça dit des choses sur nous-même dans nos interactions sociales et donc explique pourquoi on va utiliser ce réseau social et pas un autre ? Je ne sais pas.

En tout cas, Reddit comme Lemmy et Kbin, sont des agrégateurs de liens classés par thèmes, catégories comme un forum. Visuellement, on peut choisir notre fil d'actu par thématique sans suivre des personnes. Cela se démarque complètement de Firefish, Mastodon où c'est un peu le bordel mais gobalement tu es connecté à des personnes qui pensent à peu près comme toi et vont poster toute sorte de contenu sans forcément le classer sauf s'iel mettent un hashtag/filtres.

Et pour retrouver quelque chose sur mastodon, c'est galère. Il y a quelque chose de l'ordre de l'éphémère, de l'instant. Sur Lemmy, on peut ouvrir des mégafils intemporel qui sont réactivés à chaque fois qu'on commentera dessus car ce sera au premier plan, selon vos paramêtre d'affichage du fil.

En tout cas, pour revenir à ma réflexion, à mes pensées sous la douche, aux liens que nous cultivons avec Reddit, nous nous sommes exprimés sur le sujet du vote qui influence le classement des posts et nos comportements en tant que postaires. On l'a gardé comme tel. On pourrait très bien le retirer et amorcer une rupture. C'est cette voie qu'a choisie Beehaw, une instance de Lemmy. Et d'après certain utilisataires, cela a bel et bien un impact sur nos interactions.

On se cherche une identité et je crois qu'on fait une erreur : on aimerait que ce soit comme avant. Je sais pas si la comparaison avec nos ex, la reconstruction lors d'une rupture amoureuse est foireuse mais j'y vois un parallèle pertinent. Nous devrions oublier twitter, reddit, facebook et trouver notre propre ligne éditoriale sur, ou peut-être pas ?

Finalement, le plus important, est ce que vous plait ? :)


Camus, avatar

La croissance viendra naturellement, parce qu’on est un endroit agréable. Si on la force, et qu’on n’arrive pas à gérer l’afflux, tout le monde va passer un mauvais moment.

C’est sûr !

Au niveau croissance, je donne mes tailles de communautés idéales

  • 300 utilisateurs actifs mensuels sur !france (on y est presque)
  • pareil sur !forumlibre, on est à 57 actuellement, mais j’y crois
  • 100 utilisateurs mensuels actifs sur les autres communautés “larges” (tech, environnement, moins de voitures, parentalité, finances)
  • 50 utilisateurs mensuels actifs sur les communautés plus de niche (imaginons hobby un peu moins répandu, fandom particulières)

J’ai l’impression que ce sont des bonnes tailles pour que tout le monde puisse encore plus ou moins se connaître, maintenir une bonne ambiance et éviter l’anonymat des énormes forums à la Reddit

Snoopy, avatar

Et d’où te vient ces dimensions ? Expérience perso ? :)

  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • random
  • meta
  • Macbeth
  • All magazines