
wedistribute, to random avatar

What's your favorite client of choice, and why? It can be web, desktop, or mobile. We're just at a point where there's so many different options available!

symfonystation, avatar

@wedistribute Ivory. I use it for Friendica, Mastdon, and PixelFed.

jcrm, to kbinMeta

Can we PLEASE make the top bar be customizable already? Or at least filter NSFW by default? It's a really bad look whenever I open this and "jailbait" is at the top of my screen almost every time.

Arotrios, avatar

@jcrm Lol - I figured out how to do this accidentally. You may have noticed that Jailbait doesn't appear in the top bar anymore.

It's because I posted this to it (sfw and 18+ by a long shot, but you'll still want eyebleach). Apparently that top bar of communities prioritizes those that have no posts. Take a look - you'll see every suggested community is empty. Posting to one removes it from the selection algorithm.

Pinging @ernest as it looks like the sorting on that top bar algorithm is achieving the opposite of its intended purpose.

chrastecky, to random avatar

Anyone here on #phpc using #Lemmy? The #php communities there are pretty much dead, which sucks, I was kinda hoping it woule become the Reddit replacement.

symfonystation, avatar
heiseonline, to random German avatar

Bundestagsdebatte über KI: Mehr Investitionen und mehr Risikobewusstsein nötig

CDU und CSU wollen erreichen, dass die Regierung mehr für KI unternimmt. Die Opposition wehrt ab und meint, die Vorgängerregierung sei zu wenig aktiv gewesen.

#Bundestag #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Wissenschaft #news

Ooops, avatar


Habt ihr gerade die Regierung zur Opposition erklärt?

wedistribute, to random avatar

So, this is purely hypothetical, but: if there was a dedicated podcast about the #Fediverse, what would you include in it? What should it feel like? What topics would it cover? 🤔

0x1C3B00DA, avatar

A key part, to me, would be decentering Mastodon. I always expect anything using the term fediverse to be platform neutral, unfortunately that isn't always the case.

I'd like to hear interview with developers and FEP writers, discussions on how to solve problems/limitations of the current fediverse, discussions on Interoperability problems/possible solutions.

eblu, to random avatar

shopping for #lemmy / #kbin / #threadiverse instances—anyone have any recommendations?

chall8908, avatar

@eblu I've been on (the main kbin instance) for a while and it's been working well. I prefer the kbin UI over lemmy and I think that's really the only reason to pick one over the other at this point.

mihair, to science avatar

Stevia, a zero-calorie sugar substitute, is recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). In vitro and in vivo studies showed that stevia has antiglycemic action and antioxidant effects in adipose tissue and the vascular wall, reduces blood pressure levels and hepatic steatosis, stabilizes the atherosclerotic plaque, and ameliorates liver and kidney damage. The metabolism of steviol glycosides is dependent upon gut microbiota, which breaks down glycosides into steviol that can be absorbed by the host. In this review, we elucidated the effects of stevia’s consumption on the host’s gut microbiota. #Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha



I have IBS and sugar makes it act up. I use stevia extract as a substitute in products, and I AM constantly working on improving my gut biome health. This was a dense but good read.

ProPublica, to random avatar

Parent Company's Latest Argument Against Free Tax Filing: It Will Harm Taxpayers

Articles published around the country repeat Intuit’s assertion — sometimes almost word for word — that the upcoming pilot program would hurt Black Americans.

A researcher whose work is cited by says the company is misstating her findings.

paezha, avatar


As @cstross says, what passes for tech journalism nowadays is basically stenography, copying the press releases of companies and passing them as articles.

evan, to random avatar

#ActivityPub is the default social networking protocol because we took the time to standardise it at the W3C.

You don't have to be part of the W3C to build on top of ActivityPub. You can make extensions and new applications without ever dealing with a formalised standards organisation.

But the benefit of having the W3C behind us is crystal clear. There have been dozens of distributed social networks, and none has gotten as much traction as AP and AS2.

evan, avatar

There are some folks who want a faster-moving, constantly-updated AP and AS2 docs.

We have a great process for making new extensions and applications of AP and AS2. It moves fast and is really loose:

And you can do this kind of development outside of the FEP process, too.

AP and AS2 need to move slow and stable so everyone can build on them. Extensions can be fast and wild, because that's where new things happen.

heiseonline, to random German avatar

Überwachung: Interpol baut Big-Data-System Insight für "vorhersagende Analysen"

Interpol entwickelt eine Plattform, um riesige Datenmengen aus mehreren Quellen wie Social Media in unterschiedlichen Formaten effizient verarbeiten zu können.

Ooops, avatar


Systeme, um nur die "riesigen Datenmengen", die frei verfügbar sind, durchzusehen und zu bewerten, müssen erst noch entwickelt werden.

Aber dann uns versuchen einzureden, dass die anlasslose Überwachung unserer privaten Kommunikation dem Ziel der der Bekämpfung von <hier beliebigen Vorwand einfügen - sind wir noch bei Kindern oder schon wieder bei Terrorismus?> dient. Als wären die überhaupt in der Lage, die jetzt bereits zu Verfügung stehenden Daten adequat zu verarbeiten.

heiseonline, to random German avatar

"Wohnungsbaugipfel": Bauministerin für Kurswechsel bei Energiesparvorschriften

Das Hin und Her über das Heizungsgesetz hat viele Bürger verschreckt. Vor dem "Wohnungsbaugipfel" am Montag gibt es nun Kritik an Energiesparstandards.

#CO #Energie #news

Ooops, avatar


"Das Hin und Her über das Heizungsgesetz hat viele Bürger verschreckt."

Nein. Die von Medien verbreiteten Lügen und das von der FDP passend koordinierte scheinbare Hin und Her hat die Bürger verschreckt. Genau wie geplant. Denn das Ziel war immer schon, den Fortschritt auszubremsen, damit Unternehmen die Menschen noch so lang wie möglich auszunehmen können. Jeder Tag weiter in die Sackgasse minimiert die Verluste der darin tätigen Unternehmen auf Kosten der Bürger.

J12t, to random avatar

The Free Software Foundation Europe set up a website to help move governments from proprietary social media to the .

Excellent idea!

AxelNennker, avatar

@J12t Sehr gute Idee

"Wir möchten Behörden davon überzeugen, ihren Einsatz von Sozialen Medien zu überdenken. Das ist mit dem schrittweisen Übergang zu föderierten Freien-Software-Lösungen möglich. "

Demnächst hier?:

hariette, to random avatar

Hey y’all, it’s been a while. Had a rough month with a flare up of my chronic pain. Doing better now and had a chance to recharge. And I’m so dying to get back to contributing to the community ✨❤️

Fitik, avatar

@hariette I'm happy to see you back!! Welcome back, we are glad that you're feeling better

J12t, to random avatar

About half of the Fediverse addresses typed by FediForum attendees into the session notes are missing the leading "@".

People typed in their very own Fediverse handles. And because they came to FediForum, it's very likely they are very well acquainted with the right syntax.

Pretty strong circumstantial evidence that most people won't be able to distinguish Fediverse handles from e-mail addresses.

I have long believed that they should be the same.

#fediverse #email #address #fediforum

JohnJBurnsIII, avatar


And when said person loses control of the email address (e.g. broadband provider change, employer change, etc.)...

What does that person do? Lose entire setup and start again?

Asking, because this is how many forums did it... and it was wrong then.

mike, to random avatar

I'm so excited about federating #Flipboard to the #Fediverse! We are getting closer every day.

I just recently saw a demo from our engineering team of a Flipboard account being fully federated and followable from #Mastodon. Now we need to interpret all the engagement signals (commenting, favoriting, etc) properly. This includes designing what Flipboard users should see when they click on Mastodon users who reply to them and vice versa. A bunch more to do but we are making serious progress.

0x1C3B00DA, avatar

what about the rest of the fediverse? If you're just testing against mastodon, then you're mastodon-compatible not fediverse compatible.

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