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FfaerieOxide, in Are TERF-centric magazines allowed on this insurance?
@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

No, fascists (which TERFs are) should not be allowed to fester here.

@mishimaenjoyer@kbin.social avatar

no have no idea what fascists are and just use it as a scare word to attack people you disagree with - grow up.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

So you're saying Helen Joyce's claim transgender identity is a plot by Jewish billionaires is just her being a concerned citizen asking questions?

That's a strange side to be defending, friend who made their account yesterday.

@mishimaenjoyer@kbin.social avatar

I’m just pointing out that the „fascist“ label got thrown around by people like you so inflationary that it lost every meaning or sense, making you sound similar desperate as those you seek to oppose. What this does have to do with the age of my account here is beyond me, on the other hand I sense a hint of alt tech elitism that fits the picture just right.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I don't think @mishmashenjoyer implied that at all. Like, not even close. On any level.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

This article is really not convincing.

like, fuck terfs, fuck the anti-trans movement, but the connection between the anti-trans movement and fascism is framed in this suuuuper abstract way that no meaningful definition of fascism would allow. It kind of just makes fascism sound like "statism."

There are plenty of terfs (again, fuck terfs) who are not calling for government action, but trying to exclude trans women from feminist spaces on non-governmental levels, arguing for a limiting social or academic definition of feminism or of a woman and holding exclusionary events. Fascism is an incorrect label for that behavior.

Furthermore, to call terfs fascists implies that they are generally for other things fascists are for, like a command economy, which I don't think is common.

And to be clear, there is an overlap between terfs and fascists, and an even bigger overlap between anti-trans people in general and fascists. We all know the Nazis fucked up a lot of good gender research, but they were never pretending to be feminists.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar
@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

... did you link to the wrong article by mistake? that article doesn't really have anything to do with fascism, except insofar as most fascists also happen to be racists.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

I could link articles all day but I have better things to do than entertain (presumably) a cis guy while he plays devils advocate about the people who want my friends thrown in camps not being fascists.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

that's literally the first article you linked to. Do you have a point at all? You can link to articles all day, but only two of them, and only one that argues for your point at all, which I've already addressed?

I'm not advocating for terfs or fascists, they're both villains, but to say they're the same is like saying the KKK and the muslim brotherhood are the same. Just because they're both evil and there are some common threads between their ideas doesn't mean they're the same. I think we should learn how to talk about the terrible groups out there instead of just equating all of them and dancing around our own ignorance. I'm not advocating them, I'm advocating against them as strongly as I can, and you're promoting ignorance instead of responding to the one damn point I've made.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

that's literally the first article you linked to.

Yeah I thought maybe you would read it this time.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I read it, and responded to it. You've been ignoring my response because you don't have an answer to it. So again. The core argument that terfs are fascists is:

To that end, Butler does a good job of laying out that the anti-trans movement ultimately is about strengthening government oversight — restricting access to medical care and generally seeking to ban LGBTQ+ people from the public sphere, which fits pretty neatly into just about every standard definition of fascism. That includes gender critical feminists, the self-professed “leftist” equivalent of the more extreme right-wing fundamentalists.

Which, again:

  • Pretends the entire social-focused aspect of the anti-trans movement doesn't exist, when it obviously does, and there are obviously many, many terfs focused on non-governmental oppression. The article itself describes governmental forms of oppression, but this does nothing to imply that the anti-trans movement is actually all about focusing on government oppression
  • identifies an extremely superficial relationship between two positions as both being statist and therefore being the same. The police state is also about increasing government oversight. A command economy is about increasing government oversight. The founding of the CFPB was about increasing government oversight. Having courts is about increasing government oversight. These are not all forms of fascism.
  • fails to describe fascism at all. Fascism is a specific thing with a specific definition, it's not just the idea of having an active government. Fascism is a form of nationalism with a dictatorial government, a strong military focus, a hard command economy that exists to support the state and the military, expansionist policies, suppression of opposition to the government, denigration of the individual in favor of the collective in the form of the state... Now, the terf movement, overall, is doing some of those things, but the article doesn't reference any of them.
  • fails to establish that most terfs, or the core proponents of the terf movement, or terfs in general, are fascists, let alone that a terf is categorically a type of fascists.

If you have a point, then instead of linking to the same article again or linking article that isn't about fascism, please make your point.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

Why are you "Well, actually..."ing fascists? Who gains there?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

who gains from making up a new definition of fascism? why do you want people to be ignorant?

know thy enemy.

I'm not nitpicking here, I'm not being pedantic, your article didn't even vaguely touch on what fascism is. Maybe the underlying article did, but I'm having trouble imagining what the point is.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

Does it piss you off you spend all this effort flailing about defending fascists and I still tell you (correctly) you're wrong and spend a fraction of the effort?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

where the fuck do you see me defednding fascists?

does it piss you off that you don't have any response to anything I've actually said? does it piss you off to discover that this publication you like just published a point it didn't understand at all? does it piss you off to see a person argue that we should attack terfs for being terfs and fascists for being fascists and not just assume that all bad people are the same kind of bad person?

is that why you're afraid to read any of my comments?

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

Having no time for a jackass in a month old thread dredging up his lack of reading comprehension and pathological need to defend fascists from true accusations of being fascists is very much different than being afraid.

You are correct that I am not reading your replies at this point, nor is anyone else.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

stop saying that I'm defending fascists, asshole.

you didn't read any of my replies, and you kept accusing me of shit I'm not doing, because you are, in fact, not interested in defending your bullshit. Blaming me for that is sad.

also... I just found this thread today, how did that happen?

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

I'll stop saying it when you stop doing it.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Why are you advocating for the KKK?

show me a place where I implied that Fascists might not be complete pieces of shit. Show me one place.

You admitted to not reading my comments, you're nothing but a troll. This is serious. Go fuck yourself.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

You sure are upset about this group of fascists being fascists.

Why are you so cut up about arguing in a thread no one is reading?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I'm upset that you're promoting the Westboro Baptist Church!

I'm upset that decent people are being tricked into a stupid opinion about bad people. Just because fascists are evil and terfs are evil doesn't mean we should be making up confused bullshit about them, we should make coherent arguments and insult them for what they actually are. Making fun of terfs for being fascists is not effective because intelligent people will see that they're not fascists, and then not understand the actual issues with terfs. This is doubly problematic if your argument that terfs are fascists is as superficial and weak as the Them article you posted. You'll alienate people that absolutely want to be on our side.

Why are you so cut up about arguing in a thread you're not reading?

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

Are you still typing?

Still caught up on a group of fascists needing you to tell people they aren't fascists, huh?

How's that working out for you?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I'll be here for as long as you keep defending Tucker Carlson.

I'm not doing this for the fascists. The fascists love it when people get confused about who they are.

I'm doing this for your benefit, and for the benefit of any other decent people reading. Decent people don't like being lied to, decent people don't benefit when you tell them that cake is a type of potato, decent people don't suddenly get smarter when you tell them that Rush Limbaugh is a Scientologist. Labels have meanings and degrading those meanings is not a progressive act.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

That's how you spend your cis-ass time? Defending terfs from descriptions of fascism when they're fascist?

That would seem like a bad things to do for a group who doesn't need defending.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I spend my cis-ass time helping progressives avoid ignorant people like you who are helping terfs and fascists recruit. I spend my cis-ass time attacking terfs and fascists.

the worst thing you can do to a terf is tell the truth. The worst thing you can do to a fascist is tell the truth. They have no defense against the truth. Their ideas are genuinely that bad.

But when you lie, they party in the streets—that's their whole recruitment model. They say "look, libtards call us fascists just because we don't believe (insert some strawman version of the lies terfs tell)," and they laugh about how many "moderate" votes you gained them in their swing states.

I hope my fellow progressives don't think your ignorance is the norm among progressives.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

You sure are confident telling marginalized groups you aren't a part of how they should refer to their oppressors.

You are very smart.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Why are you using the N word?

I'm not talking to a group, I'm talking to a dumbass.

As a Jew, I feel fairly entitled to talk about fascism, and fairly entitled to be upset when people say insert group of assholes are Fascists without any understanding whatsoever of any definition of Fascism beyond "government." I do, in fact, have a stake in how you lie about my oppressors.

But it's also perfectly reasonable for me to be upset when you lie about your oppressors and try to trick trans people and allies like me into believing your lies. Why are you so strongly opposed to the truth?

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

You haven't even addressed the Bureau Of Fasism Forensics Analysis report? Until you do that no one has anything to say to you.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Keep trolling trans allies and drawing false equivalencies, that'll stop the terfs.

Why did you shoot JFK?

@goat@sh.itjust.works avatar

why are you using cis as a slur? that’s so weird

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

I am using it as a descriptor of an out group member sticking his nose in a oppressed in group's business. It is apt.

@goat@sh.itjust.works avatar

you’re weird

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

I've been accurately called worse.

@goat@sh.itjust.works avatar


@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

You're asking me to provide motivation for others' actions—calling me things—which I cannot do.

jcrabapple, in /kbin Issues
@jcrabapple@kbin.social avatar

Why are the default rate limits so low? As an admin how do I change them permanently? I have modified rate_limiters.yaml and ran the dump command. If the containers restart the file is reset to default settings.


Did you figure this out?

floppy, in Only partial federation of hashtagged posts to Kbin microblog?
@floppy@rabbitea.rs avatar

Did you follow the accounts which were using that hashtag from kbin.social? That will ensure they are pulled through to the server.

Arotrios, in Only partial federation of hashtagged posts to Kbin microblog?
@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Having the same issue here - looks like only one tag gets included, and it only partially includes incoming Microblog hashtags. You'll note that if you have multiple tags and click them in your magazine description panel, you get a much wider selection than what's included in the Microblog. Pretty sure it's a bug.

ryan, in Post microblog to threads?

Microblogs and threads are actually different activities. It's not currently possible to migrate them, and I'm unsure of the feasibility of doing so.

To delve into ActivityPub a bit, there are "actors" (like magazines and users) and "activities" (things the actors do). A posted thread is an activity of type "Page", but a posted microblog is an activity of type "Note". They then get stored in the database of whatever instance you are on, apparently as type "Link" as far as I can tell querying my SQL database. Still trying to figure out where microblogs go and how/whether they're different, how different things are stored...

But basically to promote or migrate a microblog to a thread, somehow the actual type of the posting would have to be changed.

riprif, in /kbin Issues

Why does clicking the thumbnail of a post in a community open the comments instead of opening the article or image or whatever?

euphoria, in You can be the one to create the kbin page on wikipedia
@euphoria@kbin.social avatar

i just took a look at what it takes to write a wiki article, and it is extensive (rightfully so). anyone who plans on trying this, please be prepared to have sources prepared, be unbiased, be a good writer, and more.


Let's just have ChatGPT do it.

@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

ChatGPT is going to get you rejected for made up sources for sure.

RoboRay, in You can be the one to create the kbin page on wikipedia
@RoboRay@kbin.social avatar

[citation needed]

yip-bonk, in You can be the one to create the kbin page on wikipedia
@yip-bonk@kbin.social avatar

“Kbin is . . . a good . . place. I . . . like kbin because . . it is fun.”


Candelestine, in You can be the one to create the kbin page on wikipedia

There wasn’t a lot of good source material to use a couple months ago. I’m unsure if that has changed, but it might’ve. It’s a prerequisite for writing a good wikipedia article, at any rate, as opposed to a shitty one.

You’re not allowed to write your own telling of the story on there, you have to copy other people’s and cite them. So a lot of other people need to have written on it, from a position of being a reliable source, before a quality wikipedia article can be written.

Though a small, mediocre article can be better than no article, if you’re giving someone a good framework to improve on later, as more sources develop.


There’s been a lot of articles about the recent Reddit drama or whatever you want to call it. I’m sure some of them have mentioned Lemmy and Kbin!

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

And also bear in mind that if someone writes a crappy enough kbin article now and it gets deleted, that's going to make it harder to get a kbin article started again in the future. I know that's not how it's supposed to work in principle but unfortunately it's how it works in practice.

@0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social avatar

Pleroma still doesn't have a wikipedia article because of this, despite being one of the oldest AP-enabled fediverse services. It's been deleted twice because some moderator didn't like the quality or number of sources.

@density@kbin.social avatar

@FaceDeer oh that's interesting. do you know why?


Wikipedia doesn’t like articles that are basically ads. Articles should be written from an unbiased standpoint using independent sources. If an article has been removed because it’s basically self promotion, then mods will be more careful about reopening it again.

Arotrios, in What does blocking someone actually do?
@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

@ernest - just a heads up that I'm experiencing the same bug - notifications from blocked accounts. Wouldn't normally be an issue, but we've got a couple of trolls that like to go back to old threads and keep replying to try and bait a response.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

And eventually, there will be issues with harassment, because that’s just how idiots on the internet are. This is something that needs to be fixed before it becomes an actual problem, I reckon.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Damn, they really don't like you. Have an upvote as fucktard insurance.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

The absolutely wild thing is, I literally have only replied to them once, the first time, when I requested they not be a dick to someone. Oh boy, did they take it personally.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

I've got a couple like that, especially after I ended up kicking the hornet's nest that's noagendasocial.com. In my defense, they deserved it as they've got literal FSB agents posting there, and I was under the mistaken impression that Adam Curry still had a soul.

On the plus side, Adam Curry labeled me an official disappointment of his, so I guess every troll has its silver whining.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

If you’re going to kick a hornet’s nest, kick a big one, eh?

@Gutotito@kbin.social avatar

Ah, we finally got to the point of "anyone who disagrees with me is a troll." Took longer than I thought. This thread is becoming a great way to populate my blocklist.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Nope, just don't wanna deal with fucktards after I've blocked them. Shouldn't have to deal with them 2-3 weeks later popping up on my notifications - not a big ask. Dunno how you got offended seeing as I have no idea who you are.

@UnhappyCamper@kbin.social avatar

This dude (the one you replied to) is one of or the person going around on downvote rampages. I noticed this guy downvoted pretty much all my posts for some reason, no clue who he even is, and don't recall having any interactions with him.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

I swear, some folks on here really need to get a productive hobby.

phi1997, in What does blocking someone actually do?

Looking at your reduces, the same person is down voting all my stuff, too. They're probably running a script or something

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

What a fricking weirdo.

There needs to be a way to report someone to their instance, not just the mods of a magazine, like you do on Mastodon. People like this being a nuisance across magazines need to be handled at the instance level.

Erikatharsis, in A relatively easy way to disable the "random posts" or "random threads" sections (desktop web browser) + suggestions for sidebar
@Erikatharsis@kbin.social avatar

Forgive me for boosting my own thread; I just want to make sure this tutorial is visible on "hot", since this is a potential fix to a problem a lot of people are having.

@kindenough@kbin.social avatar

Thnx, this was bothering me for quite a while.

blivet, in /kbin Issues
@blivet@kbin.social avatar

The past couple of days I’m constantly being signed out. I have to login several times a day, practically every time I visit.

This seems to happen much more frequently on the mobile version of the site, and whatever Artemis is using to scrape data.


This happens to me on desktop as well. Today I can't even log in using my username, have to use email instead.

@djidane535@kbin.social avatar

Same issue for me since yesterday. I don’t know what has changed, but it’s very frequent (tens a day I would say).


Yes. I`ve been seeing it as well in the last 2-3 days on Firefox on mobile. Being logged out 2-3 times a day.

In fact I just had to login to post this comment.

@HarkMahlberg@kbin.social avatar

This seems to have been fixed in the last couple days? I used to have this problem but it seems to have been reduced or mitigated.


It’s been this way for a while for me. I had to re-login just to post this comment…

I’m also getting an “invalid CSRF” token occasionally when I login. And error pages when I try to upvote.

I’m using the web app on iOS.

Shopro, in /kbin Issues

There might be something wrong with Markdown tables, they worked fine a week or so ago but now it's just the "raw code". Any experiencing this issue or did the format change slightly?

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