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Harlan_Cloverseed, in Russell Brand accused of rape, sexual assaults and abuse avatar

Every shithead on Facebook is coming to his defense

bloopernova, in Russell Brand accused of rape, sexual assaults and abuse avatar

Wow, what a fucking monster

magnetosphere, in Kim Davis is ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple she denied marriage license avatar

Fine. Let her appeal. I’ll enjoy reading about her losing again.

peanuts4life, in "We can’t afford to have children:" low pay and a high-pressure environment drive exodus of US wildfire fighters avatar

My coworker is a wildland firefighter who operates out of our office in Hillsborough County, FL. (I work in conservation and environmental lands management) He makes $15.5 an hour and has to go to food banks to feed his kids plus is probably going to lose his house. He takes every opportunity to work overtime on burns.

Wildland firefighters are exposed to known carcinogens in the course of thier genuinely dangerous job. It is industry standard to use a bandana as face protection.

Poor men and women, sometimes prisoners, sometimes soldiers, are ground up and spit out in that line if work. In any just system we would pay heros a living wage. In this one we just let them die, broken and pennyless.

neptune, in Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Firearms Charges

So do we finally get SCOTUS to rule on drugs and gun ownership?

rafoix, in Putin on Trump: Criminal charges are politically motivated

Political crimes tend to be politically motivated.

Anticorp, in A Decongestant in Cold Medicines Doesn’t Work at All, an F.D.A. Panel Says. The panel’s vote tees up a likely decision by the agency on whether to essentially ban the ingredient, phenylephrine.

Sudaphedrine definitely works, although it’s the only thing that has worked for me, and it’s under lock and key behind the pharmacy. I’ve never had results from OTC medicine like this, so I’m not surprised to hear it doesn’t work at all.

btaf45, in US to argue Google abused power to monopolize internet search as antitrust trial begins

It is pretty easy to change your default web browser, compared to changing your operating system [Microsoft], your social network of friends [Facebook], or your auction site [Ebay]. Microsoft, Facebook, Ebay, etc all have a far greater lock on their markets because a single person cannot make a switch without degrading their experience.

digitalgadget, in Danelo Cavalcante: Escaped US killer shaves beard as search widens

This is exactly the kind of thing cops are supposed to be good at. He's now been on the run for over a week?


tv and movie lied to you, they arent any better they often just have more resources from the state

TopShelfVanilla, in Red fire ant colonies found in Italy and could spread across Europe, says study

If they have been seen then it’s already too late. That sucks. They are a scourge.


It mighth be possible to get rid of them. But it would take a heroic effort. See

Chariotwheel, in Bodycam video shows federal drug prosecutor handing police business card in DUI crash arrest.

Ruddy, whose blood-alcohol level tested at 0.17

Huh, that doesn't seem too much. Is the USA prude agai-


Oh shit

subignition, avatar

Bit over twice the legal limit

entropicshart, in 'Power to communities': Chicago considers city-owned grocery store to address 'food deserts' after giants like Walmart and Whole Foods shutter stores

Considering most stores shut down due to excessive theft (and inaction of authorities), would this be any different than just opening another food bank?

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Yeah, about that “most stores shut down door to excessive theft” thing…


The article you linked says there’s been a 25.6% increase in retail theft just within a years time. That’s bound to hurt a lot of businesses.


Keep in mind that is relative to another number.


I found the article to be written in an unnecessarily complicated way. Are you talking about the shrink number? I think most of us couldn’t care less about giant retailers losing profit, it’s the small businesses I’m concerned about.


Hopefully being a community thing and not a corporate thing will help. I think people will be less likely to steal, and more likely to rat someone out for stealing.


Before 1916 theft wasn't an issue at the grocery, because the customer was not expected to fetch their own items.

You told the person what you needed and they went and got it for you.

If theft was the real reason, stores could simply return to this style of operation.

Whisp, in Federal judge rules Texas public drag show ban is unconstitutional -

Get fucked Texas

ono, in South China Sea: Philippines removes Chinese barrier in contested area

The South China Sea is a rich fishing ground that is believed to hold vast oil and gas reserves.

I didn’t know that. I guess that’s another reason why China is trying to take the area for itself.

Madison_rogue, in Alabama seeks to execute prisoner using nitrogen gas asphyxiation avatar

I'm going to start off this conversation by first saying I'm not an advocate of the death penalty. However, of all the methods used, asphyxiation is not "cruel and unusual." It is quick (as in immediate) and painless. This is why the defendant's lawyers have no idea what they're talking about.


Honestly if I had to choose, it would be nitrogen. The alternatives in Alabama are electrocution and lethal injection, both of which are absolutely horrifying. If I was him I’d be firing my lawyers for trying to get the state to use methods that essentially torture you to death instead of the one that just makes you fall asleep.

Absolutely monstrous that he’s getting the death penalty in the first place though. I hope he isn’t in the 5% or so who turn out to be innocent.

Jesus fucking Christ, I just read about the first attempt. The state of Alabama tortured this man for hours, injected him with who knows what, and now they want to do it again. As far as I’m concerned he served his sentence.


if you crush the person with a giant falling anvil it is quick and painless as well as long as a professional administers the anvil.

Itty53, avatar

This sounds like a joke but this is the explicit problem: doctors won't be the ones to do it.

You guys all knew that right? Doctors don't administer those chemicals for lethal injection. And they won't be administering gas either. Some po'dunk cop will.

Because doctors take an oath that begins "first, do no harm". This has forever been the problem of the very notion of "humane execution", there are no physicians involved. None. At any step.

Know what's just as effective? Bullets. But we can't call a firing squad humane with a straight face, and the witnesses remaining are traumatized, including the shooters. That truth exposes the truth of the death penalty. It's not about justice, but retribution - for the living. They're lynchings. Violent theatrics. That's the point.

They shouldn't be legal, it's barbaric. But you already said you weren't for them, so I'm just preaching to the ether.


Doesn't asphyxiation feel like drowning? Doesn't sound pleasant to me. Though I guess it beats burning alive?


Your “I need to breathe” reflex is driven by the presence of CO2, not by the absence of oxygen. A lack of oxygen makes you euphoric, then you get tunnel vision, and then you pass out. This is why it’s dangerous to hyperventilate before free diving - you clear out the CO2 from your blood but don’t really add more oxygen. Instead of coming up for air when you need it, you might just pass out instead.


That's why I always pay for my dives.

originalucifer, avatar

i tried paying for my time at the no free diving site near me, but theres never anyone available. feels like im stealing!


People panic while normal choking because their blood CO2 is rising and they can’t do anything about it. Being exposed to pure nitrogen doesn’t have that effect, it’s what makes working with nitrogen cannisters so dangerous. If they leak in a confined space and then displace all the normal 21% O2 room air with pure N2 the effect is that workers don’t even notice something is wrong. Instead they just calmly pass out and quickly die. It’s probably the easiest way to go.

HubertManne, avatar

I agree here. I don't think we should be doing the death penalty but if it has to be done an inert gas is the least bad way.

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