
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

originalucifer, in Can I post a new thread from kbin to a lemmy community?
@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

try this..
click 'magazines' at the top
then type in the name of the remote community you want, like 'funny'.. it should then show you all those remote communities and the local one.... click the community you want to post in
then you should see a banner at the top reminding you youre looking at a local version of a remote community, click the '+' sign and select the post type... this will initiate a new thread.

@Maestro@kbin.social avatar

Thank you, that worked!

ghostatnoon, in Missing search results when looking for federated communities (at Lemmy)
@ghostatnoon@kbin.social avatar

It's usually easier to search via external sites (https://lemmyverse.net/ and https://browse.feddit.de/ are the ones I've been using). You'll still have to manually copy over the magazine name in order to subscribe for it, but you'll get a wider variety of results without having to go to each instance individually.


Thanks for the tip, that's a good workaround

shazbot, in Could there be a "Filter" button for magazines?

Hello, I have added this feature to KES (third party extension) today. I believe it is working correctly based on your requirements:

  • Show an icon next to magazine names on the main thread index (https://kbin.social or https://kbin.social/sub if logged in). Click this icon to "softblock" threads from that magazine from appearing on your main thread index. This does not block the magazine outright: you can still go to the magazine directly, so it is less aggressive than a total block.
  • Show a Softblock/Unsoftblock button in the sidebar of magazines, as well as in the Magazines index located at https://kbin.social/magazines. As you would expect, this button has the effect of adding/removing a magazine from your filters.
  • Show a tab at the top of the Magazines index that you can use to centrally manage your softblocked magazines. For the time being, this is merely informational.

Full details can be found in the release notes here over at /m/enhancement.

Let me know if this gives you the functionality you wanted.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, in Could there be a "Filter" button for magazines?
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I think it'd be simpler to just change the block button so it does that. Adding a new "filter" button would lead to newcomers being confused on what the difference is. Besides, I don't think there's much benefit to being completely unable to view a magazine.


Sure. Or that.

Crul, in Missing search results when looking for federated communities (at Lemmy)

You can access communities through the URL:





Thanks, that worked, although I cannot see any of the posts in the original community :(


I cannot see any of the posts in the original community :(

I cannot helps with that :/

I know federation is not perfect. I would suggest trying again later just in case it’s taking some time to get the data from the other instance.


Thanks, I will

HubertManne, in Could there be a "Filter" button for magazines?
@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

I like this. Would also make it easier to double check your blocks in case something improved.

Damaskox, in What do you think about upvoting/boosting your own post?
@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

I don't do it myself.
Even if I got 1000 upvotes for a comment or a post, knowing that one of them would be my own feels...strange to me.

There's something about "being 100% legit" through not upvoting my own stuff.

ernest, in Could we have 'hide' post back again please?
@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Never seen that option here before :D Are you sure you haven't used any userstyle like KES or something?


That's embarrassing. Quite possibly. Sorry for bothering you. Handy option though :)

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I agree that it's quite useful. I'm pretty sure that at some point, it will be included in the basic version of kbin.


Hi, this feature is still available and working in KES under Threads > Permanently Hide Posts. The hide link appears next to the more button, not inside of the more menu. Give it a try.



@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Hey, Ernest! Do you have any suggestions for userstyles? Maybe ones that includes stuff you want to add but don't have the time to yet.

Deceptichum, in What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads?
@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

Fucking hate it.

Splits communities and Twitter was always a shit format, not something to be emulated.

Damaskox, in To those genuinely interested in moderating
@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

Any tips & tricks for a fresh new mod/magazine owner that has never done this stuff before?

(I'm scared!)

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

I think it's great that you're interested in this! It may be scary, but it can also be pretty exciting. I would say to start small. There might be a lot of things to consider: establishing rules, the overall vibe of the #magazine, your audience, the type of content you want to see, etc. Pick on one, focus on that for a day or so. If you plan on making new magazine, you'll be free to take your time with this. Growing niche magazines tends to be on the slow side. IMO, that's better for those who are new to this, so they can have time to acclimate to the tools and considerations you'll be presented with. It may also allow you to really reflect on the direction you'd like to take your magazine.

As #niche #communities tend to start slow, people will be hesitant to post content. Unfortunately, when content is rare, people are less inclined to post. This is a problem that reinforces itself, as others are unlikely to post when there is no content. You'll probably need to be "the first on the dance floor", so to speak, if your goal is to grow your magazine. This will likely test your patience, as you will probably be one of, if not the only active posters in your magazine. Picking a magazine name that might see usage in the #fediverse and #mastodon might prove useful for #federating content via the #microblog section. However, if you wish to pick a more unique name, more power to you. Something to consider, is that you may wish to create a sibling magazine that can accept a tag that would federate posts with regularity.

For example, I run @learnjapanese. However, most people will be unlikely to write #learnjapanese on Mastodon. However, I also run @japanese, which federates the #japanese tag from Mastodon instances. You can add additional tags in the magazine settings menu, which allows the federation of posts that contain other hashtags. I've pinned a microblog in both magazines' #microblogging sections to point to each other to increase #discoverability and awareness of related resources. Speaking of discoverability, Ernest recently implemented a #crossposting feature to /kbin that further increases discoverability and accessibility. Posting the same link/image to related magazines will allow users to see other magazines this content is posted to. This appears in the comments section of the thread, directly below the content of the post itself. Ideally, this would generate additional traffic and increase visibility for the smaller, but related magazines. This has been an extremely welcome addition, as someone who is moderating smaller magazines and trying to bring awareness without spamming advertisements.

If you have any further questions, please let me know. I have also subscribed to your magazine. Good luck. :)

@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

I created a new magazine today 🙂

Yeah I am aware of slow growth.
My magazine takes lots of its material from a YouTube channel so at least for now their activity would go more or less hand in hand with mine/ours.
I'd be happy to receive even readers! Posting there isn't a necessity for me, for now at least.

The name of the magazine is the same than the YouTube channel's.

I added some tags to the magazine's description and into its settings.
Looking at/testing crossposting at some point.

Thanks for the help!

ghostatnoon, in Does Kbin have the saving feature?
@ghostatnoon@kbin.social avatar

The Kbin Usability Pack userscript adds a bookmark feature: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469597-kbin-usability-pack

livus, in What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads?
@livus@kbin.social avatar

I really love it. Thanks to microblogs sections of magazines, I'm now getting plenty of mastodon content and even following some mastodon people despite not having a mastodon account.

Damaskox, in What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads?
@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

I'm from Reddit as well.
(I've been actively around for about three days) I still don't understand what the microblog is and how to use them.

@sour@kbin.social avatar

the microblog is like twitter

@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

Now since I think about it -
I did a few tweets years ago before I deleted my account but I've never read it much. Just a message here there - I never followed full conversations. (And nowadays I rather not go here anymore)

So I'm pretty much out of the loop with how Twitter works as well 😂

sour, (edited )
@sour@kbin.social avatar

is for writing small posts with hashtags

hashtags start with #

microblog posts can have attachments like threads can

if you click on hashtag you can see more posts with same one

daredevil, (edited )
@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Microblogs on /kbin are essentially short-form posts. There are times where microblogs revolve around a specific topic, but this is not always necessary. On /kbin, they are generally associated with keywords (hashtags) that allow a microblog to be sent to a magazine that targets/accepts the tag, which then appears in the microblog feed. However, on Mastodon/Twitter, you can simply write posts that get grouped with the posts of other users or your own previous posts without replying to a specific original post.

Writing microblogs and utilizing tagged keywords allows people to search for the information the writer deems fundamental to the topic they're writing about. This enhances discoverability and reduces noise, as you are able to quickly browse any and all posts that are specifically tagged with those keywords. Furthermore, microblogs may generally incorporate multiple identifying topics as you group together these keywords/tags.

For example, the @cats magazine will have an influx of posts on Saturdays from Mastodon instances which are tagged with . Writing microblogs in this way makes it so creating a thread every Saturday in @cats isn't necessary. This has a nice side effect of minimizing the need for megathreads that were found on Reddit.

Additionally, you can also search for (and click on) to review exercises that I have completed in the past. There are additional posts in the @learnjapanese magazine that would not include this information. By using this tag, you can access the posts that specifically pertain to my studies.

This is in contrast to /kbin threads, where the content of the thread is the centralizing topic of discussion as opposed to the keywords.

For example: our replies are centered around what the OP has asked instead of any keywords in the original post or subsequent replies. However, /kbin is more unique than typical forums, as we can the comments to achieve a similar functionality to microblogs. Honestly, I would like to see this feature be utilized more, but ç'est la vie.


As someone who's never really utilized hashtags, do you have any suggestions?

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

I might first suggest looking into a magazine/community that you're interested in. Scrolling the microblog section of that magazine might lend some insight on which keywords appear the most frequently or resonate the most with you. Pick one out, then try clicking on it or searching it with either the built in search function in the navigation bar at the top, or by checking out https://kbin.social/tag/cats as an example. Maybe even explore https://kbin.social/tag/hashtag. By replacing the tag in those links, you can check out posts containing tags with a bit more freedom, as some of the federation issues can be mitigated by searching this way. Trying to use some of these hashtags to find out specific information regarding questions or other interests, perhaps. If you have any further questions, you're free to reach out again.


Thanks for the insight! I was mainly wondering about how I should use hashtags on my own microblogs and comments but I didn't even think about using them as browsing tools. Could you maybe give more tips about the former?

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Sure. I'll try to use your reply as an example.

Thanks for the insight! I was mainly wondering about how I should use [...]

As you said so yourself, you are mainly wondering how you should use hashtags. As such, I would use a hashtag to highlight this key point of information. This is so that other users who may have questions regarding how to use hashtags can directly find posts that may have had the same question.

[...] on my own and but I didn't even think about using them as browsing tools.

The importance of microblogging will vary from user to user. However, I'd imagine they are/will play a big role in the (I chose to tag fediverse here, because it's a large topic that others may seek clarification and perspectives regarding the idea and the number of ways it may pop up in conversation).

Could you maybe give more about the former?

Lastly, I might consider tagging tips here. Say someone is looking up information regarding how to use a . Well, if they stumble upon this post, they might be inclined to do a subsequent search by combining any number of the tags you/I have mentioned. This will allow them to either join keywords to perform more refined searches, or incentivize them to delve into related topics they might not have otherwise considered. For example, they might combine to find more information about, well, fediverse tips. They might also now search as well.


Thanks for the ! I'll try and use them to enrich my contributions to the .


they might be inclined to do a subsequent search by combining any number of the tags you/I have mentioned

I use hashtags to see if an article/story has already been submitted, but how do you search on multiple hashtags? eg AND

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Entering both tags with whitespace to separate them is what I had in mind. Using the tags you asked about together brings up your post as the first result, for example.


That doesn't work for me though. Entering

https://kbin.social/tag/sondheim broadway

produces zero results. What am I doing wrong?

daredevil, (edited )
@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Apologies, I misunderstood your earlier question. My previous response had the search bar at the top in mind, not by browsing through https://kbin.social/tag/*. At the moment, I'm not aware of a way to search multiple tags using that specific method. While I did make some proposals for searches, I hope there will be ways to add further granularity to searches. Making information easily accessible regarding search syntax would also be very handy. Some examples would be Duckduckgo's bangs, Discord's search syntax, and Duckduckgo/Google's ability to search within specific sites (as in, site:reddit.com). I would hope that this could translate to /kbin's search via targeting specific magazines, users, microblogs, comments, etc. Perhaps one day.


Thanks Daredevil. Hmm. While the following search:


does produce my post, the search query seems to act as a logical OR rather than a logical AND. Ie, it returns posts with tag OR . Is there a way of constructing a search with a logical AND?

Further, this search:


should produce any number of posts, but returns nil results.

Eg, this post is tagged with both AND , but does not appear:


And there are a number of posts tagged with : https://kbin.social/tag/lesmis which, one would assume, should also appear in the search results.

So searching for single tag queries seems to work well, but searching for text queries is inconsistent.

Unless... using the search bar ONLY searches the body of the post, rather than also the associated tags? Whereas searching for tags ONLY searches for tags attached to a post, but not the text of the post itself? If so, then it would be great if kbin had the ability to do logical AND searches on tags to help narrow down results.

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, and on has room to grow, I completely agree. While I've tried getting familiar with it in the past, I am by no means an authority on the subject. In fact, this back-and-forth was already helpful for teaching me a bit more. If you feel strongly about this, I might suggest bringing it up here, so that Ernest can look into it when he has time. However, if you'd rather not, then I may find some time to try putting something together later.


Thanks DD - will raise a Codeberg issue in the next day or so (just in the middle of work right now).

originalucifer, in What are your thoughts on Microblogs vs threads?
@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

i like kbin because it had both. i want a piece of federating software that implements as much of the activitypub protocol as possible, and then maybe lets server admins decide what they want to actually federate.

i see a lot of talk about upvotes/downvotes what should or should not be pushed in or out. i dont think thats really a devs decision.
if its part of the protocol, it should be implemented and configurable.


I wish peertube would federate with kbin as well. One place to see everything would be nice. (There are probably more fediverse things i'm not aware of to add to the list)

Of course each demands different things from instances.

daredevil, in Does Kbin have the saving feature?
@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

You can pull up a feed of the threads that you've upvoted/favorited in the sort method next to your username on the top right. If you change the view to microblogs, it also changes the feed to microblogs that you've favorited. It's a bit different from saving from Reddit/Lemmy, as I don't think there's a way to display saved comments yet, but I hope this will help a bit at least.

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