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Arelin, in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.

Slightly off-topic, but I don’t think downvotes should be a thing at all. Silences minority opinions by lessening their visibility and discouraging further discussion even when they’re correct. People also tend to not respond to those comments/posts in good faith, as if the downvotes prove them wrong. Turns the place into an echo chamber.

Taking out downvotes would allow for less popular opinions to have higher visibility and discussion since the majority can’t just downvote it, just because they slightly disagree with it or are biased against it, and silence discussion.

People who do agree would also be able to show it through upvotes, and it wouldn’t be eaten up by the downvotes.

Spam, hateful and rule-breaking comments/posts would just be reported instead. As is the case for some Lemmy instances already.


Agreed. Downvotes were never used in the intended way and just turned into “I disagree with this”.

@aroom@kbin.social avatar

I don't think that it's off topic at all, in the contrary. If you analyse the situation described by the OP, the issue is not the fact that our actions are transparents, the issue is due to the consequence of downvoting a post and how this action made another person feel and how they acted on this feeling.

Downvoting is not a constructive tool and should be abolished. It's not a matter of the users not using it the right way, it's a matter of psychological behaviour.

We should design tools that help us to bring the best in us, not the worst. We are not here on a commercial platform who need to hook us with dopamine shot, and trigger us on engaging by frustrating us. We need to build things differently. Federating servers is great but not enough.

I think that an option to be able to remove the display of the downvote tool and downvote count should be available in the settings. I would like to abolish it all together but I'm not interested to impose this on other users, so bring me an opt out please.

what do you think @ernest? let's change this paradigm and build another better tool?

@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

if you take out the downvotes, the upvotes must go with it. but also, kbins algorithm isnt over-programmed and calculating, i see varying levels of upvoted and downvoted comments mixed together and i like it that way so everyone is included. on kbin, if youre downvoted, its usually been for good reason as far as ive seen, and ive also never had to go LOOKING for downvoted comments that are buried like on reddit. they are right there on kbin. the 'algorithm' is no algorithm. its honest

ADHDefy, in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
@ADHDefy@kbin.social avatar

Agreed. I can see this being more harmful than helpful.

@ADHDefy@kbin.social avatar

I'm calling you out, @BadWolf 😂

ADHDefy, in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
@ADHDefy@kbin.social avatar

Wait, how do you see who downvoted you? I didn't know that was thing here.

Bizarroland, in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
@Bizarroland@kbin.social avatar

You should be able to block that user from interacting with you by simply clicking on their name and pressing the block button.

That will prevent them from downvoting future posts and if you have a negative interaction with somebody you can do that as many times as is needed to create the environment that you will enjoy participating in here.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Blocking people blocks their votes, and not just prevents you from seeing their posts?

@Bizarroland@kbin.social avatar

As far as I am aware, it prevents them from seeing or interacting with your account and prevents you from seeing or interacting with their account.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I know it doesn’t stop them from seeing you. They can still reply to you; you just won’t see it. So I’m not so sure it blocks their vote, either.

@billothekid2@kbin.social avatar

I think this is correct.

BaroqueInMind, in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
@BaroqueInMind@kbin.social avatar

Name and shame, otherwise your post here is as worthless as the troll who spent the time and effort to troll you.

@HarkMahlberg@kbin.social avatar

It's... It's public info? Like that's his point lol. You can go to his user profile, find a couple of downvoted posts, and see who he's talking about.

KinNectar, in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
@KinNectar@kbin.run avatar

I for one would like to see a minimum ratio of upvotes to downvotes as a measure to mitigate abuse. That is to say you "earn" a down vote for each upvote you cast.

Additionally I think the ratio of downvotes to upvotes you give should be public on your profile, and an admin tool should be available to Magazine administrators to block voting, posting new threads, etc. Based on a user's vote ratio.

This is a behavioral problem with clear mechanical fixes.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

I don't see how that ratio thing could be enforced on a protocol like ActivityPub, it would be an instance-by-instance thing and people from instances that weren't enforcing it would be able to downvote however they liked.

There are instances that blocked downvoting entirely (beehaw.org, for example) but when I saw threads from there here on kbin.social there was plenty of downvoting on them from non-beehaw users. Only on beehaw.org would the threads be seen downvote-free and would users be prevented from downvoting on them.


Still a good idea, kbin doesn't need to use your downvotes as part of any algorithm if you are negative.

uphillbothways, (edited ) in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
@uphillbothways@kbin.social avatar

I don't see an issue here.

  1. try to explain your downvotes, or, better yet, voice your disagreement and have a discussion without relying on downvotes to express yourself. Use your words.
  2. when you feel it necessary and that using your words isn't working, upvote/boost everyone but the person in question. Realize downvotes don't really do what you'd hoped and are a poor crutch and means of expression. Elevate what you do agree with. Worry less about what you don't.
  3. just don't care about internet points. As others have said and covered extensively.

Hopefully, what remains is that conversations are important. Having an outlet for undescribed/unformed/ambiguous disagreement/dissent really doesn't add anything to anything for anyone. Making a point or saying something correct is more valuable than shooting down those you find to be incorrect. And, ultimately, it's not just what you think that matters. The consensus of the group and the conversation that gets them there, the experience and the interchange and the community itself are all much more valuable than the destination of a single conversation.

Edit: (And, for the record, while I disagree with your assessment, I've boosted and upvoted your thread, because I think the conversations being had here are valuable and worth seeing by more people.)

livus, in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
@livus@kbin.social avatar

@billothekid2 honestly, it's not an uncommon phenomenon, it has nothing to do with seeing your downvotes.

Over the years on reddit, where votes are anonymous, I would sometimes notice all my comments being downvoted (usually after some kind of altercation, my favourite was the guy who singled me out for criticizing Margaret Thatcher... hardly a hot take).

In fact iirc reddit had to change its interface so that voting on comments from a person's profile page doesn't change their comment count.

Some people are just petty. I think it's better to at least know when it's happening so I can avoid that person.

magnetosphere, in I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

The same thing happened to me. The downvotes don’t bother me nearly as much as knowing that trolls can stalk us like that. It’s creepy. That’s the real issue.

Everyone telling you not to care about downvotes is missing the point.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

It doesn’t change the behavior if you can verify who did it or not. It literally doesn’t matter that you can see who downvoted you when it’s always been the case that anybody can go into your history and downvote all of it.

How are you going to call viewing a post history on the public facing internet “stalking”?

Jesus you guys play some gymnastics up in your domes.

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

Looking at post histories isn’t stalking. That take would be a bit paranoid. Please don’t put words in my mouth.

Abusing someone’s post history to harass them is stalking, though.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

You make downvoting over and over sound like a cybercrime lol

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

In your interpretation, maybe. I just think it’s obnoxious and rude to do it to all of someone’s comments. If someone genuinely disagrees with what I’ve posted, that’s not a problem.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@magnetosphere but trolls stalk people anyway, I've had Downvote Fairies on reddit and kbin.

The kbin one wasn't even someone I'd downvoted.

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

That’s even weirder. I’m sorry to hear that.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@magnetosphere just the nature of the internet.

Sometimes people get weird bees in their bonnet. Personally I'd much rather know who it's coming from.

If I put a lot of effort into a comment or post and it gets downvoted by someone out of spite, I'd much rather know that's what happened than sit there wondering what's wrong with my post.

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

Right? Leave me a comment telling me why you disagree! Maybe you have a point of view that I hadn’t considered. Maybe I got a fact wrong - I’d rather be corrected than keep on being wrong! I’m a big boy; I can take it.

Or, maybe I’m just being a jerk and all someone needs to do is talk some sense into me. By itself, a downvote doesn’t tell anyone anything. Reply! Talk to me!

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@magnetosphere this! I love it when someone points out stuff I haven't considered, especially if it turns out I'm wrong. Acknowleding that is the fastest way to actually turn it around and become right again.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Man, I miss Reddit!

Said nobody here ever.:-) The average discussion experience here is just better, with people who care about facts rather than purely trolling.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

@OpenStars totally!

I originally only came here for something to do during the blackout, but it's just so much better here that I ended up never going back.

ContentConsumer9999, in Some turbulence on the instance

Well, I haven't been that active today but I haven't encountered any issues yet so things seem to be going well, at least for me.

Pamasich, (edited ) in ✨ What is your favorite thing about kbin? ✨
@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

I don't know any other social media site that allows you that level of freedom of customization.

Reddit used to have custom CSS, still does if you use the old design via the settings or the old.reddit.com address. Check out /r/steam for a subreddit with heavy custom styling.

Sadly in later redesigns they threw that feature out in favor of a more professional but boring looking uniform design.

Some stuff like spoilers started out on the platform using custom CSS. Spoilers used to be done by styling links pointing to a specific address. The worldnews subreddit uses it to hide paywalled articles.

SuperSpaceFan, in Released idkbin 1.3.0! — A few small visual improvements for Kbin
@SuperSpaceFan@kbin.melroy.org avatar

Will this work for mobile (android/ios)?

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

To my knowledge, that'd require a way to install & use the Stylus extension on mobile, which I'm not aware of rn

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, (edited ) in What does the "Favorites" feed do?
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Upvotes are called favorites on Kbin, so the Favorites feed is stuff you've upvoted.


Got it! Thanks.
Btw, do you know if I see content from my favorited collections in my sub feed?

@ghostatnoon@kbin.social avatar

Yes, you do.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Don't think so. Otherwise, my sub feed would be full of tech articles in Lemmy communities.

sz, in Released idkbin 1.3.0! — A few small visual improvements for Kbin

Links to images seem to not work.

minnieo, in Released idkbin 1.3.0! — A few small visual improvements for Kbin
@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

it's just beautiful!! thanks for blessing us with this update. im a huge fan of the comments and replies indenting ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)

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