xNIBx, to news in US Senator Menendez charged with bribery, steps down from Senate committee role

This was the senator that was blocking Turkey from getting the new and upgraded F-16 btw. I wonder if this will change anything.

originalucifer, to news in Alabama seeks to execute prisoner using nitrogen gas asphyxiation avatar

isnt carbon monoxide the silent killer? why dont we use that (if were so insistent on killing humans)

HubertManne, avatar

Silent but not untraumatic and painless. Basically inert gases you don't even realize your not getting oxygen and carbon monoxide is similar but you take it up and it causes many horrible symptoms. For details a combination of these will explain it.


Nitrogen is inert and already makes up 70% of the air you breath. Your body won’t even notice if it’s turned up to 100%.


Your body has no sense of oxygen content of the air. What you sense is CO2 buildup in your blood (because it modifies the pH). In a pure nitrogen environment you can still exhale the CO2, but of course do not replenish any O2. It's not just that you won't notice -- there is nothing to notice. Your body literally lacks the sensory ability to detect it.

To be distinguished from a pure CO2 environment where you cannot expel the CO2 so you will feel the effect of being unable to breath.

After taking one or two breaths of N2, there will be so little O2 in your lungs that breathing will actually run your respiration backwards -- it will pull O2 out of your blood instead of bringing it in.

You'll likely experience a light euphoria, get a headache, maybe feel a bit dizzy. But this will happen so fast it's hard to even be certain -- unconsciousness in under a minute is expected and within just a few breaths is possible.


No. That will burn your lungs like hell. You'll feel like actually suffocating. Nitrogen is an inert gas, so you won't even feel it, another one is helium. You'll pretty much lose consciousness after just a couple breaths and then fade away quietly. It's very commonly used in suicide bags and there's modern assisted suicide methods that use it too.

I think death penalties are barbaric and uncivilized, no matter what, but comparatively it's probably better than almost anything the US used historically.

Madison_rogue, to news in Alabama seeks to execute prisoner using nitrogen gas asphyxiation avatar

I'm going to start off this conversation by first saying I'm not an advocate of the death penalty. However, of all the methods used, asphyxiation is not "cruel and unusual." It is quick (as in immediate) and painless. This is why the defendant's lawyers have no idea what they're talking about.


Honestly if I had to choose, it would be nitrogen. The alternatives in Alabama are electrocution and lethal injection, both of which are absolutely horrifying. If I was him I’d be firing my lawyers for trying to get the state to use methods that essentially torture you to death instead of the one that just makes you fall asleep.

Absolutely monstrous that he’s getting the death penalty in the first place though. I hope he isn’t in the 5% or so who turn out to be innocent.

Jesus fucking Christ, I just read about the first attempt. The state of Alabama tortured this man for hours, injected him with who knows what, and now they want to do it again. As far as I’m concerned he served his sentence.


if you crush the person with a giant falling anvil it is quick and painless as well as long as a professional administers the anvil.

Itty53, avatar

This sounds like a joke but this is the explicit problem: doctors won't be the ones to do it.

You guys all knew that right? Doctors don't administer those chemicals for lethal injection. And they won't be administering gas either. Some po'dunk cop will.

Because doctors take an oath that begins "first, do no harm". This has forever been the problem of the very notion of "humane execution", there are no physicians involved. None. At any step.

Know what's just as effective? Bullets. But we can't call a firing squad humane with a straight face, and the witnesses remaining are traumatized, including the shooters. That truth exposes the truth of the death penalty. It's not about justice, but retribution - for the living. They're lynchings. Violent theatrics. That's the point.

They shouldn't be legal, it's barbaric. But you already said you weren't for them, so I'm just preaching to the ether.


Doesn't asphyxiation feel like drowning? Doesn't sound pleasant to me. Though I guess it beats burning alive?


Your “I need to breathe” reflex is driven by the presence of CO2, not by the absence of oxygen. A lack of oxygen makes you euphoric, then you get tunnel vision, and then you pass out. This is why it’s dangerous to hyperventilate before free diving - you clear out the CO2 from your blood but don’t really add more oxygen. Instead of coming up for air when you need it, you might just pass out instead.


That's why I always pay for my dives.

originalucifer, avatar

i tried paying for my time at the no free diving site near me, but theres never anyone available. feels like im stealing!


People panic while normal choking because their blood CO2 is rising and they can’t do anything about it. Being exposed to pure nitrogen doesn’t have that effect, it’s what makes working with nitrogen cannisters so dangerous. If they leak in a confined space and then displace all the normal 21% O2 room air with pure N2 the effect is that workers don’t even notice something is wrong. Instead they just calmly pass out and quickly die. It’s probably the easiest way to go.

HubertManne, avatar

I agree here. I don't think we should be doing the death penalty but if it has to be done an inert gas is the least bad way.

ripcord, to news in US Senator Menendez charged with bribery, steps down from Senate committee role avatar

It's really nice to see some of these fuckers caught and investigated for a change.

The ever-growing pessimist in me wonders what he did to trigger this though. I want to believe this is good people in government doing their job and rooting out corruption. But I'm pretty sure most people in the Senate are doing this shit.

God damn, I still can't fucking believe Boebert and her husband's million dollar "cunsulting fees" (aka bribery payments) weren't quickly investigated and they're already in jail. It's the exact same shit.

Billy_Gnosis, avatar

I’m convinced that a high percentage of these assclowns run for these positions as a front to do whatever other illegal activities they really want to do.


If he was a member of the GOP the right wing media would accuse (Democrat of the month) of making up evidence and would eventually be pardoned by the next Republican president.

StarServal, to news in Disney CEO says company will 'quiet the noise' in culture wars avatar

Worked for Bud Light

...oh wait

ampersandrew, avatar

It didn't take Kid Rock much time at all to get back with his ex.

FriendOfElphaba, to news in Disney CEO says company will 'quiet the noise' in culture wars

Oh, fuck these companies.

I really hope their employees push back on this bullshit.


Media companies should just focus on making high quality entertainment instead of preaching politics. I think it's obvious the damage it's done to their brand by not adhering to that principle.

ampersandrew, avatar

Is it? It's obvious that it upset the people who run the state of Florida, but high quality entertainment very frequently comes bundled with some kind of politics, because that entertainment is usually a snapshot of the feelings of the people in the age that created it. I'm not sure which properties you find preachy, but the last thing I remember conservatives being upset about was a gay kiss in a Buzz Lightyear movie or something.


Disney knew what they were doing and that it went too far or they wouldn't have made this statement. The company never cared about LGBTQ, diversity or feminism, they were just pandering and it backfired.

ampersandrew, avatar

They knew that they were implementing a gay kiss because there's such a thing as gay couples in the world? Including parents of plenty of kids who'd go to see that movie? What part was too far?

PenguinJuice, (edited )

If I were to guess, people have a problem with sexuality and what they consider advanced sexual topics, on the nose diversity, and feminism at the cost of incompetent or subservient male characters being in their family films.

I think people prefer content such as Toy Story, Bugs Life, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, etc. These were good films that had a universal, moral message without having to do with politics or controversies.

ampersandrew, avatar

Is it an advanced sexual topic when a hetero married couple, like a child protagonist's parents, have a similar quick peck on the lips? Because if so, that seems overly prudish, and if not, the people who have a problem with it can grow up. To my knowledge, having not seen the movie, that kiss was really only showing that they had someone important in their lives, and I know that Bo Peep could get away with kissing Woody in Toy Story 1 with no controversy at all. There's also still politics within Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo without looking very hard, and I seem to remember the extremely political Wall-E being wildly popular with audiences and critics, even if I didn't care for it.


It's okay to be prudish when it comes to families and children. They don't need to grow up. If you want to make movies that are not overly prudish and targeted at children you are more than welcome to. No one is stopping you.

ampersandrew, avatar

Disney movies have had pecks on the lips since the beginning of time. Presumably these children's parents kiss in front of them the same way all the time.



ampersandrew, avatar

I mean, yeah, the happy marriages.

TipRing, avatar

Sleeping Beauty was a racy sexual culture war statement.

Itty53, avatar

He's a fascist troll. Block him. Check his history. Classic "rack up reputation in game subs and then spam right wing hate speech everywhere else". Dude is a total fash troll, again, block him. Fedi works best when we block those guys because just responding to them is spreading their messages through your network.


Agreed. These people are psychotic fascists that need to push their sexual obsessions onto children or "they will die." It's sickening. I'm glad this site is not a reflection of the real world.



Itty53, avatar

Bo Peep and Woody flirting isn't universal ... and being unwed, the sexual innuendo presents a double standard. But that's not politics to you.

But make her a him, call him Beau Peep and change nothing else in the same sentence? "Politics". Ugh.


And yet you didn't see parents complaining about hetero couples kissing... 🤔

This is 100% a bigotry issue, they're just using sexuality as their cudgel to attack the LGBT+ community.


Showing two people kissing is, “going too far” and “pushing politics” only to fascists like you.


The vast majority clearly agree otherwise Disney wouldn't be in such financial trouble.

AngrilyEatingMuffins, (edited )

holy shit the brainwashing is in real. "such financial trouble" DISNEY?!


jesus christ you are too stupid and susceptible to be allowed to exist uncritically in society. straight up.

market cap of 170 billion fucking dollars

fucking nazis are too comfortable. doesn't even deny being a fascist. time to arm the fuck up again, kids.


Lmao they are definitely in financial trouble. They've admitted it themselves and this statement is clearly a result of their financial troubles. Keep dreaming though. If this direction was so profitable then they wouldn't be publicly making this statement.

roofuskit, avatar

When two straight people kiss in a movie does that mean a company is pushing "the straight agenda"?




Ah yes. Media companies should produce stories with literally no point or purpose! Just like they always have!


They are more than welcome to, but clearly there isn't a large enough audience who wants to see those types of movies, let alone subject their children to it.


Representation is incredibly important.

If your solution is don’t show gay couples because it upsets homophobic people then that’s fucking stupid.

Black people had to fight a similar battle to be included in the media. Should they have bent to the racists as well in your opinion?

We know the racists are on the wrong side of history. And anyone sensible knows homophobes and transphobes are as well.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

Remember folks, there's one cultural detail you can already see emerging at mastodon, firefish, bluesky, lemmy, kbin, beehaw, etc. A much more vocal advocacy for "block first, ask questions later."

Don't engage. Block. Let the fascist bigots find themselves with no one to talk to but each other.

In the old days we called that "don't feed the trolls."


Yes. If they won't let us have the children like we want, we must silence them!

JelloBrains, to news in Biden urges carmakers to give UAW workers more in strike talks avatar

I'd be surprised if the union believes he's going to look out for them, after what happened with the rail contracts. I believe that is why the UAW has yet to endorse his 2024 campaign.

xc2215x, to news in Biden urges carmakers to give UAW workers more in strike talks

Good to see from Biden.

dingus, to news in Cough syrup killed scores of children. Why no one has been held to account? avatar

Because capitalism never pays for externalities.

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