
danwentzel, to random avatar

Someone trying to put down the Fediverse called it “digital communism” and honestly that is the best slogan I’ve heard yet.


BeAware, to meta avatar

Serious question for those that this is relevant to: if you don't understand how ActivityPub works, even a little bit, why do you feel the need to have opinions on how it should work?

Isn't this backwards as hell? Shouldn't you try to understand how something works, then ask why it is that way and if it's intentional?

Too many people here have this strange opinion that they have some sort of privacy, even if their profile/posts are set to "public".

This is just simply not true. We're on the internet. There's over 20,000 Fedi instances and there's just no way to manually parse them to make sure there's no "bad actors" using your "public" posts for whatever the hell they want.

We already see this happening with things like NewsMast which is aiming to be a "news" app where their users don't have to login or register to a Fediverse server, yet they will see posts by Fediverse users from bigger instances based on "categories".

Maybe do some research about how the protocol works and how it's VERY opt-out to the core, before you have opinions on it. Just saying....

#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon #ActivityPub #OptOut #OptIn #Threads #Meta #BlueSkyBridge #BridgyFed #Bridge

fediversereport, to random avatar

New: Last Week in #fediverse - ep 61

A busy newsweek in the fediverse:

  • Threads has joined the fediverse in an open beta, allowing people from US, Canada and Japan to opt-in to having their Threads post be visible in the fediverse
  • @fediforum happened this week, with a ton of great demos, a large variety of sessions, and multiple calls and initiatives for more collaboration across the fediverse

Read at:

gbhnews, to random avatar

#fediverse friends

is #caturday

pls send cat pics

beardedtechguy, to random avatar

Good morning and happy Thursday #Fediverse friends!

Let's get our day started, if you are in the US, with our #KoffeeWithKyle chat and see what we have planned for today.

Just the usual work for me. Probably will have to go show some old guy how to use a computer sometime today. 🙄

After work, it's just some schoolwork and relaxing.

#GoodMorning #HappyThursday

Jimmy09, to fedia

In times of loss and grief, the obituary serves as a powerful tribute to commemorate the life of a loved one. Let's delve into some fascinating facts about obituaries and their significance in honoring those who have passed more


hrefna, to random avatar

This issue is a good illustration of like… 60% of my problems with SWICG #ActivityPub

ValueSubtracted, to quarks avatar

Paramount’s CFO Is Focused on “Getting the Most Out of Every Single Dollar We Invest in Content”



They should try investing a single dollar into their shit app.

ValueSubtracted, avatar

This is also the advantage of public broadcasting - they can put more emphasis on that sort of thing without worrying about profit.

All of which is to say, support your public broadcasters, people!

mohaneds, to random

Random Thought: I wonder when modern neurotransmitters evolved. The neurotransmitters we know and love (serotonin, gaba, glutamate, dopamine, epinephrine/norepinephrine, histamine ETC) are in use by mammals and reptiles, so i'm guessing like 10-20 million years ago. #science #neuroscience

rayckeith, avatar

@mohaneds (200-250 million years ago, for mammals.)

mdmrn, to random avatar

Looks like Tumblr is having issues and Fedi is getting another wave of new folks.

Welcome to the Fediverse, new folks!

A couple tips:

Boost freely

Try to put up for yourself an introduction post with the hashtag or or both listing stuff you're interested in

Use hashtags freely, they help folks find you and what you're posting!

Use Alt-Text in your pictures. It helps a lot!

futurebird, avatar


What kind of issues?

I haven't noticed anything over there? I have dual citizenship.


The CEO's being transphobic

RL_Dane, to random avatar

Dear app devs (including the web interface itself): PLEASE stop autocorrecting my 'd hashtags into all-lower-case.

That's just silly. You should be autocorrecting lower case to camel case instead! Grab the list of all hashtags with the same letters without regard to case, and if there's a plurality of them with the same capitalization (not counting all-lower-case), suggest that. Duh! ;)

edit: self-tone-policing. I come across a little too snippy.

simplenomad, to random avatar

Hmmm, every server I'm getting spam from has a new user in their public directory named yqqwe, and each one of these users is following mastodon_admin_yggwe on a single-user instance One can look at the 924 followers of this admin and they all are named yqqwe and they are all on servers I've been getting #spam from. #fediverse #moderation #administration

simplenomad, avatar

I've found a few of these servers do NOT have the yqqwe account on them, these tend to be more active servers with admins moderating/removing spammers. Good!

vees, avatar

@simplenomad TIL that yqqwe is a Mastodon hobo sign for "open sign-ins". I had one that last logged in today. Deleted.

yqqwe (ColoCrossing)

#MastoAdmin #Spam

ButterflyOfFire, to random avatar

I have reported 1 billion spam 🥲


gunchleoc, avatar

@ButterflyOfFire I add this link when I report the current wave:

hrefna, to random avatar

The recent incidents have hilighted to me one of my personal struggles with #ActivityPub

My first questions when developing a writeable API are 1. who can call this endpoint 2. what does the payload accepted by this endpoint look like?

AP is largely silent on (1) and is, for lack of a better term, actively hostile to (2).

Then I look at it from a database side and I try to draw a line between the use case and the schema and connect that to the payload.

Which again, AP is hostile toward


aral, to random avatar and for bridging fediverse folks to Bluesky against their will (and in likely contravention of GDPR in the EU) with typical Silicon Valley techbro sense of entitlement:

“[O]pt in results in far fewer users, and users are critical for a bridge to be useful.”¹

Relevant GitHub issue:


HT @homegrown

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