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StopMassDownvotingYouIdiot, in Call out post for a particular karma farmer on kbin.social

Here come the downvotes - 4 downvotes, 3 of which are from accounts that were made after I posted this. What a loser lmfao I can't get over it this is fucking hilarious. This is pathetic and should be proof enough that vote manipulation is something we need to deal with.


And now they've started to remove their downvotes. I don't even get it at this point. I'm just gonna go to bed that person's a headache to figure out honestly.

@onepinksheep@kbin.social avatar

Maybe the moron didn't realise downvotes were public?


I can guarantee they know, they went through the effort of removing downvotes from a bunch of their accounts from the comment thread I linked. Sigh

Pons_Aelius, in Call out post for a particular karma farmer on kbin.social

You seem to have struck a chord...

All three (make that 4) downvotes are from accounts younger than this post.

Some new accounts to add to the list:







Yup bahahah, I already expected that. Those are rookie numbers - this person is on another level and there are a LOT more to come. I'd love to see how long they waste their life on this.

@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

How many damn emails does this person have? Lmfao


If you spend a few bucks to register a domain name?

A number only limited to your self-control (and self-respect) to rig votes that give you nothing IRL.

So, for this person, I am guessing hundreds.


To say it gives you nothing IRL is ignorant of the online social engineering these platforms can do



This whole thread is an example of people who are very aware of what is possible with social engineering online and calling it out on a new platform in an attempt to at least slow the influx.

The person who is creating accounts like the energiser bunny hitting the skins is trying to use reddit tactics that have been well known since that crow vs corvid user was found boosting their content.

The difference here is that, since votes are public, their attempts are very transparent.


No need to spend money on domains. Gmail allows for endless aliases. Just one Gmail account is enough.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Nice trick since you can hardly ban gmail as an admin.

@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

You can't ban gmail, but it shouldn't be too hard to add countermeasures against it.


This is already being looked into. Kbin doesn’t have to form validation in place yet, but it’s on the list to prevent spammers.
Essentially it will prevent emails with plus signs and periods in them

@lowdownfool@kbin.social avatar

plus signs and periods in them

That would be a mistake, those are valid characters for an email address.


You’re correct. I misstated.
Plus signs however are by and large used for aliases.

That being said, the elephant in the room isn’t Gmail or mail aliases.


You don't even need to do that. There are email providers that will allow you to make an unlimited number of email aliases that all point back to the same address. Fastmail is one that comes to mind, but I'm sure there are others.

@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

No need, gmail gives you virtually infinite emails. Just tested it out, kbin doesn't have countermeasures against it in place. You can use one gmail email to create as many accounts as you want.

@lowdownfool@kbin.social avatar

Funny, I noticed latvianbloke downvoting an article on the Philly shooting where kids got hurt.

static, in Call out post for a particular karma farmer on kbin.social
@static@kbin.social avatar

I have not looked into the details, but this makes a solid case for public up/downvotes, it makes fuckery public.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Definitely. The public nature of voting means that it should be possible for anyone to write a bot that spots these patterns automatically.

Whether instance admins do anything about it is a separate matter, but at least everyone will know whether they're doing something about it.

@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

I was on the fence about the voting being public, some people may not wanna get shit for agreeing with one point or another was one point I saw (they may not feel they can vote freely) but it certainly does force accountability.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

Off topic but I just love your name/image so much!

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Why thank you. :) It was a name I picked kind of randomly years ago when I decided to respond to a Reddit comment and needed to register an account, and I just happened to have seen the Endless Forest right beforehand. I never actually played it, though. It's since become my default online handle despite none of my interests being specifically oriented towards deer.

Then when I saw that Kbin/Lemmy allowed profile images I created a couple of potential avatars using Stable Diffusion and then cropped down my favourite.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

Well, it's magical! It reminds me slightly of the forest spirit in Princess Mononoke but way more striking. Strange how these things come into being.

I really need to get a proper avatar. I just grabbed the first thing I saw that was the right size from my image folder.

Edit: omg those images are all fantastic. You can have a whole FaceDeer empire.

princessofcute, in Call out post for a particular karma farmer on kbin.social
@princessofcute@kbin.social avatar

What's dumb is reputation doesn't even do anything on Kbin right now other than make you go "haha I have higher number than you" so reputation farming is a total waste of time. Personally I hope it stays that way as it will deter the farmers, I can see some of the benefits of the karma system in Reddit but it's just too prone to manipulation to be actually useful in any way.

@atocci@kbin.social avatar

It didn't do anything on reddit either as far as I'm aware, and yet people still went for it like they were trying to get the high score.

@ozen@kbin.social avatar

I think you could make a small amount of money for selling a reddit account with high karma...but that's the only thing I ever heard of it being useful for.


It also grants a small amount of credibility of not being some random new account shill or whatever, but given how accounts can be sold, it doesn't really do that if you're paying any attention

@princessofcute@kbin.social avatar

It was sometimes used for posting, like you had to have a certain amount of karma to post in certain subs

@atocci@kbin.social avatar

That's a fair point, I forgot that was a thing that could be done. Was that useful? Do you think it's something that should be possible here in the future?

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

As someone who was mostly a lurker on Reddit, it was really annoying, actually. The rare times I wanted to comment on something, only to be hit with being told my karma was too low, so I couldn’t? It put me off those subreddits fast and ended up made me less likely to try to comment on things.

@Ignacio@kbin.social avatar

The only thing it did on Reddit was to limit who could join a subreddit or who could post something in a subreddit.

@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

It must stay that way. High rep shouldn't affect anything at all.


"haha I have higher number than you"

This is exactly what some people are after. It lets them believe they are oh so better for having no life outside of the internet. And content quality on kbin suffers in the process.


Back in the Fark days, it was, "I have a lower number than you!" (an older account). People will always find something to latch onto.


"I have a lower number than you!"

Same with the old slashdot days.

( Years before the reddit huge of death there was getting slashdotted.)


Fark called it "getting Farked".

@sotolf@kbin.social avatar

Back in the old forum days it was about having the biggest amount of posts :p

CatBookCat, in Call out post for a particular karma farmer on kbin.social
@CatBookCat@kbin.social avatar

is it weird that i don't care? i don't care about oodles karma. 0 fucks to give. why do people care?

@DoucheAsaurus@kbin.social avatar

Dude is just some tool trying to play the same games he played on reddit. Deserves an IP ban if you ask me.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Well, when all your posts will start with a minus 5 and become invisible maybe you will start to care? Because you WILL have your haters too. Some people are that crazy.

@Virkkunen@kbin.social avatar

I do care because even though these virtual point mean fuck all, users will degrade everyone's experience to try and farm them. We'll be getting low quality, rage-bait inducing posts, reposts being boosted to the top and actual good content being overshadowed just because an arsehole wants bigger numbers

Gamers_Mate, in Call out post for a particular karma farmer on kbin.social

As someone who uses Both kbin and lemmy I started removing my upvotes on lemmy because I thought did it by accident until I realized with lemmy it does that automatically when you post something making the default score 1 but on kbin it is 0 because it does not do that. Still the idea of upvoting yourself to get a higher point score just seems silly.

xuxebiko, in Call out post for a particular karma farmer on kbin.social

What do these people do with their fake internet points?

@anathema_device@kbin.social avatar

@xuxebiko buy NFTs, of course :)



thanks, I needed that laugh.

0xtero, in YSK that Kbin can subscribe not only to magazines and communities, but entire instances.

As an added bonus, you can also use the https://kbin.social/d/[instance domain here] scheme to block entire domains, if you find that they include content you don't want to see in your feed.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Dammit, that's awesome, didn't even see the block button - you got me bonus hunting now... :)

Bonus #2 - Turns out the /d/ parameter works for ANY domains with content posted on Kbin or in your feed.

For instance, let's say you wanna see (or block) everything posted from Facebook:


or Twitter:


I gotta hand it to Ernest - this platform has got some kickass code under the hood.

Hypx, in /kbin Issues
@Hypx@kbin.social avatar

Is anyone else still seeing federated posts even when you turn the federation status to off? I was trying to hide some of the excess meme posts that are coming from other servers. But turning off federation does not make all of them go away. Some federated posts are still being shown.

@melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

Turning off federation doesn't mean it will delete all the content on your/the instance.

dumples, in YSK that Kbin can subscribe not only to magazines and communities, but entire instances.
@dumples@kbin.social avatar

This is why we need more single topic instances. Time to join everything in:


I feel like there are so many good deep single topic instances that will naturally become the default

@insomniac_lemon@kbin.social avatar

I would like to see subdomains for communities here. like @competitive.kbin.social for lots of sport-like things as an example. Also place (city, state, country) and fandom or other stuff like that. And make it easy for people to block that subdomain with allowances for the things they actually want to see (though I guess if it's still accessible by subscriptions or directly going there, that works too).

DarkThoughts, in Call out post for a particular karma farmer on kbin.social

That's not karma farming, that's straight up vote manipulation.


Absolutely. They are doing it with the intention of karma farming because they only post shitposts and useless Reddit crap like this, but this is a serious issue if they move on to opinion posts and politics.

Tomassci, in Ernest Appreciation Post
@Tomassci@kbin.social avatar

I'm going to mention the fact that not only ernest made the platform, and runs it, he also made communities of miscellanous subreddits (which helped me as reddit refugee) and posts content into it. And manages to do all of that at the same time. Really grateful for all of that.

tables, in Why does it seem everything on KBin is from lemmy?

I think in part it's that a few Lemmy communities are extremely active / almost spammy and there's no algorithm filtering how much content you get from each place. In the "All" view, most of the content I see comes from the same couple of Lemmy "meme" communities. So it's no wonder most of the content I'm seeing comes from Lemmy when almost all of it comes from two specific communities which are basically meme factories. If I filter those out, there's suddenly a much bigger variety of content from all around and on my "Subscribed" tab I can see plenty of activity from Kbin communities.

@tal@kbin.social avatar

The lotrmemes users have been very energetic in aiming to produce content, I must say.

But yeah, you can just blacklist a handful of very active subs.

Lodespawn, in /kbin Issues

Not sure if anyone is getting this problem or whether it is a KBin issue or a browser issue.

I get an issue when browsing on mobile (Firefox) and loading magazine headers under all. If I scroll down and load a few additional magazine headers, click on a magazine title to view it and then hit back to return to the list of magazines, the list does not return me to the place I was at in the list.

Instead it truncates the list back to first loaded magazine headers and leaves me viewing the random details normally positioned at the bottom of the all list. To get it to load more magazine headers I have to scroll back to actual bottom of the listed of initially loaded magazine headers. It then starts reloading headers as normal but I then need to scroll and reload all subsequent magazine headers to get back to my position in the list.


Yup, experiencing this too

Alexmitter, in Is Kbin defederated from Lemmy.ml?
@Alexmitter@kbin.social avatar

Lemmy.ml blocks any kbin instance on purpose by blocking the kbinBot User-Agent

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