@MayInToronto@mstdn.ca avatar



Dipped my toe into civics and now I care about stuff. #Toronto, food, life, politics. Queerdo and proud.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

LALegault, to random
@LALegault@newsie.social avatar

Can someone tell me in the #fediverse if this #threads thing is #satanicpanic or a real thing? #fedihelp

✍️ Edit: Mostly Satanic Panic, #mastodon.

@MayInToronto@mstdn.ca avatar

@DavidBHimself @LALegault

I disagree. The nature of federation is more like this:

Instance A: Hi, my rules are no racism, and if you have and enforce that rule, we can be friends and federate.

Instance B: I hate racism too! Let's federate!

Threads: I want to federate too! I'm huge and don't really enforce the racism rules.

A: No thanks, I don't want to see any racism. defederate

B: I'll wait and see.

  • A still sees B's stuff, but not Threads.
  • B sees everything.
  • Threads sees B.
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