@jantzen@mas.to avatar



IT-konsulent bosatt i Bergen. Kone og tre barn. Gammel fotoentusiast, men knipser nå mest med mobilen. Tidliger aktiv trompetist i korps, storband og orkester, men nå aktiv heiagjeng for tre musikanter i den nye generasjonen.

IT consultant living in Bergen, Norway. Wife and three teenagers. Used to be camera enthusiast, but now mostly snaps with phone camera. Played the trumpet av few decades ago, in wind band, big band and symphonic orchestra, now a supporter of a new generation of musicians.

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doctormo, to random
@doctormo@floss.social avatar

I'm thinking I might stop using the term #fediverse #fedi or #activitypub when I want to talk about this community of federated social media services.

It's confusing and to be honest sounds way too much like a corporate brand trying to sell something.

I'm thinking I might start using something like "open internet" in general and "open social media" in particular to make the point that fedi isn't some specific thing; it's the default social media for the open internet.

Am I wrong?

@jantzen@mas.to avatar

@doctormo The norwegian fediverse has coined the term #allheimen, which directly translates to "the home for everyone". It is also a play on the word Alltinget, the name of the Icelandic parliament. Alltinget is the worlds oldest funtioning parliament. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Althing

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