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Stamets, in Startrek.website will be down for scheduled maintenance from 12AM-1AM CST tonight. EDIT: all done!
@Stamets@startrek.website avatar

Poor admins dealing with reports like


Thanks guys for working so hard and being on the ball on this. <3

@Admin@startrek.website avatar

ok that gif is slightly misleading there were no exploding plasma conduits it was literally down for thirty seconds it didn’t even register on lemmy-status (thank you for letting us know)

@Stamets@startrek.website avatar

Hey. Always gonna let you know. Y’all are my addiction now, for better or worse.

@Admin@startrek.website avatar
@Stamets@startrek.website avatar

Pay no attention to the fact I just accidentally posted everything with my alt account because I forgot to switch back over to this one on my app. No Sir. Didn’t happen.

@Admin@startrek.website avatar

No Sir. Didn’t happen.


@Stamets@startrek.website avatar

Well I needed that belly laugh. Thank you <3

Stamets, in Studios Keep Actors' Strike Going by Pushing a Horrifying AI Deal
@Stamets@startrek.website avatar

Man… I have nothing to do. I wish I was down there. I’d be on the picket line just in support. What the FUCK.

sk, in StarTrek.website now has a wiki (and mission statement)!

This is awesome!

newtraditionalists, in "This is a tremendous achievement" - Lemmy is sitting at ~36K active daily users across all instances

Very cool. Happy to be here and enjoying helping the community grow!

NVariable, in “Far Apart On Key Issues”: SAG-AFTRA Sets Halloween Talks With Studios – Update

The actors’ strike is unique in that compromising on AI kills the existence of their profession. Once their likeness and voice can be replicated by machines, they are all fired and have zero job prospects moving forward.

TPTB will churn out endless drivel at zero cost, pay actors nothing, and drown the world in more shallow, meaningless deepfake AI culture.

They’re going after the arts first for a reason.

@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

The good news is they’re still talking, which is a big improvement over the recent status quo.


They didn’t go after the Arts first. They’re just able to go after them now. People in tech have watched their jobs get slowly eaten away by automation for over a decade now. And factory workers for longer than that.

@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

drown the world in more shallow, meaningless deepfake AI culture

I find the imagery of a bunch of people entertaining themselves to death while non-sentient automated machines pump video into their eyeballs so deeply creepy that I’d like to assume it could never happen on a large scale, since a feeling of “connection” is kind of a big part of art consumption.

But part of me also knows that there will be a non-inconsequential part of society that wouldn’t have any problems with it.

Admin, in Having trouble creating an account on startrek.website
@Admin@startrek.website avatar

I can’t look into this too deeply at the moment, but it looks like at least one person was able to make an account within the past hour. Maybe try the usual stuff (disable adblock, different browser, etc) for now and I can temporarily disable CAPTCHA for you later if needed.


ah thanks very much, turned off vpn and everything and it worked like a charm!

@Admin@startrek.website avatar

Great, welcome to The Website™

Admin, in [support] Has anyone else been having trouble interacting with Lemmy off and on these past few days?
@Admin@startrek.website avatar

This should be fixed now.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I was just about to send a message saying that it’s super snappy and responsive now. Thanks!

@Admin@startrek.website avatar

Awesome, glad to hear it!

@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

Have been able to load communities and content on Voyager since the last fix yesterday, but am still having issues with images in the main post, especially on c/risa.

On Voyager, I’m seeing just a little blue square in the middle of the box where the meme image should be. It’s not consistent though so it could be some kind of incompatibility with the upload and storage format.

@Admin@startrek.website avatar

The latest Lemmy update caused some weirdness with federation, it’s hard to pin down but we’re looking into it. Could be related to your issue.

@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

Voyager is still not working this morning. Can upvote only very intermittently. I haven’t attempted to post or comment.

Logged in through a browser, I am not having upvote issues, but failed to post a comment on the first attempt.

All to say that Voyager is part of the problem, but not all.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

The problem came back for me earlier today too. I tried switching to Boost and had similar issues.

@Admin@startrek.website avatar

Voyager and Photon should be able to connect again.

@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

Thanks for your care.

maegul, in Enterprise: Where are the strange new worlds?
@maegul@lemmy.ml avatar

I feel you. Depending on your opinions about Voyager, Trek really is struggling to capture what worked about TNG/DS9, almost like modern TV doesn’t know how or cant do it. In the end, my critique about Voyager is that it is an example of what often happens to crafts … they get perfected right in the moment of redundancy. Voyager was pure synthesised TNG-era trek right when it had been done to death. Everything since has either been a prequel or reboot, with the Abrams films being both and SNW sadly hinting/heading in that direction.

Enterprise was the first attempt to try something kinda different but sadly fell into the prequel trap (where Trek is literally about looking forward!!) and dug up the worst of the inclinations of the remaining show runners, where it’s clear as day that Piller and Taylor had left Trek by that point, where together with Behr for DS9 seem to have been the heart of TNG-era, and IMO “peak” Trek.

I still remember seeing Enterprise for the first time as a kid and swearing that it was a cheap knock off of Trek and was surely going to be sued for copyright infringement … none of it made any sense to me as a continuation of Trek.


My problem with Voyager is their native american consultant was a fraud, they ruined the Borg, and Janeway’s racism and transphobia wasn’t treated with the appropriate seriousness by the plot. I watch Star Trek to see woke communists explore space. Voyager and Enterprise both break that core enjoyment by making me feel pessimistic about the future, as though humanity will never grow beyond its baser instincts. People say Enterprise is supposed to be non-progressive because it’s a prequel, but the problem with that is that the real world progressed beyond the likes of Trip in less than a decade. It sends a message that things are gonna be worse in the 22nd century.

9/11 plots and augment wars suck because they don’t inspire me with hope like TNG did. S4E4 was actually pretty good despite my apprehension, they definitely went hard on the theme that people are capable of being better than they are and I really appreciate that. But I wonder whether they’re going to stick with that theme and redeem these characters, or chase conflict and misery for the appeal of the drama. Drama like that doesn’t appeal to me.

I just wanna see a strange new world. It’s been like 10 episodes since I got one in ENT. Why can’t we just seek out new life and new civilisations? And no, an Orion slave market doesn’t count, because it’s miserable and Star Trek is about hope.

fsxylo, in ‘Daredevil’ Hits Reset Button as Marvel Overhauls Its TV Business

Not having a new plot development right up until that final episode which suddenly wraps everything up would probably help. Nearly every marvel series Disney out is guilty of this.

Franzia, in iCarly sequel canceled on Paramount+ after 3 seasons

Lmao screw these stupid streaming services oml

RuminatingKiwi927, in Admirals in The Orville are much better than Star Trek admirals.

There’s this one admiral in The Orville third season, spoilers!

spoilerhttps://startrek.website/pictrs/image/d5732328-2b16-40b2-b7fd-68472f3c40b5.pngAdmiral Thomas Perry. He betrayed The Union to give the Krill and Moclan the weapon that can destroy Kaylon because the Union considered the weapon as a last resort for they deemed it to be a weapon of genocide, they believe the Kaylons, despite being artificial intelligence have the capacity of change. But Thomas Perry doesn’t see this and wants to destroy the Kaylon. We can see here that this is one of a captain’s traits that exists within, even after being promoted to admiral. One of the examples in Star Trek is Captain Maxwell, a decorated captain who destroyed Cardassian ships and outposts because he believed the Cardassians were re-arming and re-equipping themselves, having himself go rogue until his arrest. Admiral Perry here is an example of such a captain who managed to be promoted to admiral. And when he faced the dilemma that we’ve seen in Star Trek, that was the path he took. That’s whats awesome about the admirals in The Orville. They’re not politicians, they’re former captains and leaders each in their own way. P.S. I keep referring to him as Michael throughout the 3rd season because he’s such an actor in the sitcom “The Good Place”


Shit, Ted Dansen is so good I forgot he was in The Orville.

mynameisjeff, in Admirals in The Orville are much better than Star Trek admirals.
@mynameisjeff@lemmy.world avatar

Never watched Star Trek but in The Orville, it is explained that you get promoted to the higher job if you have a lot of honor and respect from society

So yeah I don’t see how a corrupt politician could rose to admiral. They should either be military expert that already proven great success at a lower rank or as you said ancient captain.

One day we will probably have an episode one day with all the higher ups to see their struggle when they where younger, like a big battle flash back or something like that, it would be cool

@Neato@kbin.social avatar

if you have a lot of honor and respect from society

Isn't that just populism? Do they measure "honor and respect" differently than just "is popular"?

Silverseren, in Where do you fall politically?

Rather far left both economically and socially, but I actually understand that progress takes step by step effort and screaming that you want everything done now doesn't get you anywhere. Also, purity tests of "follow every one of my beliefs or you're evil" are dumb and unhelpful when you're discussing where people are on the left.

Oh, and I think tankies are morons.


Tankies are the bane of my existence, so I agree

Redredme, in Where do you fall politically?

Old school left center. We shouldn’t leave anyone behind and help those who can’t help themselves. If they can but they won’t… Well that’s a valid personal choice too but the society shouldn’t shoulder that burden.

Woman’s rights I thought we fixed those but looking at that vid from that Spanish female reporter who got slapped on the ass mid interview I guess there is some work still left to be done there.

Lgbtqi+. If you need that much letters and still can’t come up with a catchy sounding word you’re doing something wrong. But seriously, we’re all equal, be what you are, I’m cool. I do think we’re making this bigger then it really is. We’re overexposing it. Gays have been accepted for a long time in the society. But this focus on all issues be it gender, sexual orientation, transsexualism have resulted in a snap reaction to the other side by a big portion of our societies. I think it’s clear that yes, there’s something there which must be addressed and also yes, the way the “activists” are putting it in the spotlight and are playing the shame game results in an exact opposite reaction. Which results in conflict and bullshit like we’ve seen with ms. Harry Potter. Was it understandable, her pov, knowing what’s she’s been through? Most certainly yes. Is she wrong? Maybe. Possibly. I think so. Was the whole moronic reaction warranted? Most certainly not. Her pov should’ve started a discussion, you know, like grown ups do. What we got instead was a witch hunt, an inquisition. People shouting and a cussing and excluding others.

Wasn’t the whole point of lgtbqi+ inclusion? And how do we accomplish that? By exclusion? That doesn’t seem right. That sounds stupid. That sounds like repeating the same errors.

We live in a global society. We should accept and respect each other. Also the ones we don’t agree with. Sometimes it seems we crave for conflict instead of coexistence. Let’s agree to disagree and move on.

Lastly I firmly believe in decriminalisation of all drugs. Why? We’re fighting a drugs war for as long as I can remember. A part of society craves for this stuff. Be it old school cigarettes, alcohol, narcotics, uppers, downers, etc. I say: let them. Slap a tax on it, regulate it so we’re sure there’s no bullshit in it and let it go.

Bad for health? Looking at our society I see our industry spewing out all kinds of shit, dumping it in the environment. I see insecticides everywhere killing insects and us slowly.

A percentage of society will always be addicted. Legal or illegal. We can’t counter it. But we can counter a lot of the criminal activities surrounding it by legalising it all.

And I would like to add that NO GOVERNMENT EVER has any say about what goes on in one’s body. Abortion is always awful and always leaves a psychological mark. But sometimes it’s necessary.

@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

If you need that much letters and still can’t come up with a catchy sounding word you’re doing something wrong

I’ve always been partial to QUILTBAG lol


And I would like to add that NO GOVERNMENT EVER has any say about what goes on in one’s body.

I don’t agree with this, I mean governments regulate what goes in our bodies all the time. Food safety standards, anti narcotic laws, etc


I used to think like you, but paradox of tolerance my man. You absolutely cannot accept bigots in your society or they WILL ruin it. Not might. Will.

Also saying the minorities need to pull back on the messaging is victim blaming. They wouldn’t need to do it at all if there wasn’t a force to be fighting against. What would you propose they do instead? Just say “oh you can oppress us for now until you feel ready to accept us.”?

On all other points I agree with you.

Thisfox, in What's the consensus here regarding Babylon Five?

It is brilliant. It is superb. It is My Show.

I hang out here because trekkies are cool too, but I cosplay Bab at Dragoncon, not trek.

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