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Seasoned_Greetings, in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court

Well if the court didn't engage in clearly partisan politics, maybe the liberal justices wouldn't have anything to criticize.

Does he realize how bad it looks when he voices that his problem is criticism and not like, I don't know, taking money from political interests? Or refusing to recuse in cases where there's a relative directly involved?

sab, avatar

It is really incredible how far down the drain the SCOTUS has gone in such a short period of time. Not saying it was great before Justice Kennedy retired either, but at least back then it was generally respected.


I hope RoyGBiv is rolling in her grave at refusing to step down and let Obama select a replacement when she knew the power of her position.

sethadam1, avatar

Why do you think they would've filled her spot when they didn't fill the other one with Merrick Garland? She protected her spot or they would've held it up until Trump.

FaceDeer, avatar

She could have retired at any time, including right after Obama was elected. The Republicans couldn't have held the spot open for years. It would have become a major election issue.


I'd bet good money McConnell would have tried to find a way/reason to keep it open, look at all the rules making/breaking they did to fill/keep a seat empty close to elections, I'm sure they'd just come up with some other bullshit


I'm sure he would have tried, but we're dealing with massive hypotheticals at this point. Under your argument, we should not have a justice at any point ever step down because McConnell would try to block a nomination. Yes, he would try. Doesn't change the fact that the best move was for her to step down at the beginning of the term.

We should honestly be pushing for justices getting on in years and having health issues to step down at the beginning of presidential terms regardless.

Chozo, in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court

"Why won't they just let us make wildly unpopular decisions that jeopardize the livelihoods of Americans without having to make us feel bad about it?!"

-Roberts, 2023


"Why can't we be blatantly corrupt without getting called on it? "

NecoArcKbinAccount, in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court avatar

Snowflake behavior

shiftenter, in The Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student-loan forgiveness plan, blocking debt relief for millions of borrowers avatar

I hope Gen Z never forgets this.

Skray, avatar

It's a great lesson in how important elections are. Trump was able to appoint multiple supreme court justices which have shaped the future of America for years due to their most recent decisions and will continue to shape it for decades after he is gone.


yeah, i'm glad that there wasn't anything that could of been done under Obama...oh wait (yes it was a multi factor fuck up, but all the fuck ups were from people who were supposed to be "on our side" trying to claim power just a little longer and fucking miss me with the hand waving of there was nothing that could be done! there was!) Voting is important yes but can we stop pretending it's a fucking magic bullet? Cause it's not. Its one tiny itty bitty thing that needs to be done. Hell voting doesn't even work if you don't have any of the other stuff surrounding it. People need to get organized both at home and at work and get ready to take the fight to them through unions and strikes at the very least.

i'm so fucking sick of the answer to all of this is "go vote" when there is much more than just that needing to be done. Don't just vote, go get fucking organized with community, and fucking fight.

starstough, avatar

You know how everyone knows you're supposed to brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes, AND FLOSS? If we all did that on the regular, dentist appointments would be quick and painless the vast majority of the time.

Instead, we've got people who barely brush, never floss, avoid the dentist and then hate the dentist for giving them pain and grief when they finally get around to it.

Voting is like that. No one would have to harp on everyone to go vote if everyone did it, and frankly if everyone voted according to their own actual interests and benefits, we wouldn't be IN this mess to begin with.

It's not that it's a magic bullet, and I don't think anyone is pretending it is. It's that not enough people ARE voting, and it's the single best way we have to make a large step in the right direction.

If we all voted blue every election, without fail, eventually we start to see the impact of avoiding the GOP regressions. Eventually we gain momentum.

Vote AND organize. But if you can't even be arsed to vote, what makes you think you'll be willing to do the vastly more intensive actions involved in an active fight?

Do the bare minimum ffs. If you (global you) don't vote, miss me with the bullshit angst and wimpy call to actions no one will take. It's just as much a hand waving whether it's a fist, a middle finger, or a dismissal if it's not engaged otherwise. We need to use ALL the tools we have against oppression.

PenguinJuice, in When States Ban Affirmative Action, White People Profit The Most

Rich people profit off of the pain and sorrow from society being divided over these issues. Please let's everyone focus on the rich folks hoarding and unfair share of money and working us to the bone. They like when we argue over shit like this. Divided people aren't aware of how much they're getting fucked up by the select few.

siuvhne, in When States Ban Affirmative Action, White People Profit The Most avatar

I find this line of thinking to be flawed. If race can be excluded as a factor for consideration, how is the most qualified people getting ahead a bad thing? I couldn't get into Harvard even if I had good blackmail on the Dean. Maybe I don't understand the argument but that's my take.

Flaky_Fish69, avatar

The people getting into Harvard, many of them get in because of social connection’s rather than merit. The social connections of their parents. It’s also super common to just buy their way in.

The students getting in on merit are the ones they let in because they have a reputation to maintain and can’t have everyone being dumb. That would look bad.

Further, even if that weren’t true, the reason “the most qualified” seem to be rich white kids from rich white families is simply because they can afford much better educations. So, if you want to promote diversity it can’t just be about academic qualifications because you have people who’ve always been in power buying academic quals for the kids- so they always will be in power.

Affirmative action isn’t about taking away from one group and giving it to another, it’s about giving back to a group that historically has been taken from- its about righting a past wrong- you can’t do that solely on merit, when the system was designed to perpetuate a certain kind of status quo


We don't need to right past wrongs. Just continue to be good people and give everyone and equal opportunity. That's what I do every day. Just be a good person to everyone you see, be willing to share knowledge to those who ask and elevate those around you. I don't specifically treat anyone differently than others based on "past wrongs".

Im sorry, but that's just a flawed way of thinking and perpetuates a divide.

norapink, avatar

Wait why shouldn't we try to right past wrongs when those past wrongs continue to wrong people?

iAmTheTot, avatar

Those "past wrongs" are still impacting people alive today. When one racer has been given a two hundred year head start, it's easy to look at the race when everyone's running and think it is fair.

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