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Wooster, in StarTrek.website now has a wiki (and mission statement)!
@Wooster@startrek.website avatar

I’d be willing to offer my services to develop a LCARS inspired theme. Admittedly, my eyes are more on the Lemmy side than the Wiki side, but I’m not picky.


@Wooster That sounds like an amazing idea! Since it runs on bookstack i would have to learn how to theme it but i would love to help out.

@Wooster@startrek.website avatar

Ditto, to be honest. My background is primarily in theming for PhpBB, Drupal, and Wordpress to an extent. Bookstack is entirely new to me, and the tactics it implements are surprisingly streamlined if, not what I’m specifically used to.

LCARS also presents unique challenges since practically everything can be done in CSS (which presumably makes it a perfect match for bookstack) but you kinda have to trick CSS into doing what you want with LCARS more creative aspects.

But, assuming we get approval, I’d enjoy collaborating. I’ve always done theming solo, so it’d be a new experience.

@Admin@startrek.website avatar

I’m into this idea! What would you guys need from us? I’ve opened registration for the wiki so you can make editor accounts, but the theming seems to be largely on the backend.

@Wooster@startrek.website avatar

We’ll need access to the style sheets, bare minimum. (Some robust systems grant this via admin panel, but normally it’s done via file system/template files.) So SFTP access would be appreciated. Also, do you know if the wiki/Lemmy has a concept of restricting theme use by role?

athos77, in LeVar Burton Has a New Podcast

The actor is engaging young audiences again with “Sound Detectives,” a comic mystery podcast that teaches the art of listening. [...] a new podcast for audiences of elementary-school age that is part whodunit, part science exploration and part comic adventure.

Link to podcast. It'll be ten episodes long. The first episode came out Wednesday, with a new one each week until early next year.

“Sound Detectives” visits places like Yellowstone National Park, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the streets of Bangalore (now Bengaluru), India. When creating the missing-sound mystery for each half-hour episode, Smith and Sokolowski said in a video interview that they sometimes started with a site they found intriguing, and at other times with a sound. The sounds they chose can be challenging to identify; one example was recorded on Mars.

DerisionConsulting, in Enterprise: Where are the strange new worlds?

The fourth season is considered by a lot of fans to be the best of the series, but the finale was Game of Thrones bad.

I remember reading in the newspaper that the budget of season 4 was cut in half, and that the season wasn’t going to be so planet-focused. I haven’t re-watched it in a long time, so I don’t remember too many details. I could also be misremembering what I read 20ish years ago.

ValueSubtracted, in What are some of your favorite communities?
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

If you’re looking to discover communities, I do recommend !wowthislemmyexists.


That looks interesting, I’ll have to check it out!

VelvetStorm, in Where do you fall politically?

I am very heavy left leaning. I want adults to be able to marry as many other consenting adults as they want(yes I mean a poly liftstyle). I want trans people to have rights and I want women to have full reproductive rights. I want free Healthcare for all as well as some sort of free food and water if needed and free basic clothing and housing if needed. And honestly I want us to start killing nazis again.


Killing nazis, like the government executing people who identify as neo-nazis?

dilithium_dame, in Where do you fall politically?

I call myself a New Deal democrat.

Blamemeta, in Where do you fall politically?

I’m right wing, or at least compared to most of lemmy.

I want everyone to bear arms. To that end, we should air drop liberator-style pistols all over the world. No, I’m not joking.

I think America should put America first.

I think Trek is cool, but its also fiction and not some sort of practical political ideal.

I think we need common sense immigration laws, which would mean going after coyotes and businesses that hire illegals and abuse visa workers. We’ll be fine if our population was stagnant for a bit.

I think (in regards to lgbt) that you can do whatever you want between consenting adults, but leave kids out of it. Lot of upset about elementary school libraries and drag in schools, especially for a group that has nothing to do with kids.

I think we need better mental health, but I have no idea how that would look practically.

The internet was an inevitable mistake.

Anime was an avoidable mistake. Darkness best waifu.

Leftism feels like a cult these days. I don’t know why or how to describe it, but it does.

I think large international corporations need to be heavily regulated. At a certain size, maybe even making them utilities. Small companies should have more leeway.

There are problems, but they can be solved without burning down the system.


So you are one of those types against drag story hour?

Also you want a stagnant population and prefer that over immigration?

@Spot@startrek.website avatar

I don’t get how bible story times is any better that drag queen story times, if the interest of the children’s well being is real. I was raised in the christian church and feel very much like I was groomed and indoctrinated as I was brought up.


Drag queens just reading nice kids books to children is better than indoctrinating kids into Christianity, IMO


CBO projects that the majority of population growth overthe next two decades is from immigration. It seems our friend here is in favor of a shrinking population



I am. Or at least slowing growth. I’d prefer stopping or shrinking, but I figure slowing is an easier sell.


Yeah that confused me, because a shrinking population is bad for the economy, no?


Yes, we cant grow forever. Better long term solution is for other countries to become livable.


But immigration is an excellent solution to declining birth rates, why be against that?


I don’t view declining birth rates as a problem.


It’s economic suicide but okay.


That’s a lot of words to say you are an ignorant racist.


You’re full of shit, just based on prior comments.

Common sense immigration, leaving what’s done with consenting adults alone, these things do not track with what you’re usually saying around here. Just saying

If “leftism” (what the fuck does that even mean?) feels like a cult, you’re getting your information from places that are busy making mountains out of molehills because of the money they get by keeping you outraged so they can keep your attention. “Some random weirdos on Twitter posted some crazy shit” has nothing to do with actual policies being actually enacted.

TotallyNotSpez, in Where do you fall politically?


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  • startrekexplained,

    Where in the EU are you from?



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  • startrekexplained,

    Oh, cool :)



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  • startrekexplained,

    California originally, now living in Arizona :)

    buckykat, in What's the consensus here regarding Babylon Five?

    It’s good watch it

    Stamets, (edited ) in Newly Discovered Spiders Get Star Trek-Inspired Names
    @Stamets@startrek.website avatar

    Finally. One Star Trek thing I cannot appreciate.

    Fuck spiders. They’re monsters.

    Edit: For the record, this is a joke…

    @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

    But they’re so cute!!! All those extra eyes are adorable.

    And they only suck fluids rather than dissolving bones…

    ValueSubtracted, in What is the best community for discussing Star Trek tech?
    @ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

    Good question - this one’s a little case-by-case.

    If the focus of what you’re discussing is specifically Star Trek, the general c/StarTrek community would be fine. If you’re looking to get serious and in-depth with it, c/DaystromInstitute would also work.

    If the primary focus is on the real world and the Trek connection is more tangential (examples: “cell phones were inspired by communicators” or “this new medical device is kind of like a tricorder”), it’s probably more appropriate for Quark’s. But there are some edge cases in there, and we’re unlikely to be fussy if something ends up in c/StarTrek instead.



    Sounds like for a good amount of my ideas are for Daystrom (It’s on looking at the different transporters, and how to maybe combine them)

    Corgana, in Substack rival Ghost federates its first newsletter | TechCrunch
    @Corgana@startrek.website avatar

    The CEO was recently on Dot Social (a fediverse podcast) and had some interesting things to say. Made me optimistic about the future of ActivityPub.

    njaard, in Announcement to non-StarTrek.website users: on July 10th, c/Quarks will change to "locals only". Thanks to the Lemmy devs for this new feature!

    This is dumb and makes no sense, even for the intended purposes.

    Corgana, in Highlighting journalism on Mastodon
    @Corgana@startrek.website avatar

    This is very cool, and will hopefully encourage more journalists to be active on Mastodon.

    klemptor, in StarTrek.Website has upgraded to Lemmy v0.19.5!

    Thank you, thank you, thank youuuu!! 🖖🏻

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