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This one's super sketch. It's not even a study, it's just an article and the particular claim they're making comes from other research and is more about older contraceptives.


Thank you for all your work and I hope everything with the family is well and you're taking care of yourself!


Is this why I always crave pizza rolls?


What problems are you seeing?


I thought this was might just grieving parents blaming something coincidental, until reading this article. I didn't know that there are other cases of the spiciness of these new peppers seem to be causing problems for some people. Still no clear evidence, but it's possible there's something.

"These ultraspicy peppers may either contain a unique vasoactive substance, or there is a dose-related effect of capsaicin concentration that can trigger RCVS," the doctors concluded. "Further research in this area is needed to determine the exact pathophysiology of this phenomenon. This case provides further evidence that ingestion of hot peppers may lead to serious consequences and that further research is needed to assess their safety."

Emphasis mine.

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