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mihair, to science avatar
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mihair, to science avatar

Raw stevia herb may harm your kidneys, reproductive system, and cardiovascular system. It may also drop blood pressure too low or interact with medications that lower blood sugar.
Although stevia is considered safe for people with diabetes, brands that contain dextrose or maltodextrin should be treated with caution.
Dextrose is glucose, and maltodextrin is a starch. These ingredients add small amounts of carbs and calories. Sugar alcohols may also slightly tip the carb count.
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Certain chemicals in stevia, including stevioside and rebaudioside A, are likely safe when used as a food sweetener. Side effects might include bloating, nausea, dizziness, and numbness.
There isn't enough reliable information to know if whole stevia or stevia extracts are safe or what the side effects might be.
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Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) is a bushy shrub native to northeast Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. It's best known as a natural sweetener.
Stevia contains chemicals that are 200-300 times sweeter than sucrose sugar.
People take stevia for obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
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Using stevia can reduce calories in foods and drinks, but it may also have some adverse effects. Possible side effects include nausea, bloating, low blood pressure, and hormone disruption.
Stevia is a non-nutritive or zero-calorie sweetener made of steviol glycosides. These are compounds extracted and refined from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant.
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Epidemiologic studies (studies of patterns, causes, and control of diseases in groups of people) have examined possible associations between intakes of artificial sweeteners and risks of several cancers in people. It is important to keep in mind that studies of this type cannot establish cause-and-effect relationships because factors other than artificial sweetener use may potentially explain observed associations. However, these studies can provide important insights that can then be investigated in additional studies that can give more definitive answers.
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mihair, to science avatar

You might find packets of stevia on restaurant tables and store shelves. Stevia can also be found in many other products you eat. If you’re eating products marketed as low calorie, check the ingredients list to see what type of sweetener was used.
Currently, there’s no evidence linking stevia to cancer when used in normal amounts. Some research suggests it may even have some health benefits. A number of studies stress the need for more research into the potential benefits and risks of stevia.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Stevia may interact with drugs intended to treat hypertension and diabetes.
In animal studies, stevia didn’t affect fertility or pregnancy outcomes, but research on humans is lacking. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, stevia glycoside products may be consumed in moderation. Steer clear of whole-leaf stevia and crude stevia extracts while pregnant or nursing.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Stevia made with Reb-A is safe to use in moderation during pregnancy. If you’re sensitive to sugar alcohols, choose a brand that doesn’t contain erythritol.
Whole-leaf stevia and crude stevia extract, including stevia you’ve grown at home, are not safe to use if you’re pregnant.
It may seem strange that a highly refined product is considered safer than a natural one. This is a common mystery with herbal products.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Stevia, a zero-calorie sugar substitute, is recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). In vitro and in vivo studies showed that stevia has antiglycemic action and antioxidant effects in adipose tissue and the vascular wall, reduces blood pressure levels and hepatic steatosis, stabilizes the atherosclerotic plaque, and ameliorates liver and kidney damage. The metabolism of steviol glycosides is dependent upon gut microbiota, which breaks down glycosides into steviol that can be absorbed by the host. In this review, we elucidated the effects of stevia's consumption on the host's gut microbiota. #Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

A 2019 study reported a possible link between nonnutritive sweeteners, including stevia, and disruption in beneficial intestinal flora. The same study also suggested nonnutritive sweeteners may induce glucose intolerance and metabolic disorders.
As with most nonnutritive sweeteners, a major downside is the taste. Stevia has a mild, licorice-like taste that’s slightly bitter. Some people enjoy it, but it’s a turn-off for others.
In some people, stevia products made with sugar alcohols may cause digestive problems, such as bloating and diarrhea.
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mihair, to science avatar

Stevia is considered a "natural non-caloric sweetener." Saccharin and sucralose are considered "non-nutritive sweeteners" (few or no calories). Aspartame is a "nutritive sweetener" (adds some calories but far less than sugar).
Aspartame comes with a warning to be used cautiously (or not at all) by people with a rare genetic disease (called phenylketonuria, or PKU) because they have trouble metabolizing it; that's not true for the other sweeteners. And all four vary on their level of sweetness and aftertaste, which is likely why people often prefer one over another.
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mihair, to science avatar

With a low to no calorie sugar count, artificial sweeteners may seem like a treat for people with diabetes. But recent research indicates that artificial sweeteners may actually be counterintuitive, especially if you’re looking to manage or prevent diabetes.
In fact, the increased consumption of these sugar substitutes may correlate to the increase of obesity and diabetes cases.

mihair, to science avatar

Stevia is an ideal replacement for traditional sugar, especially if you have diabetes or a carbohydrate-controlled diet. That way, you can enjoy sweet foods without dealing with diabetic complications. Unlike normal sugar made of sucrose, stevia contains stevioside. It is a glycoside compound, not a carbohydrate. Table sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream. As stevioside breaks down, the glucose is absorbed in the colon by bacteria.

mihair, to science avatar

Pancreatic cancer has an extremely poor prognosis, largely due to a poor record for early detection. Known risk factors for pancreatic cancer include obesity, diet, and diabetes, implicating glucose consumption and regulation as a key player. The role of artificial sweeteners may therefore be pertinent to disease kinetics. The oncogenic impact of artificial sweeteners is a highly controversial area.

mihair, to science avatar

Stevia, a zero-calorie sugar substitute, is recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). In vitro and in vivo studies showed that stevia has antiglycemic action and antioxidant effects in adipose tissue and the vascular wall, reduces blood pressure levels and hepatic steatosis, stabilizes the atherosclerotic plaque, and ameliorates liver and kidney damage. The metabolism of steviol glycosides is dependent upon gut microbiota, which breaks down glycosides into steviol that can be absorbed by the host. In this review, we elucidated the effects of stevia’s consumption on the host’s gut microbiota. #Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha



I have IBS and sugar makes it act up. I use stevia extract as a substitute in products, and I AM constantly working on improving my gut biome health. This was a dense but good read.

mihair, to science avatar

To help offset potential stevia induced gut challenges, support your gut flora with fiber and prebiotics like FOS10 (fructo-oligosaccharides). Increase your intake of beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidus to aid in a healthier gut microbiome.
Consider foods and nutrients like cruciferous vegetables (Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale), silymarin, dandelion, resveratrol, curcumin, magnesium, zinc, limonene, B vitamins, and omega-3 oils to help your liver’s glucuronidation pathway.

mihair, to science avatar

Ancestral intake of the raw stevia leaf was extremely limited compared to current exposures of refined stevia found in many manufactured food products. I am a proponent of using foods in their natural, whole form when possible.
Avoid processed refined sugars and foods with added sugars, but rather use raw local honey, blackstrap molasses, real maple syrup, or other natural sugars. Think about it, would your grandmother or great grandmother use something like refined stevia in their made from scratch homemade recipes?

mihair, to science avatar

Artificial sweeteners or intense sweeteners are sugar substitutes that are used as an alternative to table sugar. They are many times sweeter than natural sugar and as they contain no calories, they may be used to control weight and obesity. Extensive scientific research has demonstrated the safety of the six low-calorie sweeteners currently approved for use in foods in the U.S. and Europe (stevia, acesulfame-K, aspartame, neotame, saccharin and sucralose), if taken in acceptable quantities daily. There is some ongoing debate over whether artificial sweetener usage poses a health threat .This review article aims to cover thehealth benefits, and risks, of consuming artificial sweeteners, and discusses natural sweeteners which can be used as alternatives.

mihair, to science avatar

Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a perennial shrub with zero calorie content that has been increasing in popularity for its potential use as an adjuvant in the treatment of obesity. The level of evidence supporting general benefits to human health is insufficient. We conducted a review of the literature summarizing the current knowledge and role in human disease.
A growing body of evidence indicates that Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is protective against malignant conversion by inhibition of DNA replication in human cancer cell growth in vitro.

mihair, to science avatar

Gustul ceaiului de kombucha diferă de la un producător la altul în funcție de metodele de preparare. Tocmai de aceea vă invităm să testați cele 8 sortimente iKombucha. După o experiență de peste 7 ani în producerea de kombucha, am adăugat la rețetele noastre stevia ca și îndulcitor, pentru ca produsul final să nu fie prea acru la gust pentru majoritatea clienților. Am dezvoltat 8 sortimente cu diferite arome, care să acopere înr-o anumită măsură gustul de ferment și să ofere gusturi plăcute.

mihair, to science avatar

Stevioside is a diterpene glycoside found in the leaf of Stevia rebaudiana, a traditional oriental medicinal herb, which has been shown to have various biological and ethno-medicinal activities including antitumor activity. In this study, we investigated the effects of stevioside on the cytotoxicity, induction of apoptosis, and the putative pathways of its action in human breast cancer cells (MCF-7). For the analysis of apoptotic pathway, measurement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and assessment of mitochondrial transmembrane potential (MTP) were achieved. We showed that stevioside was a potent inducer of apoptosis and it conveyed the apoptotic signal via intracellular ROS generation; thereby inducing change in MTP and induction of mitochondrial mediated apoptotic pathway. Taken together, our data indicated that stevioside induces the ROS-mediated mitochondrial permeability transition and results in the increased expression of apoptotic proteins such as Bax, Bcl-2 and Caspase-9. Effect of stevioside on stress-related transcription factors like NF-E2-related factor-2 opens up a new vista for further studies. This is the first report on the mechanism of the antibreast cancer (in vitro) activity of stevioside.

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