
LALegault, to random avatar

Can someone tell me in the if this thing is or a real thing?

✍️ Edit: Mostly Satanic Panic, .

LALegault, avatar

@sour @maleve

Don’t let threads people change the culture of mutual respect and shared reality, its not theirs to change.

sour, avatar


is too many people to prevent

kylewritescode, to meta avatar

Okay #Fediverse, let’s get something straight. We are all grown ups here (hopefully) and can make choices for ourselves. We alive in a society that allows us the freedom to choose for ourselves what to do.

Why would you allow or want to be part of an instance where they choose for you who or what to block? I understand that there are BAD people on #Meta, just as there are on EVERY platform on the internet.

Give the regular people on each platform a chance to been seen.


kylewritescode, avatar

@SallyStrange I understand why we have moderators...I have been a moderator for years. Moderate a Discord server, etc. What I am saying is...sit down and follow along now, that if we just sit back going around blocking entire instances, etc. What is the point of moderating at all? We are just stopping stuff at the top level?

Now I understand that some users wouldn't want to start with housekeeping (blocking their own), but keeping accounts that aren't bad from being seen is DUMB.


@kylewritescode @SallyStrange If an instance wants to block meta, it will draw people who don't want to deal with things like harassment from trolls on meta. I know people who don't want the abuse. As a white dude I don't face the same abuse levels so will be on a federated site with meta but I judge no one who takes an undue level of abuse just because of their demographics

kirkman, to random avatar

Oh awesome, I open my app to find the #fediverse in a giant collective panic because a social platform owned by a giant company dares to join it.

Fedi: “I want an open platform where everything is standardized”
(#Threads enables ActivityPub)

If you declare an open standard and provide the clearly superior ecosystem, you relinquish control of who uses it just by it being open. You can’t have it both ways. Ever.

ekknappenberger, avatar

@kirkman all i have to say is death to facebook

peter_sc, to random avatar

Anyone over the age of 30 who has spend any time in tech-adjacent spaces still cheering for "joining" the is fucking deluding themselves. We've been through so many cycles of this shit over the past twenty years, how some people can still trust to do anything remotely ethical is beyond me.

They're not here to join, they're here to destroy. This is just the most cost-effective, PR-friendly way of doing it.

Natanox, avatar

@peter_sc This. I just wish the big guys on the fedi wouldn't be so keen to put growth above anything… Eugen has proven once more he doesn't have the users' safety at heart. But I expected way better from Dan (Pixelfed creator). The fact he now also federates to Threads with its main instances is just… sad.

andrewfelix, avatar

@peter_sc Linux and open web tech is thriving despite MSofts best attempts to destroy it. The fedi will be fine.

fedidevs, to random avatar

A project has started to build a #Fediverse #testsuite, so it becomes possible to systematically test interoperability between applications in the fediverse.

It is going to need some virtualization, to run "substantial" server-side applications for testing. So we'd like to know what development and virtualization platforms #ActivityPub developers develop and test on.

If you are a Fediverse developer, could you spend 5min and answer our survey?

Thank you!!

stefan, to random avatar

In the light of renewed conversations about Meta and Threads, I would like to remind everyone that it is now easier than ever to run your own fediverse community, without having to worry about setting up and maintaining your own server.

This will help make the fediverse stronger, more resilient, and more diverse.

And we won't have to fight so much about which instance should federate with whom.

rysiek, to random avatar

Huh, I had no idea that @wikimediafoundation set up an official Wikimedia #Fediverse instance back in July!


masimatutu, to random en-gb

Default instance blocks should largely replace defederation

Since what content users might want to see is quite unlikely to match which servers the admins tolerate, choosing instance on the Fediverse can be quite complicated, which is inconvenient and off-putting for new users.

For this reason, and simply that the Fediverse is stronger united, I believe defederation should ideally be reserved for illegal content and extreme cases. If Fediverse platforms would allow instances to simply block the rest for users by default, the user experience would be the same, unless they decide otherwise.

@fediverse #fediverse #defederation


Content isn't cached unless someone follows it anyways.

And I'm not sure what you mean with that latter part; what difference would this make in what content admins can see before they cast their judgement on a server?

sxan, avatar

What op said still stands: if only one of your users follow a high-traffic, heavy-content /c/, then the server is caching all of that content for one person.

E.g., there’s this great bot on Mastodon that posts random fractals, and the highest-voted ones “breed” to create a new generation of child fractals. The bot posts a static image and an animated movie of each new child every 4 hours. The images are ca 5mb each; the movies are between 20 & 40mb ea. That is, on average, 210mb/d, or 1.4gb per week. That’s a lot of data. You might, as an admin offering a free service, not want to have to pay for that much storage just because one or two users are suscribed to /c/flamereactor (“FlameReactor” is the name, so you can find this mind-blowingly awesome bot). There’s also bandwidth considerations, both on the pull and when users request the content.

I like the idea, though, and will suggest a tweak, tried and true from Usenet days: provide the ability to unblock to only paying users. It’d give admins control, plus money to offset storage costs. Maybe provide three options to admins: full defederation; auto-block with any user able to unblock, for odeous but low impact sices; and auto-block with unblock for only users in some group - close friends, paying users, whatever.

Lemmy could also transcribe content into links back to the source, but that’s just punting the bandwidth costs onto someone else, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is frowned upon within The Federation (although it’s common practice with Reddit and X(twitter) content).

ajroach42, to random avatar

Rachel Lambert, Director of Product Management at Meta just posted about working with the #fediverse

"Working with experts to figure out how we can reshape regulations that are built for closed systems, and adapt them to more open ones"

Ah. That's probably the game.

They've performed significant regulatory capture, and they're going to come out swinging about how the fediverse is full of material that requires regulation, and that anyone participating has to implement policies that are impossible at a hobby scale.

(Like big tech did with copyright infringement.)

( via )

Sheril, to random avatar

One of the world’s longest-running experiments has been going for 144 years!

In 1879, botanist William Beal wanted to study how long buried seeds would remain viable. He buried bottles w different seeds in a secret spot on Michigan State's campus.

Every 20 yrs, a small group scientists dig up the bottles & seeds continue to germinate 🌱 (My husband @DavidLowry is the one on the right).

The paper from their last dig is now out so this #science story is back in the news.

box464, to random avatar

The proliferation of #ActivityPub is exciting. But don't dismiss those that want to defederate with corporate socials. The #fediverse was built by individuals escaping the harassment they faced on those platforms.

If you don't agree with your server admin's decision to federate with a specific domain, you can block it on your own. You have the power!

This seems preferable to an admin making the decision for all users.

Are there loopholes I'm not aware of here?

sour, avatar


is there kbin equivalent

cliffwade, to meta avatar

With yesterday's announcement that Meta is starting to test Threads and ActivityPub integration, I see the #Fediverse is at an all time high again of whining and crying and being butthurt over it all.

I get stating your opinion about not wanting them here or whatever, but come on people, don't sound like a little 2 year old who lost their pacifier. It gets old, quick.

Just mute/block and move on and be done with it all. It's really that damn simple.

#Threads #Meta #ActivityPub #Mastodon

sour, avatar


where crying

lackattack, to random avatar

#mastowatch is a pretty sweet little app that provides all sorts of info on various fediverse instances/servers. One of the more interesting pieces of data it collects is the list of blocked servers for a particular instance. Cool to see the perp lists haha

#mastoapps #mastodonapps #fediverse

J12t, to meta avatar

Hey @TechCrunch, re your piece on #activitypub and #threads, my notes from last week’s meeting at #meta answer some of the questions in your article.

danyork, to random avatar

Advocates for #ActivityPub - IF YOU HAVE A #WORDPRESS SITE, have you installed the ActivityPub plugin?

At the State of the Word address this week, Matt Mullenweg was asked about support for the plugin, and he commented that less than 5,000 sites had installed it. So he wasn't sure how interested people are in it.

So... if you have a WP site, let's start installing that plugin and making more sites available via ActivityPub! 😀

#StateOfTheWord #SotW


@danyork was he talking about plugins enabled on all WordPress installs or on

danyork, avatar

@warrows He was talking about installations of the plugin in WordPress installs. When you install from the central plugin repository, they gather a count of how many sites have installed a plugin. And that number shows on the plugin page, and can help give people considering a plugin a sense of how actively the plugin is used.

Right now it says:

Active Installations: 4000+

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