
pixelfed, to random avatar

✨ What Sup?

We're gearing up for the public beta release of Sup - the open source fediverse instant messenger

Our main app is being prepared for App Store submission, next up is Sup 😎

chrastecky, to random avatar

Anyone here on #phpc using #Lemmy? The #php communities there are pretty much dead, which sucks, I was kinda hoping it woule become the Reddit replacement.

symfonystation, avatar
CarlsIII, to kbinMeta

Is auto media preview not working for anyone else? It hasn’t been working for me for weeks.



I’m not sure what you mean, I only see one option for it


Huh…this whole time there were two separate options for it. For some reason I remember the one for “threads” to be at the bottom like the “microblog” one is now. Anyway, thanks for helping me figure this out. Time to turn the confusing thumbnails off again!

snoopy, to random

[Article] La fédiverse n'est pas une startup

Ce post n'a pas de conclusion et n'est pas un essais. C'est un partage d'expérience, d'un ressentit en tant que utilisateur et modo sur :)

En relisant les anciens posts du blog de j'y trouve un certain écho. En tant qu'ancien utilisataire de Reddit, j'avoue que la tentation est forte de vouloir attirer d'avantage de redditaires. Je me retrouve un peu dans ce rôle de prophète (militant libriste) car j'associe les réseaux sociaux capitalistes à du tabagisme passif et de l'exploitation forcé des CGU. Donc, oui je fais chier tout le monde pour la bonne cause. L'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions.

C'est difficile de cultiver un certain détachement, d'imaginer autre chose que Reddit surtout quand Lemmy ressemble à tout point à Reddit. Ya meme des posts qui ont repris mot pour mot les post publiés sur r/france. J'avoue ça fait bizarre. Est ce que le design du logiciel induit des comportements qu'on va retrouver à une certaine échelle ? Ou est ce que ça dit des choses sur nous-même dans nos interactions sociales et donc explique pourquoi on va utiliser ce réseau social et pas un autre ? Je ne sais pas.

En tout cas, Reddit comme Lemmy et Kbin, sont des agrégateurs de liens classés par thèmes, catégories comme un forum. Visuellement, on peut choisir notre fil d'actu par thématique sans suivre des personnes. Cela se démarque complètement de Firefish, Mastodon où c'est un peu le bordel mais gobalement tu es connecté à des personnes qui pensent à peu près comme toi et vont poster toute sorte de contenu sans forcément le classer sauf s'iel mettent un hashtag/filtres.

Et pour retrouver quelque chose sur mastodon, c'est galère. Il y a quelque chose de l'ordre de l'éphémère, de l'instant. Sur Lemmy, on peut ouvrir des mégafils intemporel qui sont réactivés à chaque fois qu'on commentera dessus car ce sera au premier plan, selon vos paramêtre d'affichage du fil.

En tout cas, pour revenir à ma réflexion, à mes pensées sous la douche, aux liens que nous cultivons avec Reddit, nous nous sommes exprimés sur le sujet du vote qui influence le classement des posts et nos comportements en tant que postaires. On l'a gardé comme tel. On pourrait très bien le retirer et amorcer une rupture. C'est cette voie qu'a choisie Beehaw, une instance de Lemmy. Et d'après certain utilisataires, cela a bel et bien un impact sur nos interactions.

On se cherche une identité et je crois qu'on fait une erreur : on aimerait que ce soit comme avant. Je sais pas si la comparaison avec nos ex, la reconstruction lors d'une rupture amoureuse est foireuse mais j'y vois un parallèle pertinent. Nous devrions oublier twitter, reddit, facebook et trouver notre propre ligne éditoriale sur, ou peut-être pas ?

Finalement, le plus important, est ce que vous plait ? :)


Camus, avatar

La croissance viendra naturellement, parce qu’on est un endroit agréable. Si on la force, et qu’on n’arrive pas à gérer l’afflux, tout le monde va passer un mauvais moment.

C’est sûr !

Au niveau croissance, je donne mes tailles de communautés idéales

  • 300 utilisateurs actifs mensuels sur !france (on y est presque)
  • pareil sur !forumlibre, on est à 57 actuellement, mais j’y crois
  • 100 utilisateurs mensuels actifs sur les autres communautés “larges” (tech, environnement, moins de voitures, parentalité, finances)
  • 50 utilisateurs mensuels actifs sur les communautés plus de niche (imaginons hobby un peu moins répandu, fandom particulières)

J’ai l’impression que ce sont des bonnes tailles pour que tout le monde puisse encore plus ou moins se connaître, maintenir une bonne ambiance et éviter l’anonymat des énormes forums à la Reddit

Snoopy, avatar

Et d’où te vient ces dimensions ? Expérience perso ? :)

Harsh-Singh970, to fediverse

Recommendation Engine Market Size, Industry Share, Report and Global Forecast till 2023-2033

According to the Regional Research Reports, the Global Recommendation Engine Market size is estimated to be USD 4.16 billion in 2023 to USD 72.12 billion by 2033, exhibiting a CAGR of 33.0% from 2023 to 2033.

Request Sample Copy of this Report:


Harsh-Singh970, to fediverse

Optical Networking and Communication Market Growth Scenario 2033

According to the Regional Research Reports, the Global Optical Networking and Communication Market size is estimated to be USD 26.38 billion in 2023 to USD 62.45 billion by 2033, exhibiting a CAGR of 9.0% from 2023 to 2033.

Request Sample Copy of this Report:


Harsh-Singh970, to fediverse

Optical Networking and Communication Market Growth Scenario 2033

According to the Regional Research Reports, the Global Optical Networking and Communication Market size is estimated to be USD 26.38 billion in 2023 to USD 62.45 billion by 2033, exhibiting a CAGR of 9.0% from 2023 to 2033.

Request Sample Copy of this Report:


heiseonline, to random German avatar

Bundestagsdebatte über KI: Mehr Investitionen und mehr Risikobewusstsein nötig

CDU und CSU wollen erreichen, dass die Regierung mehr für KI unternimmt. Die Opposition wehrt ab und meint, die Vorgängerregierung sei zu wenig aktiv gewesen.

#Bundestag #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Wissenschaft #news

Ooops, avatar


Habt ihr gerade die Regierung zur Opposition erklärt?

heiseonline, to random German avatar

EuGH-Gutachter für Vorratsdatenspeicherung im Kampf gegen Urheberrechtsverstöße

Bereits zum zweiten Mal gibt sich ein EuGH-Generalanwalt überzeugt, dass eine Vorratsspeicherung von IP-Adressen zur Durchsetzung von Urheberrechten legal ist.

#IPAdressen #Urheberrecht #Vorratsdatenspeicherung #news

dyfustic, avatar

@heiseonline Urheberrecht… wir sind so tief gesunken.

Ooops, avatar


Dachtest du es gab je andere Gründe? Selbst die Möglichkeit Bürger zu politischen Zwecken auszuspionieren ist nur ein Nebenschauplatz... solange bis jemand an die Regierung kommt, der sich über die existierende Möglichkeit freut.

wedistribute, to random avatar

So, this is purely hypothetical, but: if there was a dedicated podcast about the #Fediverse, what would you include in it? What should it feel like? What topics would it cover? 🤔

0x1C3B00DA, avatar

A key part, to me, would be decentering Mastodon. I always expect anything using the term fediverse to be platform neutral, unfortunately that isn't always the case.

I'd like to hear interview with developers and FEP writers, discussions on how to solve problems/limitations of the current fediverse, discussions on Interoperability problems/possible solutions.

devs, to random avatar

🤔 Did you know there’s a W3C Social Web Community Group? @haubles interviewed their latest member in this sit-down with enthusiast @casey.

eblu, to random avatar

shopping for #lemmy / #kbin / #threadiverse instances—anyone have any recommendations?

chall8908, avatar

@eblu I've been on (the main kbin instance) for a while and it's been working well. I prefer the kbin UI over lemmy and I think that's really the only reason to pick one over the other at this point.

gbhnews, to random avatar

🌞 Good morning ! This is GBH News bringing you the world from . It's 66F at Logan Airport and visibility is 1.25 miles.

The 's Red Line has the most extreme slowdowns in the system -- and the agency announces it will shut branches altogether for repair in October.

Former President posed for a mug shot in Georgia yesterday, as he was booked on charges of interfering with the 2020 election. He posted the photo on Twitter shortly afterwards.

mihair, to science avatar

You might find packets of stevia on restaurant tables and store shelves. Stevia can also be found in many other products you eat. If you’re eating products marketed as low calorie, check the ingredients list to see what type of sweetener was used.
Currently, there’s no evidence linking stevia to cancer when used in normal amounts. Some research suggests it may even have some health benefits. A number of studies stress the need for more research into the potential benefits and risks of stevia.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Stevia may interact with drugs intended to treat hypertension and diabetes.
In animal studies, stevia didn’t affect fertility or pregnancy outcomes, but research on humans is lacking. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, stevia glycoside products may be consumed in moderation. Steer clear of whole-leaf stevia and crude stevia extracts while pregnant or nursing.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Stevia made with Reb-A is safe to use in moderation during pregnancy. If you’re sensitive to sugar alcohols, choose a brand that doesn’t contain erythritol.
Whole-leaf stevia and crude stevia extract, including stevia you’ve grown at home, are not safe to use if you’re pregnant.
It may seem strange that a highly refined product is considered safer than a natural one. This is a common mystery with herbal products.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Stevia, a zero-calorie sugar substitute, is recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). In vitro and in vivo studies showed that stevia has antiglycemic action and antioxidant effects in adipose tissue and the vascular wall, reduces blood pressure levels and hepatic steatosis, stabilizes the atherosclerotic plaque, and ameliorates liver and kidney damage. The metabolism of steviol glycosides is dependent upon gut microbiota, which breaks down glycosides into steviol that can be absorbed by the host. In this review, we elucidated the effects of stevia's consumption on the host's gut microbiota. #Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

A 2019 study reported a possible link between nonnutritive sweeteners, including stevia, and disruption in beneficial intestinal flora. The same study also suggested nonnutritive sweeteners may induce glucose intolerance and metabolic disorders.
As with most nonnutritive sweeteners, a major downside is the taste. Stevia has a mild, licorice-like taste that’s slightly bitter. Some people enjoy it, but it’s a turn-off for others.
In some people, stevia products made with sugar alcohols may cause digestive problems, such as bloating and diarrhea.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


mihair, to science avatar

Raw stevia herb may harm your kidneys, reproductive system, and cardiovascular system. It may also drop blood pressure too low or interact with medications that lower blood sugar.
Although stevia is considered safe for people with diabetes, brands that contain dextrose or maltodextrin should be treated with caution.
Dextrose is glucose, and maltodextrin is a starch. These ingredients add small amounts of carbs and calories. Sugar alcohols may also slightly tip the carb count.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Certain chemicals in stevia, including stevioside and rebaudioside A, are likely safe when used as a food sweetener. Side effects might include bloating, nausea, dizziness, and numbness.
There isn't enough reliable information to know if whole stevia or stevia extracts are safe or what the side effects might be.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) is a bushy shrub native to northeast Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. It's best known as a natural sweetener.
Stevia contains chemicals that are 200-300 times sweeter than sucrose sugar.
People take stevia for obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Using stevia can reduce calories in foods and drinks, but it may also have some adverse effects. Possible side effects include nausea, bloating, low blood pressure, and hormone disruption.
Stevia is a non-nutritive or zero-calorie sweetener made of steviol glycosides. These are compounds extracted and refined from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Epidemiologic studies (studies of patterns, causes, and control of diseases in groups of people) have examined possible associations between intakes of artificial sweeteners and risks of several cancers in people. It is important to keep in mind that studies of this type cannot establish cause-and-effect relationships because factors other than artificial sweetener use may potentially explain observed associations. However, these studies can provide important insights that can then be investigated in additional studies that can give more definitive answers.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha


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