Aesculapius, to news in Federal health dept. says marijuana should be downgraded to Schedule 3 drug avatar


  • physically addictive
  • one of the only substances to have fatal withdrawal
  • implicated in numerous deaths (due to intoxication)
  • harms pregnancy
  • can cause heart issues, neurological issues, liver damage, etc.
  • not a scheduled DEA substance


  • none of the above (effects on pregnancy can include low birth weight and preterm labor - evidence is mixed. Certainly nothing close to the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome).
  • currently a schedule 1 substance

It should be descheduled completely.

Edit: updated pregnancy info



harms pregnancy


none of the above

Uuuhhhhhhh, you sure about that one friend?

Aesculapius, avatar

There is conflicting data on the outcome of marijuana with pregnancy around the effect on birth weight and potential for preterm labor. To be clear: marijuana is not recommended in pregnancy.

The point I was trying to draw was between fetal alcohol syndrome, which is potentially devastating and the evidence is conclusive.

But your point is valid. I will update the post.


That's a fair point, and I appreciate the update to the op. Have a good day!

digitalgadget, to news in FTC judge rules Intuit broke law, must stop advertising TurboTax as “free”

I used to use TT before I found out that my money was being spent on lobbying for more complicated taxes.

Now I use Free Tax USA. I used to pay upwards of $80 to file for myself and my businesses and now it's free. I give them $25 just because I want to support them, but I don't have to.


MOST people qualify for free online tax prep. Do not let these fucking evil vampire fucks like Intuit get your money and spread the word to friends, family, and internet strangers.

geosoco, to news in Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods

I thought this was might just grieving parents blaming something coincidental, until reading this article. I didn't know that there are other cases of the spiciness of these new peppers seem to be causing problems for some people. Still no clear evidence, but it's possible there's something.

"These ultraspicy peppers may either contain a unique vasoactive substance, or there is a dose-related effect of capsaicin concentration that can trigger RCVS," the doctors concluded. "Further research in this area is needed to determine the exact pathophysiology of this phenomenon. This case provides further evidence that ingestion of hot peppers may lead to serious consequences and that further research is needed to assess their safety."

Emphasis mine.


I don’t think it’s really as surprising as people in this thread seem to think.

It’s not just “ouch my mouth”. Your body has an extreme, undeniable stress reaction to the chip. Its not inconceivable that could push an underlying condition over the edge.

If this was a story about a sedentary 14 year old who died after being challenged to run a marathon with no training, people wouldn’t be saying “Oh wow, I didn’t think jogging could kill you”.


I had no idea you could die from jogging a marathon so I think you would be wrong about that. It seems to be very rare but can happen depending on your family history of heart attacks and things like obesity, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels for anyone else wondering about it. When you said sedentary I thought you meant if you don’t exercise regularly you will die from doing exercise but it’s not like that.

paper_clip, avatar

I had no idea you could die from jogging a marathon so I think you would be wrong about that.

Literally the first person to run a marathon, the Greek runner Pheidippides bringing the news to Athens about the Greek victory over the Persians at Marathon, died from exhaustion, his last words being "Rejoice, we conquer!" as he collapsed.


Never heard of the guy but sounds like he had heart problems and no access to modern medicine.

lowdownfool, avatar

He ate better than you and exercised more, guaranteed. Also, what's up with your education? Red state?


I’m not sure why you’re offended. I read this article that said this isn’t a problem unless you have heart problems. You can appear fit and still have a heart problem, “the biggest danger to younger, otherwise healthy runners is undiagnosed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a genetic condition that enlarges part of your heart muscle.” I’m in a blue state lmao but thanks for implying I’m uneducated. America’s education has also been shitty, I would be surprised if they cover this at all in other states.

lowdownfool, avatar

I'm not offended. I also wasn't replying to you. Oopsie?

lowdownfool, avatar

Oh, I'm not offended. So you're saying Pheidippides had heart problems? lol


That emphasized line is typical when someone wants to ban something but doesn’t have any proof that it’s actually dangerous. See the US government and conservative’s reasoning for keeping marijuana banned or the federal government banning vaping (while allowing cigarette sales to continue). In both cases the weak justification for the bans are “we don’t like this stuff and there’s not enough research proving it’s safe!” Meanwhile they try to hamstring anyone who wants to conduct a study unless the objective of the study is to bolster the ban.

Itty53, avatar

And guns are still legal after countless school shootings, so don't hold your breath.

lowdownfool, avatar

The right to spice isn't enshrined in the Constitution. It should be, maybe. The Spice Must Flow.


It’s also typical when researchers notice an interesting phenomenon and decide they need to gather more data.


Doesn’t seem like that applies here since the researcher said “we need more data to determine its safety”, implying it’s unsafe until we can prove it safe even though countless people eat this spicy shit every day without any noteworthy issues. He’s acting like this is the first time the human race has discovered spicy food and it’s some big mystery.

Madison_rogue, avatar

"Implying" is a very subjective word. Nowhere in the article did a doctor mention they wanted to ban peppers, just research them more to ensure their safety.

There's no code word phraseology here...just the intent to do more science to learn more.


implying it’s unsafe

Implying it may or not be safe.

flicker, to news in Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods

This chip has been on the market for literal years at this point and no one has died until now. I'm open to new information but I think it might be a case where the chip formula has changed, or maybe this was a condition they didn't know the child had, or any number of things.

I like spicy things. Sometimes what I enjoy is dangerous for others. I grieve for the child's parents and friends, but am waiting for more information to confirm that it was entirely the chip to blame.

I also think that we should remember that parents should be supervising these things. If my 11-year-old asked to do the challenge, I would've rightfully tried him first on something spicy that's much less spicy than this. I want to know what all this kid has tried before this challenge. If this was his first exposure to spicy things, then I think it's reasonable to be unsurprised. If that's not the case, I want to know.

guyrocket, to news in Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods

It surprises me that it is possible for capsaicin to kill someone. Maybe it is something else or a combination of things but I await further evidence.

I do like to eat spicy but I top out somewhere around habaneros. It would be good to know if the peppers might kill me. I already think I'm pretty careful with them, but I'll be more so if there's real danger.

Unfortunate for this kid. Best wishes to his family.

snooggums, to news in FTC judge rules Intuit broke law, must stop advertising TurboTax as “free” avatar

Can they be punished for breaking the law instead of just being told to stop it?

sin_free_for_00_days, to news in NASA clears the air: No evidence that UFOs are aliens

This is such a dumb timeline to have to live in.


Yup. Global Warming is literally burning and flooding people to death, but political leaders and citizens are focussed on UFOs and aliens. Where are the hearings on how the oil industry knew this was happening and covered it up? If you are looking for a conspiracy to hide something huge from the world, that would be a good place to start.

Madison_rogue, avatar

It's almost as if it's a convenient distraction by design.

Varyk, to news in NASA clears the air: No evidence that UFOs are aliens

We don’t know what they are, some of them move unlike any natural or artificial phenomena we know of, there are 200 billion trillion stars, and we can’t explain all of the files we’ve declassified so far that we’ve been secretly researching for almost 100 years and lied about, but - aliens? You guys are bonkers.


but - aliens? You guys are bonkers.

That’s what they were very careful to_not_ say. They just says there’s no evidence


We don’t know what they are

Yes, that's what they are saying. You're literally agreeing with each other.

CookieJarObserver, to news in NASA clears the air: No evidence that UFOs are aliens avatar

Id rather have that to be aliens than some people having such technology.

Zima, to news in NASA clears the air: No evidence that UFOs are aliens

well considering that christopher mellon went on the record to assert that there is very compelling high resolution satelite images of UAPs I take this as a step in the right direction since they are no longer denying or treating it as a joke. NASA already asserted that there are "metallic spehres" flying all over the world when they shared footage of one.

Itty53, to news in NASA clears the air: No evidence that UFOs are aliens avatar

I'm gonna propose to the alien believers a different explanation of UAPs: they're black projects. Yes all those physics defying things are man made, and they probably have an understanding of physics we don't currently know about in the wider public.

Technology trends exist. We can see them. It's no wonder that every generation's stereotype of unidentified craft always always always mimicked the latest generation of military flight tech. That's what's been true since the inception of the whole thing. It's true today too, thirty years from now we'll get a public look at the crafts they're testing out in the skies today. Be that because they get used or because they become obsolete. Thats how it goes.

So why the hearings in Congress? Because they're black projects. We're talking trillions in this rabbit hole. Congress very much has an urgent want to understand what they military might be keeping from it, vis a vis private contractors. We're talking multiple times the budgets of nation-states and we're getting receipts that are basically "trust me bro"s.

But Congress can't very well tell the truth of all that without undermining the American military, and thereby America itself. So they go along with the same "aliens" reasoning, "uhh yeah, let's go with that, okay", and keep pressing for more information.

Is that crazy? Yeah, you bet. But it's no crazier than believing all that and that there's aliens. Because the alien conspiracy crowd asserts virtually everything I just said, just, with aliens. Aliens aren't necessary for any of it though.

In the history of nations there's never been a more sure-fire way to lose democracy than making an enemy of the military complex propping it up. So Congress ought to be careful too, keep a little plausible deniability for themselves.

DrYes, avatar

they probably have an understanding of physics we don't currently know about in the wider public.

I don't believe any secret agencies have a better understanding of fundamental physics. They have better technology and engineering.

Itty53, avatar

If a private, but not secret agency has access to the physics and can't engineer it, there's a question of why. As much as we'd like to disassociate engineering from discovery, they're linked together. Engineering leads to further observation leads to discovery and vice versa back the other direction. It's entirely possible there's "new physics" at play even if they're only theoretical to the Discovery Channel right now. Who's to say, really?

So while I'm not gonna disagree with you, and you're right there's a difference between engineering technology and physics itself, I still don't really see the distinction as that important to the discussion here.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, after all. We're talking about exactly that level of technology, commonly being called physics-defying by many engineers today. That's magic to common understanding, for all intents and purposes, even if it's possible that we could all eventually understand and demystify it given the education to do so.

Until then? Hard to close doors other than just "do we need this for the story". And aliens don't need to be there, hence my whole line of thinking above. That's just another example of "any secret is the exact secret I want it to be" kind of thinking. See also "everything I don't understand is a communist" or more recently, "everything I don't like is woke". I like to make reference to dinosaurs, because no one ever does. Why not? It could be dinosaurs in those crafts too! There's more evidence for that than aliens, right? We know 100% dinosaurs existed, here. They would've had much much more time to develop technology than we did, eons longer. So again why not? "Because it's absurd." Yep. It is. Every argument against it counts against aliens too.

mouth_brood, to news in NASA clears the air: No evidence that UFOs are aliens

There’s no evidence that they’re not aliens either…


there's no evidence you're not typing that comment because a gnome jumped up your butthole

Lenny, to quarks in FCC details plan to restore the net neutrality rules repealed by Ajit Pai

Fuck Ajit.

0110010001100010, avatar

With his stupid, punchable face and outrageously large coffee mug.


Oh god, I forgot about the mug. I unfortunately still have a partial memory of the cringe video they released.

108, to quarks in FCC details plan to restore the net neutrality rules repealed by Ajit Pai avatar

Should have been done already.

Corgana, avatar

💯 Didn’t have the votes until now according to the article though.

MTLion3, to quarks in FCC details plan to restore the net neutrality rules repealed by Ajit Pai

Man was a cancer on the internet - glad they’re trying to repeal his shit.

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