
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

daredevil, (edited ) to kbinMeta in Magazine bans not federating with (and potentially others) avatar

I would also love it if we could prevent microblogs from federating to a magazine, as banning currently does nothing to prevent this issue and seems a bit counterintuitive. Similar to the concerns OP raised RE: commenting, this seems like it could be another vector for bad actors to attack from.

daredevil, to kbinMeta in /kbin Translations avatar

Contributed 50 translations to Japanese yesterday :) I'll continue contributing how I can

daredevil, (edited ) to fediverse in "It's the content, stupid." - Quick Notes to Supercharge K.Bin avatar

I understand wanting to help the platform grow, but I don't think invalidating the opinions and contributions of a-man-from-earth is a good way to approach it. The holier-than-thou attitude might also have the opposite effect that your original post is attempting to achieve. The lack of active moderators is certainly an issue, along with spam and the existence of various federation issues are problems as well. I get that these things take time, so I'm being patient. That said, I still enjoy kbin and contribute how and when I can.

daredevil, (edited ) to fediverse in "It's the content, stupid." - Quick Notes to Supercharge K.Bin avatar

I understand wanting to help the platform grow, but I don't think invalidating the opinions and contributions of a-man-from-earth is a good way to approach it. The holier-than-thou attitude might also have the opposite effect that your original post is attempting to achieve. The lack of active moderators is certainly an issue, along with spam and the existence of various federation issues are problems as well. I get that these things take time, so I'm being patient. The platform still has it's flaws, however I still enjoy kbin and am contributing when I can.

daredevil, to kbinMeta in Just Curious: How long does it take for a kbin post to reach mastodon? avatar

I'll keep an eye on our instance of and let you know in the future

daredevil, to kbinMeta in Just Curious: How long does it take for a kbin post to reach mastodon? avatar

Fantastic, this has been very enlightening. I appreciate your time and effort.

daredevil, to kbinMeta in Just Curious: How long does it take for a kbin post to reach mastodon? avatar

This led me to @neatchee, who is the instance owner. You might try following them, but I agree, that's an odd bug.

Thanks, it's worth a shot.

If a post contains a hashtag that is taken by another magazine, that magazine usually gets the content instead of yours. Your magazine's hashtag has to appear first in the text. Your Japanese forum is probably catching all of the #japanese posts before they get to LearnJapanese.

So it seems as if @japanese gets priority of the #japanese hashtag due to it being the name of their magazine? Or possibly that they had the hashtag first? I hope multiple magazines are able to federate the same hashtag eventually. @Acala, the admin of @japanese has been inactive for the past few weeks. That's rather unfortunate, as the magazine has no published threads in addition to an inactive moderator.

Second, it's random which of your magazine hashtags will pull content and from who.

That's unfortunate, but helps to clear things up.

The only way to ensure a post gets from Mastdon to Kbin or Lemmy is to put in the post tag. This will make sure it shows up on Lemmy, and will get your post to the Kbin Microblog of the magazine 90% of the time. If you want to be extra sure, do it like this: #yourmagazinename (then any following hashtags)

This has been very informative, thank you. I'm probably not gonna bug #mastodon users to add this to their posts, but if I ever decide to use mastodon myself I'll keep this in mind.

Hopefully the update will clean this up a bit.

Agreed, kbin as a platform is the most interesting for me, and I hope to see things turn out well.

daredevil, (edited ) to kbinMeta in Just Curious: How long does it take for a kbin post to reach mastodon? avatar

Thanks for the reply.

Basically, if you click on someone's follow and nothing happens (or you get an error page), what's happened is that you've sent them a follow request that they have to approve.

This makes sense, and reflects what I've just seen regarding a user I was trying to follow earlier.

If Kbin hasn't actively federated the site yet, it usually does so pretty quickly after a follow.

My follow has updated, however, I'm still unable to access This isn't a huge deal, just something I wanted to draw attention to, I suppose. Perhaps it'll federate some time down the line. To future readers, I'll try to remember to edit this comment with an update if and when it happens.

Thanks to @Arotrios for the answer

Additional context here

Check your magazine's Microblog section - you may be getting more content than you realize. Your magazine tags will determine what additional content (aside from ) your Microblogs pick up. Everything from Mastodon users shows up there on Kbin.

I actually check this daily and have reset my tags on a few occasions to see if it would help on top of what I mentioned previously. I've also changed the sort options (e.g. new, hot, top, etc) just in case, to check whether or not things have been federating. What has been confusing to me is, the content federation seems to work when I search the tag outside of my magazine. For instance, I see microblogs federated to @japanese yet I do not see the same in @learnjapanese. This has also been an issue with @residentevil as well. Oddly enough, even users I have already followed do not have their content federated to these magazines at times, even though I have checked their history and seen them use the tags I've assigned to the magazines. I could simply be doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what it is.

Edit: Now that I think about it, there have even been very occasional instances where I have seen content federated to @residentevil in the past. I remember following them and then have seen them post with the tags on a future occasion, but those subsequent posts were not federated to the magazine. Pretty odd, but I'll just attribute it to kbin's growing pains. I hope this isn't coming off as too negative, I've just been really trying to nurture these little communities and better understand this system.

daredevil, (edited ) to kbinMeta in Just Curious: How long does it take for a kbin post to reach mastodon? avatar

I've been struggling with #kbin/#mastodon #federation for awhile now, it's been disheartening. I've been trying to be more active about following various users and domains in hopes that more content will #federate to the #magazines I moderate. However, it hasn't really proven to be helpful. In some cases, I can't even find particular instances that users post from via kbin. I can find the instance by going to the page itself, but I suppose it may just take more time than I thought? In some cases, trying to follow a user takes me to an error page, and repeated attempts prove unsuccessful. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it's rather confusing when I can see posts from a given instance, yet can't search for the instance itself to federate more content. I've tried asking about it, and no one seems to know or be able to help. Searching the fediverse for information is also difficult due to the noise I have to sift through.

With that said, I know there's other stuff to consider: Ernest is planning a big update for kbin, some instances have restricted federation with kbin due to moderation not properly federating to other communities, and kbin being a younger platform than #lemmy/mastodon. I'll try to be patient, there's just some features that I really hope mature soon as there are features I'd like to use, but can't yet. Also, before this gets misconstrued again like it has in the past, I am still enjoying my time on kbin and support Ernest's efforts in regard to this platform. I wouldn't still be posting here if I weren't enjoying my time here.

daredevil, to kbinMeta in Why is /kbin federation with Lemmy and Mastodon usually broken? avatar

I'm not OP, but I've been having issues in regard to consistency when trying to federate microblogs to kbin magazines

daredevil, to kbinMeta in The Unofficial Guide to /kbin is now available! avatar

Any tags associated with a Magazine will pull in those posts that include those tags.

Unfortunately, this has not been the case in my experience. I have a tag associated with a magazine I run. When I search #residentevil, I'm able to see several posts that don't get pulled to my magazine. Would you have any suggestions or tips?

daredevil, to kbinMeta in Lots of new spam avatar

I'm aware. I don't think that reply is really necessary of a tag as I'm sure you and I both know he's busy. This problem is fairly common among kbin native magazines as well and not limited to the federated ones where Ernest is assigned as the owner and moderator. And yes, I'm also aware that it's something Ernest has talked about and plans to address. I'm not hating, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still an unfortunate situation.

daredevil, to kbinMeta in Lots of new spam avatar

Mods seem to be fairly inactive as well. Pretty unfortunate.

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