anubis2814, to random

Hey . Not to brag or anything but now has its own versions of and where you can filter just video, just audio or just pictures. A few bugs need to be hammered out with images in the css department but the hard part is all done.

readbeanicecream, to fediverse avatar

You already knew that is a great replacement for and can be used with . You also already knew that kbin was a great replacement for . But did you know that kbin can filter by and ; making it a great replace for and ? Learn more at:

Chozo, to fediverse

I feel like the reason , and the at large, aren't taking off has to do with the fact that they're actually social networks. People don't seem to want a social network, they want content platforms. People aren't using or or to keep up with their friends these days, they're using these apps to entertain themselves. And since and every other platform that used to be a social network began pivoting toward content promotion, I think society has forgotten what a social network is supposed to actually be anymore.

(E: Grammar.)

Sam_uk, avatar

@Chozo I wonder if this bodes well for Kbin/Lemmy? Arguably their model is more about content than social relationships.

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