
palmoildetectives, to random avatar

#News: #Indigenous Awyu people of #Papua win lawsuit filed against illegal Tanah Merah mega #palmoil plantation. This requires the companies to cease #deforestation and preserve what remains. Indigenous groups say it does not go far enough though to protect land and give their #landback #IndigenousRights #landrights #PapuaNewGuinea Story via @mongabay

#News: #Indigenous Awyu people of #Papua win lawsuit filed against illegal Tanah Merah mega #palmoil plantation. This requires the companies to cease #deforestation and preserve what remains. Indigenous groups say it does not go far enough though to protect land and give their #landback #IndigenousRights #landrights #PapuaNewGuinea Story via @mongabay

fediverse_connection, to random German avatar

THE NET IS HEALING - Beginners Guide to Mastodon & Fediverse

NewPipe ( ):

patrickworld, to random avatar

#Fediverse #Mastodon question: why do the same people keep following and unfollowing me? 🤷🏾‍♂️

jantheowassink, avatar

@patrickworld They love you, they love you not, they love you, ...... (ad infinitum).

cyberner, to random avatar

@mobilizon is there a way a group can vote on a event date? like when you try to find a fitting date for all/most members? #fediverse #mobilizon

feditips, to random avatar

The Fediverse has an event organisation platform called @mobilizon, find out more at:


#Mobilizon servers let you create event pages where people can sign up, even without an account.

Mobilizon accounts can be followed from Mastodon etc, and followers will see your latest events appear in their home feed.

It's made by non-profit @Framasoft, who also make @peertube and provide all kinds of nice free open source online services.

#Fediverse #FediTips #Events

rideranton, (edited ) to kbinMeta avatar

I've submitted the second to last #kbin #API PR for review! This PR adds thread and thread comment retrieval, creation, deletion, editing, voting, reporting, and moderation functionality to the API! The last PR will be very similar to this one, except for microblogs!

Didn't you have the API 'complete' like 2 months ago?

Yes, but it did not have any tests written to verify that it worked. These PRs have been resolving that issue so that there can be at least some guarantees that the API works when it gets onto and others

(Also, please remember to buy @ernest a coffee if you are able, he's been burning the candle at both ends to support and deal with personal business)


J12t, to random avatar

And I thought only the #fediverse can’t keep it’s Like counts and Follower counts and comment threads synchronized across instances.

Earlier today I looked at the “general” Matrix room of the Fediverse Developer Network, and it had just something like 40 people in it. Where did they all go? But all false alarm. Just now, I use the same app to look at the same number, and it’s back at 147, roughly where I thought it was.

Imho none of this is acceptable, never mind technical difficulties.

lufthans, avatar

@J12t netsplits could be an issue for a real time chat, but for federated non real time ( Mastodon, PixelFed, PeerTube ) I think splits are fine

It makes sense for the OP to get correct numbers, but for others the numbers in their orbit are sufficient

At a concert tour I only see the people at the shows I attend, not all the venues

Even for real time chat, we really only need to see the messages, not necessarily those who aren't active

We are not a number, but we are a critical mass :)

nkcmr, to random avatar

I wonder if the ActivityPub spec has some allowance for the eliding of the "user" part of a handle. So instead of "@/" it could just be "@/" (without "/").

If not I think that would be a nice add. Maybe just some convention like "If user not present in handle, assume "@/".

BigAngBlack, to random avatar

If the #fediverse had a #mascot, what would it be?

chrismessina, to random avatar

That sound you hear is the fediverse expanding!

"ActivityPub 1.0.0 for WordPress has been released allowing WordPress blogs to be followed by others on apps like Mastodon and others in the fediverse and then receive replies back as comments on their own sites."

Download here:

/by @Sarahp s/o @pfefferle

wedistribute, to random avatar

You can now follow our publication directly and comment on articles via #ActivityPub on the #Fediverse! 🎉

Check out @news. 🥰

readbeanicecream, to science avatar

A remote Air Force base in Alaska is getting its own nuclear reactor -PopSci
If all goes according to plan, the micro reactor will be online at Eielson Air Force Base by 2027.
#science #tech #technology #military #militarytechnology #usairforce #nuclear

feditips, to random avatar

If you have joined the Fediverse's social reading platform @bookwyrm, you might like to know you can import your existing data from #Goodreads, #LibraryThing, #StoryGraph, #OpenLibrary or #Calibre:


If you're looking for a server to sign up on, there's a good one at:


#BookWyrm #Fediverse #FediTips

cliffwade, to random avatar

If the entire rest of the #Fediverse would learn to do what @freakazoid states here, the Fediverse would be in a much better place with a LOT less drama and ignorance.

NotAPenguin, to kbinMeta

I hope updates after this big one are gonna come more regularly and that smaller fixes aren't pushed to be included in big updates.
There's a lot of issues which have seemingly been solved a long time ago now but we don't have the fixes because it's all in the big update.

It doesn't feel great to have issues, some of them quite critical, go unfixed for this long and it's probably making people not use kbin as much which is dangerous if we wanna keep this place, especially at this early stage.

I'm of course very appreciative of the work being done and I'm looking forward to the update!


ernest, (edited ) avatar
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